what does a tr course mean

by Lonnie Carroll 7 min read

Tuesday and Thursday

What does it mean if a class is tr?

Tuesday and ThursdayTR means that the class meets on Tuesday and Thursday.

What does TR mean on a course schedule?

Tuesday, ThursdayMonday, Wednesday, Friday. MW. Monday, Wednesday. TR. Tuesday, Thursday.

What are the abbreviations for college classes?

Course AbbreviationsBIOL – Biology.BLW – Business Law.BUS – Business.CEP – Counseling Educational Psychology.CH – Core Humanities.CHEM – Chemistry.CHS – Community Health Science.COM – Communications.More items...

What is r day in college?

The abbreviation for the days of the week are: R = Thursday. F = Friday. S = Saturday. U = Sunday.

What does t mean in college classes?

TuesdayM=Monday, T=Tuesday, W=Wednesday, R=Thursday, F=Friday, S=Saturday, U=Sunday.

What day of the week is tr in college?

TR refers to classes that meet on Tuesdays and Thursday. The "T" is for Tuesday, "R" is for Thursday.

What are my degree letters?

Academic DegreesFormal UseGeneral Use 1Abbreviated UseBachelor of Artsbachelor's degreeB.A.Bachelor of Sciencebachelor's degreeB.S.Bachelor of Science in Engineeringbachelor's degreeB.S.E.Master of Artsmaster's degreeM.A.1 more row

How do you abbreviate Bachelor's degree?

Bachelor's DegreesBA = Bachelor of Arts.BAAS = Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences.BAED = Bachelor of Art Education.BArch = Bachelor of Architecture.BAS = Bachelor of Arts and Sciences or Bachelor of Applied Science.BASW = BA Social Work.BBA = Bachelor of Business Administration.BEd = Bachelor of Education.More items...

What is the abbreviation for course?

Abbreviation for Course:21CRSCourse Aviation, Architecture, Construction8CrseCourse + 1 Locations, Technology, Universities1C rse RSECourse Engineering, Construction, Drawings5crsCourse Navigation5csecourse + 1 WW23 more rows

What does TR mean on a transcript?

transfer summary recordThe TR grade allows colleges to input a transfer summary record that can appear on the transcript and will affect GPA.

What does DB mean in college?

1. DB. Discipline Board. Board, Business, Education.

What does WR mean in college?

Writing-Intensive coursesWR stands for Writing-Intensive courses All or selected sections of courses, may be designated with a WR.