what does a pink box next to the course mean on canvas

by Dr. Jess King Jr. 6 min read

What do the icons in the canvas gradebook mean?

Dec 01, 2020 · Canvas: Icons and Colors in the Gradebook. This article demonstrates the meaning of each of the icons in the Canvas gradebook. The Gradebook includes several icons and colors that may display in the assignment columns, assignment groups, and Total column. Icons and colors are simply gradebook indicators to assist you with course grading.

What happens if I copy a canvas course to another course?

Originality Report. If your instructor uses an originality tool, you may be able to view an originality report for your submissions. To view the originality report, click the Originality Report icon [1]. The icon color indicates the percentage of text matched by the originality tool. A timer icon indicates the originality tool is still checking ...

How do I assign sections to my students in canvas?

Turnitin Color-coded Icons For Turnitin assignments, a Turnitin score icon is displayed in the Canvas Gradebook, Turnitin submission area of a Canvas Assignment and in SpeedGrader. The color of the icon represents the similarity index percentage as follows: gray (originality report has not been generated) blue (no matching words) green (1-24% similarity index) yellow (25 …

Why am I not receiving announcement notifications from my Canvas course?

The Black Warning Icon [1] notifies you that the final score does not include one of the assignment groups because the group has zero points possible (the warning will tell you which assignment group is affected). This icon only displays in the total column related to assignment group errors. You can correct the assignment group warnings by making sure a weighted …

What is pink in canvas gradebook?

Late submissionThere are different colors with various meanings in the Gradebook. Here you can see what each color represents: Yellow Shading [1]: Resubmitted assignment. Pink Shading [2]: Late submission. Gray Lined Shading [3]: Dropped grade.Apr 24, 2017

What do the icons mean on canvas?

(1) The document icon- Indicates a file has been submitted, but not graded. (2) The discussion icon- Indicates a graded discussion has been submitted, but not graded. (3) The link icon- A URL has been submitted, but not graded.

What do the colors mean in canvas grading?

Gradebook includes a default set of colors that indicate different assignment statuses. Blue indicates a late submission. Red indicates a missing submission. Green indicates a resubmitted assignment. Orange indicates a dropped grade.

What does a red box mean on canvas?

The New Gradebook includes a default set of colors that indicate various statuses for assignments: Blue [1]: Late submission. Red [2]: Missing submission.Jul 24, 2019

What does the eye mean on canvas?

Now, you are able to post/hide grades in the Canvas grade center. You may have noticed an orange eye icon on your grade center. This means that grades are currently hidden from students. When you click the three dots next to the grade column name, you now have the option to “post grades”Sep 27, 2019

What does the little rocket in canvas mean?

A rocket icon appears in the gradebook column, indicating the quiz has not been fully graded. To regrade or modify a quiz that students have already taken: 1. Use quiz regrade. Edit existing quiz questions and tell Canvas to recalculate student grades.Oct 6, 2017

What does incomplete grade mean on canvas?

An Incomplete (I) Grade should be given only when the student can complete the remaining coursework on an individual basis with the instructor. Canvas can be used to facilitate course completion; however, faculty CANNOT add the student into a similar Canvas course taught during any subsequent semesters.

What is an incomplete grade in canvas?

An incomplete grade (IN) is a temporary grade contingent on the student's agreement to complete the work they missed. If the student does not meet terms and conditions associated with the incomplete grade within two semesters of the grade's assignment, then the (IN) will become an F (or failing) grade.Jul 22, 2020

What is an incomplete grade?

An Incomplete Grade ("I") is a non punitive grade given only during the last one-fourth of a term/semester and only if a student (1) is passing the course and (2) has a justifiable and documented reason, beyond the control of the student (such as serious illness or military service), for not completing the work on ...

How do I use the icons and colors in the Grades page?

There are different icons on the Grades page. Depending on the type of assignment submission, grading rules, and comments, you will see different icons.

Submission Type Icons

The following icons represent different assignment submission types on your Grades page:

Submission Details Icons

When your instructor grades your assignment, the grades page displays a blue dot next to the assignment [1]. The indicator disappears when you navigate away or refresh the page.

Grading Types

Each grading type shows up differently on the Grades page. Here you can see how each grading type is represented:


When an assignment's details display in gray text, this assignment has been dropped as part of an assignment group calculation and does not factor into your total score.


The status column displays labels for assignments that are late or missing. If an assignment was submitted after the due date, it is identified as late [1]. If an assignment has not been submitted by the due date, it is identified as missing [2].

Originality Report

If your instructor uses an originality tool, you may be able to view an originality report for your submissions. To view the originality report, click the Originality Report icon [1]. The icon color indicates the percentage of text matched by the originality tool. A timer icon indicates the originality tool is still checking your submission [2].

What is gradebook?

The Gradebook includes several icons and colors that may display in the assignment columns, assignment groups, and Total column. Icons and colors are simply gradebook indicators to assist you with course grading. All published assignments count toward a student's total grade unless they are excused assignments.

What does the black warning icon mean in a score?

The Black Warning Icon [1] notifies you that the final score does not include one of the assignment groups because the group has zero points possible (the warning will tell you which assignment group is affected). This icon only displays in the total column related to assignment group errors.

What is the grade detail tray?

The Grade Detail Tray Warning Icon displays a warning icon for assignments that are not calculated as part of the final grade. This icon displays if the Do not count this assignment towards the final grade option is selected, or if the assignment is in a weighted assignment group with no weighted percentage.

What is differentiated assignment?

When using differentiated assignments, the assignment appears as a column for all students, but grade cells are grayed out for students who are not part of the assignment and do not include a dash.

What does "disabled columns" mean in grades?

Disabled columns do not include dashes in the Gradebook cells, which indicates that grades cannot be entered, and display a gray background. Disabled columns are labeled for unpublished assignments [1] and anonymous assignments [2].

Can you edit assignments in closed grading period?

Assignments in a closed grading period cannot be edited.

Section-Specific Announcements

Canvas recently introduced the ability to send announcements to specific sections, rather than the entire class. To select specific sections for your announcement, open the Post to drop-down menu and select one or more sections from the list provided. To remove a section you have selected, click the X next to its name.

Section-Specific Assignments

When creating assignments in your course using Assignments, Quizzes, and Discussions, you can differentiate the assignment details. For example, your course sections may meet on different days of the week, so you can vary availability and due dates for each section.

Adding TAs

In Canvas, you can assign teaching assistants to specific sections in a course and limit their access to those sections only. When you restrict TAs to their assigned section (s) only, they will not be able to see or grade students in other sections of your course.

Create Course Details

Enter the Name [1] and Course Code [2] for the new course. The name will be displayed on the Course Home Page and in Conversations. The course code will be displayed at the top of the Course Navigation menu and in the course card in the dashboard. Course code is also referred to as the reference code or short name.

Select Migration Content

To import all content from the course, select the All Content radio button [1].

Adjust Events and Due Dates

If you want to adjust the due dates associated with the course events and assignments, click the Adjust events and due dates checkbox.

View Current Jobs

The Current Jobs section displays the status of your import. Running reports display a progress bar indicating the time remaining to complete the import [1].

Select Sections

By default, Canvas will send your announcement to all sections within your course. To select specific sections for your announcement, click the Post to drop-down menu and select sections from the list provided.

Add Attachment

To add an attachment to your discussion, click the Choose File button [1].

Select Options

In the Options section, you can select various options for your announcement. You can delay the posting of your announcement [1], which allows you to schedule the announcement for a future date.

What is a Unicheck extension?

Unicheck’s Canvas Course Extension allows instructors and students to use additional functionality offered by Unicheck directly in their Canvas environments. If you see the "Unicheck" section on the side panel in Canvas, it means that the extension has been enabled by your LMS administrator and you can start using it.

What is Unicheck report?

Unicheck Report highlights all text segments that match Internet and Library sources and provides a list of matched sources. You can click on the highlighted segments to see the corresponding matched sources (alternatively, when you click on sources from the list, the corresponding text segments are highlighted).
