what do you need to bring to hunter safety course in pa

by Landen Carroll 7 min read

Full Answer

Where can I take a hunter safety course in PA?

2001 Elmerton Ave. Harrisburg, PA 17110-9797 717-787-7015 Made in the U.S.A. This Pennsylvania hunter safety course is proudly made to serve students, agencies, and organizations in the state of Pennsylvania and worldwide. How do I get my Pennsylvania Hunter Education Certificate?

What do I need to get a PA hunting license?

You need education before you can purchase a PA hunting or trapping license if you are a first-time hunter or trapper, regardless of age. Get hunter certified in 3 steps.

What is the minimum age to take the PA Hunter ed course?

You need education before you can purchase a PA hunting or trapping license if you are a first-time hunter or trapper, regardless of age. What is the minimum age to take this online course? You must be at least 11 years old to take this online course. Do I have to be a resident to take the Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course?

How do you become a hunter trapper in PA?

Individuals may take hunter-trapper education either through an in-person class or by completing an online class. Free, In-Person Training: Available to anyone 11 years and older. A training certificate recognized throughout North America is awarded when you pass a test at the end of the Pennsylvania Hunter-Trapper Education course.

How much does the Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course cost?

The Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course fee is $34.95.

Do you need Pennsylvania Hunting education?

You need education before you can purchase a PA hunting or trapping license if you are a first-time hunter or trapper, regardless of age.

What is the minimum age to take this online course?

You must be at least 11 years old to take this online course.

Do I have to be a resident to take the Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course?

You must be a resident of Pennsylvania to take the online course.

Is the Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course approved by the Pennsylvania Game Commission?

The Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course is approved and accepted by the Pennsylvania Game Commission.

Is my Pennsylvania Hunter Education Certificate accepted elsewhere?

All U.S. states, provinces, and other countries that have mandatory hunter education requirements will accept the Pennsylvania Hunter Education Cer...

I failed a unit quiz. Have I failed the course?

If you fail a unit quiz, you must restudy the unit and take the quiz again until you pass. You must score at least 80% on the unit quizzes to pass.

Do I have to take an online exam?

The Certification Exam is the exam you take at the end of the online course. You must score at least 80% on the exam to pass. You have unlimited at...

What is the proof of online Pennsylvania Hunter Ed Course completion?

Once you pass and pay for the online course, you will be able to immediately print out the Temporary Hunter Education Certificate. This is your pro...

How to get a hunter's license?

Get hunter certified in 3 steps. 1 Study and pass the $34.95 online course. 2 Print your online course completion document. 3 Get ready to go hunting!

What is Hunter Ed?

Hunter Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Hunting laws and regulations.

Can you take the Pennsylvania hunter safety course online?

It is possible to take the Pennsylvania hunter safety course online. I’m not sure why someone wants to do this, however, so it’s pretty doubtful that you can do it to meet insurability requirements. The course has been created and put together by the Pennsylvania Game Commission (PGC) since 1937.

Is the Pennsylvania hunter safety course free?

The Pennsylvania Hunter Safety Course is not free (says the site). The course, which the PA Game Commission approves, consists of a maximum of 8 hours in the classroom plus 4 hours in the field. The value of this course is that it lowers hunting accidents and provides hunter education to future hunters.

How much does the Pennsylvania hunter safety course cost?

The fee for the PA hunter safety course varies by provider. Some charge as little as $25, while others can cost up to $240. It all depends on the city where the course is being held.

How long is the Pennsylvania hunter safety course online?

The course is self-paced, so you can take as much time as you need to complete it.

Can I hunt on my land without a license in Pennsylvania?

Yes, but with restrictions. If you own land in PA and plan to hunt on the property without a licensed guide, there are a few requirements that need to be met.

How old do you have to be to hunt in Pennsylvania?

You have to be at least 17 years old. The Pennsylvania Game Commission no longer issues a hunting license or any other form of hunting authorization under 17. Minors ages 16 and 17 can hunt with written permission from their parents or guardian, but they cannot carry a gun on their person while in the field (only during transportation).

What do you need to get a hunting license in Pennsylvania?

Hunting requires a hunter safety course, which can take up to two years. Many counties require hunting licenses annually or every 365 days.

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Learn About Hunter Safety and Education Courses in Pennsylvania

Taking an approved hunter safety course in Pennsylvania is a requirement for many hunters hoping to engage in any hunting activities that need a license.

What are Pennsylvania hunter safety courses?

Hunter safety courses are training opportunities for both novice and advanced hunters of all ages. Often, the hunter education classes are accompanied by comprehensive training videos and online tools as well as supplement the material in classroom and online courses.

The Benefits of Hunter Safety Courses in Pennsylvania

The PA hunter education program is designed to be entertaining and informative, giving participants the chance to be as hands-on as they would like with their own learning.

Types of Pennsylvania Hunter Safety Courses

The types of hunter safety courses available in PA are divided by their difficulty level. For instance, basic hunter education courses are accessible to new hunters whereas advanced courses are reserved for experienced hunters. A list of all types of courses you can find in PA is as follows):

How to Take a Hunter Safety Course in Pennsylvania

Before taking a hunting license course, you must first determine which course you would like to enroll in and how you would like to take the course (i.e., in a classroom or online).

Become a safe hunter

The purpose of hunter education is to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to become safe, responsible hunters.

The online course

Typically, students meet these needs by attending a traditional, instructor led course including classroom lectures and field/range experiences. In today's society, students have less free time to devote to attending a hunter education course.

Pennsylvania State's requirements

To purchase a hunting license you must complete an approved Hunter Education course, if you have not held a hunting license in this Commonwealth or another state or nation.

Can I change my password?

Yes. Make sure you are logged in, then go to the change password page.

My credit card is being declined, what do I do?

Please contact the bank that issued your card. They will be able to see why the transaction is being declined.

Why can't I view my course certificate?

You have to complete the course to view and print your course certificate. Once you have completed the course, you can view and print your certificate from your Dashboard.

Turkey Season

SPRING GOBBLER (Bearded bird only): Special season for eligible junior hunters, with required license, and mentored hunters 16 and under – April 23, 2022. Only 1 spring gobbler may be taken during this hunt. Hunting hours end at noon.

Hunter Education Classes and Workshops

Since 1959, hunting-related shooting incidents have declined drastically. Hunting is safe and getting safer, thanks to hunter education.

Youth Hunting Opportunities

Special days are designated during the hunting seasons so that youth under the age of 16 may head afield with their parent or other adult mentor.

Learn to Hunt Program

The Pennsylvania Game Commission's Learn to Hunt progam is designed to help hunters of all ages get started. The online progam features many aspects of hunting. Participants will learn about game animal behavior, habitat preferences, choosing a firearm, preparing wild game meat for the table, and more.

Where to Hunt

An interactive map with searchable layers like habitat, seasons and bag limits, wildlife management units, and check stations.

Hunting Tips and Tactics

The Game Commission’s podcast Opens In A New Window, is all about wildlife, hunting, habitat and conservation efforts in the Keystone State.

Wild Game Cooking

The Game Commission has teamed up with Miss Allie’s Kitchen to provide resources for preparing and serving venison.

What is Bowhunter Ed?

Bowhunter Ed is the only safety course provider that develops print materials on behalf of government agencies responsible for Bowhunter laws and regulations.

Do you need a bowhunter license in Pennsylvania?

An approved Bowhunter safety course is required to comply with the laws and regulations in those jurisdictions. Depending on your age, you may be required to have the Bowhunter Education Certificate in order to legally buy a license or permit to hunt. For more information, see the Pennsylvania Bowhunter Laws and Regulations page.
