what do you learn during a leadership and organizational change course

by Iliana Trantow 9 min read

In Leading Organizational Change, you will:

  • Learn a proven, repeatable method for increasing your success in leading change initiatives
  • Discover and begin applying actionable steps for driving behavioral change throughout your organization
  • Move beyond a survival mindset, discovering techniques for engaging your workforce in envisioning and establishing positive change
  • Identify and secure the desirable changes brought about by the pandemic

The Leadership and Organizational Change (LOC) concentration allows students to explore and develop critical managerial skills in decision making, conflict management, communication, and venture-creation skills.

Full Answer

What Can I Do with an Organizational Leadership Degree?

Why do we study organizational leadership?

What is human resources?

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What Can I Do with an Organizational Leadership Degree?

The type of jobs you can get with an organizational leadership degree are numerous. Companies of all kinds in sizes need visionary leaders who can support change and drive progress. They also need those who can build and sustain teams while facing difficult challenges. Some careers SNU’s Organizational Leadership graduates have undertaken are:

Why do we study organizational leadership?

Those who study Organizational Leadership, need to have a firm grasp on organizational behavior and how it affects organizations of all sizes and levels. Studying organizational behavior can help students understand how teams succeed and fail, how to set up projects for success, and how to initiate meaningful changes within an organization. These classes should give students a constantly growing view of organizational behavior.

What is human resources?

Human Resources. Many students who study Organizational Leadership will go on to have meaningful and impactful roles in human resources. However, human resources is about more than working with people and helping to create a comfortable workspace.

How to learn organizational change?

Obtain a foundational knowledge and skills in the process of personal, group, and organizational change. Learn ways in which change is introduced and implemented in organizations. Sustain an organizational change culture. Use broad knowledge about the change process among people and organizations to implement strategies ...

What is a leadership and organizational change certificate?

The Leadership and Organizational Change certificate program offers a foundation in the process of personal, group, and organizational change, ways in which change is introduced and implemented in organizations, and how to sustain an organizational change culture. This program prepares students ...

What is leading change in complex organizations?

Leading Change in Complex Organizations presents innovative perspectives on organizational challenges, offering proven tools and frameworks to address them. The issues examined in the program—ranging from digitization to dynamic work design to workplace meritocracy—apply across sectors, industries, regions, and technical domains.

What are the three perspectives of change?

This program utilizes a unique analytical framework to address the change process from three perspectives: strategic, political, and cultural . Each of these lenses provides critical insights and tools that can help you avoid the pitfalls associated with managing change. You will learn to harness the leadership skills, political resources, and cultural understandings needed to guide successful organizational change.

What is the 21st century organization?

The 21st century organization is enormously complex, difficult to understand, and even more difficult to manage. Effective managers must have a strong knowledge of the people in the organization and the tasks they perform. They must also have the skills to use that knowledge in practical and flexible ways.

What drives big breakthrough innovations?

What drives big, breakthrough innovations? Often it’s constraints — limitations that force designers to rethink the whole problem and come up with something completely new to address it. The caveat here is that certain constraints spur big thinking, while others tamp it down.

What you'll learn

Identify any misalignments between the dynamics of your organization and external market conditions

Course description

Organizational Leadership explores the roles leaders must embrace to run a division, department, or organization: as a beacon who sets direction; an architect who aligns talent, systems and structure, and culture; and a catalyst who drives innovation and change.

How does leadership help in productivity?

Increases Productivity. When you know how to reach out to your followers and align them with work goals, it increases their productivity. In turn, your productivity also gets a boost. When your team or subordinates trust your leadership skills, they get motivated to work better and harder.

Why is leadership important?

Leadership is a necessary qualification to go up the corporate ranks and lead people. However, when you lack it, you do not have much room for professional growth. You fail to visualize your potential and how you want to chart your career. Leadership programs help you achieve that clarity.

What is the importance of introspection in leadership?

Know yourself – This is a key part of leadership. Introspection leads to being mindful about yourself, your surroundings and those who you work with.

How does a discussion of challenges help you?

Discussing challenges or concerns leads to discussions which can open up your mind and widen your perspective. Getting inputs from them helps you realize that there are many different ways to manage issues that arise and that leadership need not be a lonely journey.

What are the skills that you can acquire only when you undergo the course and apply the principles of self-awareness?

These are skills that you can acquire only when you undergo the course and apply the principles of self-awareness. Learning from peers – Leaders can learn a lot from each other. When you join such a course, you get to connect with others in the same or similar journeys as yours and with a certain career path.

Is leadership hard to find?

Leadership is a trait hard to find. As a number of companies have shifted their focus to hybrid roles – a mix of technical and soft skills, leadership is one skill that they expect from their employees.

Is a leader a human being?

A leader is also a human being . And, it is human to err. However, some leadership mistakes can prove costly for you, the team and organization as a whole. Leadership courses teach you common pitfalls that should be avoided as a leader. Leadership is a necessary employability skill today.

What is the role of a leader in organizational change management?

The leader’s role in organizational change management is no different than for any endeavor requiring an organization to perform. Considering organizational change management as an implementation “project,” the project manager must function as a leader and apply principles of leadership.

How to effectively manage change?

To effectively manage change, a leader must be committed to the change, be communicative and be accessible throughout the transition period.

Why is motivation important in organizational change?

Poor communication and lack of confidence in a silent management team can spawn rumors of worst-case scenarios. In times of transition, therefore, the role of motivating leadership becomes critical for providing credible and trusted communication to positively influence an organization’s reaction to change.

What is the role of leaders outside the immediate design group?

Leaders outside the immediate design group must visibly support the organizational design development process and execution; they must also be supportive in communicating the plan and results. Most importantly, they must ensure that the best individuals are assigned to positions in the organization without favoritism or bias.

What is management change?

As described in the previous post of this series, management of change involves defining and communicating the business objectives, the culture, and the vision of the end state. It includes establishing the working environment and appropriate sense of urgency required to achieve the change.

Why is motivating leadership important?

In times of transition, therefore, the role of motivating leadership becomes critical for providing credible and trusted communication to positively influence an organization’s reaction to change. Consider exactly what leadership is and is not. It is not the same as “management.”.

What is organizational design?

Creating and populating an organization (organizational design) is fundamental to the success of an enterprise. Properly done, it is guided by sound business objectives and unbiased decision-making.

What are the benefits of leadership training?

The 8 key benefits of a Leadership skills training. 1. You will be able to formulate and i mplement effective leadership strategies. 2. You will develop the capabilities needed to increase your team's work productivity. 3. It will help you decrease employee turnover and increase engagement, creating a strong and united team. 5.

Why is leadership training important?

Business leadership training can help mid-career managers to create higher value for their company in today's fast-changing global environment. Leadership training often includes training on business development and business strategy as well as leadership coaching to further hone skills for leading functions and complex businesses.

How can young managers prepare for greater responsibility and accelerate their careers?

Young managers can prepare for greater responsibility and accelerate their careers by improving their personal leadership skills. This can be done through a leadership skills training program that improves self-awareness and boosts skills for motivating teams.

How can managers improve their ability to work?

A great way for managers at all levels to improve their capabilties, inspire their teams and achieve outstanding business results is through leadership skills training. Successful leaders are able to transform organizations, enhance value creation, create efficiencies and engage their employees to deliver better results.

Why is it important to assess your leadership skills?

Regardless of your stage of career, leadership assessment can give you an objective idea of your abilities as a business leader. It is important to know more about your leadership competencies

What do you need to be a senior executive?

As a senior executive, chief executive officer or board member, you need to maintain your ability to find and leverage new business opportunities, drive innovation, and lead with conviction.

How does a team development program help you?

5. It will help you to identify and improve your leadership style. 6. You will develop your communication skills, mastering the art of negotiation, influence and conflict management. 7.

What is the job of a leader?

Your job as leader is to get others to believe in, and work towards, a shared goal, not to divide opinion or loyalties.

How to make a difference in a team?

Your team know what they do and how to do it, but you can make a big difference by sharing a strong sense of why they’re doing it and where it’s heading. Help them develop a broad understanding of the team’s purpose, and faith in how their role contributes to the whole. (Remember the floor-sweeper at NASA?)

How to be authentic in a relationship?

Be authentic, passionate, even emotional, about what you believe in. Share your vision and live your values. The personal is more engaging, even inspiring, than the process.

Do you learn anything new if you keep doing what you already know?

No-one learns anything new if you keep doing what you already know how to do, and don’t allow others to try. Anyway, they may find a different, or better way, and if not… mistakes are valuable too.

What Can I Do with an Organizational Leadership Degree?

The type of jobs you can get with an organizational leadership degree are numerous. Companies of all kinds in sizes need visionary leaders who can support change and drive progress. They also need those who can build and sustain teams while facing difficult challenges. Some careers SNU’s Organizational Leadership graduates have undertaken are:

Why do we study organizational leadership?

Those who study Organizational Leadership, need to have a firm grasp on organizational behavior and how it affects organizations of all sizes and levels. Studying organizational behavior can help students understand how teams succeed and fail, how to set up projects for success, and how to initiate meaningful changes within an organization. These classes should give students a constantly growing view of organizational behavior.

What is human resources?

Human Resources. Many students who study Organizational Leadership will go on to have meaningful and impactful roles in human resources. However, human resources is about more than working with people and helping to create a comfortable workspace.
