what does a course in mirackes say about feeling sorry for people

by Angeline Zboncak DDS 9 min read

What does "my feelings are valid" mean?

A perspective I have heard from people in therapy is, “My feelings are valid (meaning, they have some sound basis; they are justified). After they are validated, then I can go through a process of letting them go.” That, unfortunately, is an exact parallel to what The Song of Prayer calls “forgiveness-to-destroy,” in which we say, “My resentment is justified, but now I’m going to let it go.” If the feeling is valid, justified, how can you really let it go?

Is feeling more spiritual than thought?

In spiritual circles, it is virtually a truism that feeling is more spiritual than thought. If, at a spiritual gathering, someone acknowledges the superiority of feeling over thought, everyone nods and murmurs in approval. Would everyone nod if someone said the reverse: “Hey, you are too into your feelings. You really need to get out of your heart and into your head!”

Do you need to feel your feelings before healing?

If there are pillars of conventional spiritual/psychological wisdom , one of them has to be that you need to fully feel and express them before they can be healed. And whatever you do, do not rush yourself through this. Not feeling your feelings and not letting them run their course is seen as perhaps the biggest violation of the healing process.

How do we heal our unconscious guilt?

As per the Course, we are healing our unconscious guilt through forgiveness. What we habitually do is project our own guilt as blame unto the other. So by forgiving the other you release your own guilt. All abuse is self-abuse, for “you but do this to yourself”, says Jesus as the secret to salvation.

Why do manipulators shift blame to victims?

An emotional/mental abuse or a manipulator/abuser in general will never take responsibility for their actions, neither care about the damage, they will always tend to shift the blame to the victim victimizing themselves, because they lack emotionallity and they roll with a childish emotional level.

Can everything be forgiven?

Everything can be forgiven - that is what you learn as you practice the Course - that eventually there are no exceptions in forgiveness. That said, it would only be guilt that would keep you in an abusive relationship as a way to punish yourself.

What is a course in Miracles?

A Course in Miracles shines the light of greater awareness on guilt and, step by step, gently but firmly, dismantles this joy-killer. Every day, find more and more reasons for your innocence, and you’ll be well on the road to freedom.

What does ACIM say about the past?

It can touch me not’. The only place the yesteryear lives is in your mind. The events that occurred matter less than how you think about them now. We’ve all made mistakes. What we do with them determines our current experience. If you keep going over your mistake s, they rule your life. If you bless them for their teachings and find ways to look at them that bring you peace, they become your friend.

How to be as far from peace as possible?

Notice the energy and feelings your judgement generates within – you will be as far from peace as is possible. Now imagine releasing that person from your opinions. For a moment, suspend your upset. Notice the freedom you experience. All that you give to others, you give to yourself.

What is the choice between fear and love?

2 Every moment is a choice between fear and love. Every thought you think, word you speak, and action you take proceeds from either your true nature or a distorted illusion. Innocence and guilt, peace and upset, healing and illness all spring from that one fundamental choice. At various times during the day, especially if you become upset ...

What would happen if we felt completely innocent?

But we do feel guilty, and that is at the root of all of our anxiety.

What is the heart of anxiety?

At the heart of all anxiety is guilt, and the accompanying shame about whatever we believe we are guilty of. The guilt does not have to be conscious, and often is not. There does not have to be awareness of what one feels guilt about – sometimes the hidden aspect of it is what allows it to keep having power over us.

Can we be anything except perfect love?

We can’t be anything except perfect love. Anything else that we believe we are is a lie being told to us by our false self, the ego mind. We are not only loved like crazy by God, but we are actually made of LOVE. We can’t be anything except perfect love.

What is the course in Miracles?

In the years since, A Course in Miracles has resulted in an international spiritual movement expressive in two foundations: Inner Peace, an administrative and publishing arm, and the Foundation for A Course in Miracles, with thousands of study groups, hundreds of newsletters, and many teaching centres. Helen’s Jesus told her the Bible needed ...

What is the perfect book for the uninformed?

For the uninformed, it is the perfect book, combining the familiarity of Christianity with moral relativism and pantheism. Many people today want the comfort the church can give without all the inconvenient repentance part – and certainly not the part that says there is only one way to God. Marianne Williamson, who has fashioned herself ...

Why did Jesus do the miracles of the loaves and fishes?

Jesus was able to do the miracles of the loaves and the fishes because he realised that he was not a being of this world.

What is the message of the crucifixion?

Do not make the pathetic error of ‘clinging to the old rugged Cross’. The only message of the crucifixion is that you can overcome the Cross. Until then you are free to crucify yourself as often as you choose. This is not the Gospel I intended to offer you.

Who said there is an infinite source of fools born every day looking for God, wealth and happiness in all the wrong

To paraphrase Barnum ’s most notable quote, there is an infinite source of fools born every day looking for God, wealth and happiness in all the wrong places. Marianne and others like her stand ready at the till. by Brian Flynn – excerpted from “Running Against the Wind”.

Who wrote the book Reflections on the Christ?

New Age writer David Spangler wrote a book titled Reflections on the Christ, in which he states that Jesus was an ordinary (though quite spiritual) human being who became a vehicle through which the Christ manifested himself for a short period of three years.

A Practical Step

What has helped me a great deal every time I have a negative thought towards another person, or myself, or my stomach gets filled with fear (from childhood) is this sentence:

A Magical Question

Another sentence that is magical is to silently ask, ”What can I do for him, Your holy Son?”

Angels All Around Us

According to ”A Course in Miracles” every person you meet in your life who touches you negatively is a hidden angel who was sent and asked for by you on a deeper unconscious level.