what do you do on a first aid course

by Prof. Eldred Rath MD 5 min read

Additionally, an HLTAID011 Provide First Aid Course may also cover the following:

  • Applying bandages and slings
  • Use of the EpiPen
  • Use of an asthma puffer
  • Managing unconscious, breathing casualty of a non-breathing adult and infant
  • Managing casualties
  • Responding to first aid incident

Your First Aid course work will cover how to control bleeding; what to do in the event of a head, neck or back injury; how to assess and treat injuries to limbs; how to respond to burns; how to treat minor injuries; how to identify and assess altered mental status; what to do in the event someone is experiencing ...Dec 30, 2019

Full Answer

What do you learn in a first aid course?

In a First Aid course, you will learn how to dress and treat wounds, bumps, bruises, and burns. Choking can be life-threatening, with many people in different age groups dying from not being able to breathe anymore due to a clogged windpipe.

Can I get first aid training at my school?

First Aid Programs for Schools - Teachers and administrators can not only receive first aid training from the American Red Cross, but when they become part of our school program, they can also train their students in first aid for free. Find out how to join our program.

What to bring to a first aid class?

Travel First Aid Kits OSHA Kits CPR Keychains Supplies & Refills Bleeding Control Apparel & Accessories Jackets, Coats & Sweatshirts Sweatshirts & Sweatpants Jackets & Coats Shirts T-Shirts Polo Shirts Backpacks & Bags Hats & Caps Holiday Gifts Cups & Water Bottles Water Bottles Outdoor Items Lifeguarding Lifeguarding Apparel

Why take first aid classes Red Cross?

Taking First Aid Classes Red Cross first aid training gives you access to best-in-class instruction in three unique ways. Whether you prefer the interaction available in a traditional classroom setting, the freedom to learn at your own pace online, or want a combination of the two, our innovative classes can help you learn the material your way.

Can you fail a first aid course UK?

What happens if I fail that exam? At the end of First Aid courses, you must complete a multiple-choice question paper. If you fail this, you will have one opportunity to retake. If failed a second time, you will need to book and sit the course again, giving you 2 more opportunities to retake.

What is taught in first aid?

Depending on the course you take, you'll learn CPR skills (which covers CPR for all ages, AED & choking), CPR for adults, and/or CPR for children. First Aid covers common scenarios including bleeding, burns, poisoning, shock, and respiratory emergencies.

What do you do during first aid?

What to doAssess the situation quickly and calmly. Safety: check whether you or the casualty are in any danger. ... Protect yourself and them from any danger. ... Prevent infection between you and them. ... Comfort and reassure. ... Assess the casualty and give first aid treatment. ... Arrange for help if needed.

What are the 3 basic first aid skills?

Basic skills like CPR, setting a splint, stopping bleeding in dire situations, are important life skills.CPR. Perhaps the most well-known, and most important first aid skill—CPR. ... Heimlich Maneuver. ... Set a Splint. ... Stop the Bleeding. ... Treat a Burn. ... Spot a Concussion. ... Support a Sprain. ... Sutures and Stitches.

How long is basic first aid training?

These courses generally take about one day, usually around 6 or 7 hours of tuition with both theoretical and practical elements. Following such a course, a first aider will be trained to deal with the major emergency situations, such as giving CPR, and dealing with people who are choking or bleeding severely.

What are the 5 main aims of first aid?

As shown in Box 12.1, the major objectives of first aid are: (i) to ensure that the victim reaches the place of specialised treatment safely and life is not lost in-between; (ii) to prevent further harm, i.e., the injury that has taken place, does not deteriorate further; (iii) to prevent the danger of further injury; ...

What happens at a 3 day first aid course?

This 3 day course includes course materials, expert tutoring and practical exercises to give learners in-depth training in the following information and treatments:Principles of first aid.Prevention of cross-infection.Basic life support (CPR & use of an AED)Breathing management.Managing unconscious casualties.More items...

What are the 7 steps of first aid?

Terms in this set (7)Take Charge of the Situation.Approach the Patient Safely.Perform Emergency Rescue and Urgent First Aid. DO NOT MOVE THE PATIENT AGAIN UNTILL STEP 7!!!!!Protect the Patient. ... Check for Other Injuries.Plan What to Do.Carry Out the Plan.

Why do a first aid course?

It gives you tools to prevent the situation from becoming worse. In some situations if a patient doesn't receive basic first aid care immediately their situation will deteriorate – often rapidly. By being able to provide basic care you can stabilize a patient until emergency medical services arrives.

What tasks do first aiders do?

The first aider is to provide immediate, potentially lifesaving, medical care, before the arrival of further medical help. This could include performing procedures such as: Placing an unconscious casualty into the recovery position to maintain their airway.

What are 10 items in a first aid box?

Top 10 First Aid Kit ItemsGloves/Eye Protection.CPR Pocket Mask.Tourniquet.Roller Gauze.4×4 Gauze Pads.Medical Tape.Two Triangular Bandages.Sam Splint.More items...•

What is the most important thing in first aid?

1) Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) This is the fallback protocol, which underlies all other first aid principles. CPR allows the rescuer to revive a person in cardiac arrest by keeping oxygen moving to their brain until help arrives or the person recovers.

What is first aid course?

Most first aid courses will cover the topics identified above, but not every course will dive into the other more sudden medical emergencies. First Edition First Aid takes the time to educate you on what to do for other medical problems such as diabetic emergencies, seizures, mental health emergencies, and even childbirth! You will truly come out of your training feeling prepared to provide assistance for every crisis.

What is the most important thing a first aid course will teach you?

Responding to Emergencies. One of the most significant things that a first aid course will teach you is how to respond to an emergency. Before you use your first aid skills to bandage a cut, sling an arm, etc., you need to know how to respond to the situation first. In your course you will learn everything you need to begin helping in particular ...

What is first aid training?

First Aid training is an opportunity to discover how to do some truly life-saving stuff – the every-day hero type stuff! The most common skill that people expect to gain from a First Aid course is how to perform CPR. But CPR isn’t the only thing we will teach you!

What is an AED?

Using an AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) will more than double the patient’s chance of survival. Knowing how to use these life-saving devices is easy, and when you get a chance to practice using them in a classroom setting, you will feel even more confident when/if you need to use one in an emergency.

How many questions are asked in the first aid course?

Fourteen questions test your first aid knowledge and show the trainer you can safely administer first aid in a medical emergency. The course is a fun interactive three days that provide you with the knowledge and confidence to respond to any incident within the workplace.

What to do if someone is bleeding heavily?

If someone is bleeding heavily, you must act on this before losing a fatal amount of blood. The First Aid at Work , First Aid Requalification & Emergency First Aid courses will teach you how to respond to this. You will learn how to apply pressure to a wound effectively and slow the bleeding.

What would health and safety personnel consider workplaces with multiple floors and departments as high risk?

Health & safety personnel would consider workplaces with multiple floors and departments as high risk. They would also class workplaces with operations constantly running through day and night with many workers, and the public present the risks as high.

What is the first aid course at work?

What does the course involve? For the 1-day Emergency First Aid at Work Course, attendees are taught a mixture of both practical and theory. You’ll learn how to examine a casualty, use a defibrillator, familiarize yourself with basic life support and learn how to control bleeding and trauma.

Why is first aid training important?

First aid training could be most important course you’ve ever taken. In the event of an emergency, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to deliver potentially life-saving assistance. Although many undertake training as part of a workplace requirement, these skills are invaluable in everyday situations and the course welcomes all individuals.

Do you need prior knowledge to learn first aid?

Don’t make this mistake. A great first aid training course won’t require any prior knowledge of first aid or emergency response. In fact, attempting to learn for yourself beforehand may cause confusion when practicing the techniques. As the course is designed for complete beginners, you won’t be expected to know anything.

Is there a free first aid course?

Free first aid courses may be given in your local area which offers the chance to familiarize yourself with some of the techniques. These are beneficial for those wanting an introduction to first aid but they can be limiting. They’re often not as in-depth as a certified course and assessment will be kept to a minimum.

What is the purpose of first aid training?

American Red Cross first aid training classes give you the information and the skills you need to help adults and children during many emergency situations.

Can teachers get first aid training?

Teachers and administrators can not only receive first aid training from the American Red Cross, but when they become part of our school program, they can also train their students in first aid for free. Find out how to join our program. Why Train With the Red Cross. Red Cross CPR Training Saves Lives.

What is first aid training?

First Aid training. First aid is broad as individuals learn how to handle different types of accidental emergencies. Persons are equipped with skills to relieve suffering and prevent further injury to the victim.

What is CPR course?

Knowledge of CPR. The course offers an in-depth understanding of CPR and its different types. People undertaking the course learn what CPR is and what it aims at achieving. It is inclusive of the concept behind the administration of CPR.

What is CPR training?

The CPR training also covers treating the victim choking in both conscious and unconscious conditions. Individuals are also equipped with proficiency and aptitudes to help different choking persons such as infants, children, and adults. The Use of AED. Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is also part of this course.

What is first aid course?

First Aid courses include both theory and practical demonstration of possible First Aid scenarios. First Aid situations require specific steps that must be followed to ensure the casualty is treated with optimum care at all times and to avoid causing any further damage.

What is first aid training?

First Aid training is taught by trained professionals who often have a history of working in the medical and health industry. In addition to this, at St John, many of our trainers are long-term event First Aiders. This expert knowledge and real-life experience allows First Aid trainers to provide incomparably valuable insight to their students.

What is a practical assessment for first aid?

The practical assessments give students the opportunity to put the skills and knowledge developed throughout their training into practice.

What is St John Ambulance Victoria?

St John Ambulance Victoria’s courses are run by trained professionals who are experts in First Aid. Our trainers have real life knowledge and are able to apply their experience to their teachings. By providing knowledge from real life situations it enables students to learn through a more in-depth, engaging and relevant approach.

6 Things You Absolutely Must Know Before Doing ANY First Aid Training

"If you sign up for a first aid course, you need to know what you're getting yourself into. You'll need to set realistic expectations so that you won't be disappointed. The following are six crucial things you must know before taking a first aid course"

A real life example

First aid courses often jump from one topic to the next very quickly, often without explaining any topic fully. For example, one course may be teaching CPR one minute, then jump to how to respond to cuts or serious wounds the next, never fully teaching you about what might cause a person to need CPR in the first place.

What could go wrong?

You may leave a first aid course feeling fuzzy or dazed, a normal psychological phenomenon that results from trying to remember too much information delivered in too short of time. If you don't remember 50% or more of what you learned in the course, did you really get your money's worth?

How to prepare yourself

Before, during, and after a first aid course, plan on investing extra time on your own in studying first aid books, doing more courses, and taking online lessons. This will help prevent overwhelm (as you'll be assimilating first aid information gradually, over time) and will assist you in retaining the information you're learning.

A real life example

A first aid course instructor may demonstrate to you how to bandage a bleeding cut, but he may only have you try it once or twice, possibly not at all. You might get some instant gratification from pretending to administer a bandage, but will you remember this technique during an emergency? Probably not.

What could go wrong?

If you claim to understand first aid, but then an emergency occurs, and you do not remember your skills or you freeze up, bad injuries could become worse, accidents could become deaths, and you may be left with a lifetime of remorse for not better responding to the emergency.

How to prepare yourself

Practice, practice, practice! First aid is about 40% theory, 60% training, practice, drilling, and skill-honing. If your first aid course does not make you practice first aid skills, take another course that emphasizes the physical application of the skills.
