what do you do in a college english course

by Dr. Garrick Toy III 10 min read

What to Expect From a College English Class

  • Reading. Throughout the semester, you will be expected to perform close readings of various texts, such as poetry, essays or works of fiction and nonfiction.
  • Writing. College writing assignments delve beyond summarizing or simply interpreting what you have read in a text.
  • Revising. ...
  • Taking Exams. ...

In fact, you should expect to perform several tasks in a college English course, including conducting close readings on assigned texts, composing research essays and analyses, developing critical-thinking skills and learning the appropriate ways to revise your papers.

Full Answer

What can you do with an undergraduate degree in English?

Students choose from a variety of courses within every area of the English major and may develop concentrations in a number of fields, including historical periods, cultural studies, popular culture, ethnic literatures, film studies, creative writing, and critical theory. In any given semester, we offer courses like Medieval Epic, Love in the Western World, Mythology, Revenge …

What are the different types of English courses at college level?

Jul 26, 2021 · An English degree will give you a flexible skill set to find a career that works for you. Graduates of Roosevelt's BA program in English have successfully landed jobs in publishing, marketing, education, nonprofits, teaching, law and much more. Marketable skills from an English degree. Strong writing. English majors can communicate their ideas in a logical, organized way. …

What are some writing jobs for English majors?

What You Can Do With an English Degree You might choose to pursue a career directly related to your degree, such as publisher, editor, or writer, or you might decide to pursue careers outside of the field. With the knowledge, skills and competencies you …

What should I expect in a college English class?

English 105 is a one-semester course that practices the various ways of reading and writing that are studied in English 101 as well as the research and argumentation strategies that are studied in English 102. The pace is faster so the workload is heavier. You may qualify for placement into English 105 by: an ACT score of 26 or more.

How hard is a college English class?

The Average College Time Put Into Homework vs. High School While college English courses encompass a number of topics and themes, all of them involve a greater workload of essays, more class involvement through discussions, and rigorous training in the arts of revision and critical reading.May 10, 2019

What do you learn in English course?

Classes generally revolve around reading novels, essays and other forms of literature, and require students to analyze, interpret and dissect written material in order to compare, contrast and discuss elements, like theme, characters and plot.

Why is English class important in college?

You'll be communicating with a more sophisticated audience in college and you'll want to be able to speak their language. You're no longer writing for high school teachers. Your professors will expect more from you in terms of vocabulary, grammar and fluidity of your work.

What should students do with English?

English is important for students as it broadens their minds, develops emotional skills, improve the quality of life by providing job opportunities. Moreover, the use of English as an International language is growing with time because it is the only medium for communication in many countries.

What can I do with a bachelor's degree in English?

Upon graduating with a bachelor’s degree in English, many students go on to work as research assistants at universities. An assistant usually works under a fulltime faculty member. These positions are mainly part-time and are used as a source of supplementary income for graduate students.

What can I do with an English major?

English majors are trained to write well , to organize ideas in a logical way, and to develop arguments. You can analyze complex information, research, and critically read and observe . With these skills, you can work for book publishers, hospitals, television networks, advertising firms, and the government.

What are the skills required to become an English major?

Marketable skills from an English degree 1 Strong writing. English majors can communicate their ideas in a logical, organized way. 2 Developing sound arguments. In an English program, you’ll learn how to think critically about what you read and defend your perspective. 3 Analyzing complex information. As a critical thinker, you’ll understand how to research, observe and tackle new skills. 4 Attention to detail. Your English classes will sharpen your eye for detail as you proofread and edit communications. 5 Creative thinking. You can use your training as a writer and thinker to solve problems in a wide, exciting selection of careers.

How do I get a job in the government?

Another way to begin a career in government is becoming a congressional aide. Getting this job requires communication skills, computer skills, knowledge of current affairs, a background in volunteering, and versatility. A resume outlining these skills and experience is essential when applying for this job.

Where can I teach ESL?

With such a degree and proper certification, applicants can teach at ESL students at universities, primary and secondary schools, and international schools. There are graduate, undergraduate, and professional certification programs for those who hope to teach English abroad.

What degree do I need to get a job after graduation?

In order to get a tenure-track position, graduates need a terminal degree, which is a PhD in English or an MFA in Creative Writing.

Is it necessary to have a second language?

Though the mastery of a second language certainly helps, it is not necessarily a requirement. For those looking for a fulltime career, the best preparation for the job is to get a master’s degree in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) or English as an International Language (EIL).

What is college writing?

Writing. College writing assignments delve beyond summarizing or simply interpreting what you have read in a text. In fact, according to the University of Chicago, the fundamental part of writing assignments in a college English course is based on arguments. To develop an argument, you will be expected to focus on a narrow topic for your paper.

What is close reading in college?

Close reading involves dissecting and interpreting specific details or excerpts from a text.

Why do you revise a paper?

According to the University of Washington, revising your paper will improve not only your writing skills, but your reading and analytical skills as well . A college English course will teach you the necessary rules for revising papers, which include learning to evaluate your arguments, knowing how to identify whether the evidence appropriately supports your claims and understanding whether the paper answers all the questions the reader might have about your topic.

How to develop an argument?

To develop an argument, you will be expected to focus on a narrow topic for your paper. For instance, if you choose to write an analysis of a particular character, you will need to write a single claim or accusation about that character (for example, Nelly Dean is not a trustworthy narrator in "Wuthering Heights").

Do college English exams have multiple choice questions?

Many college English exams do not contain typical multiple-choice or true-false questions. Rather, you may be asked specific questions on class reading assignments and be required to answer those question in essay form. For example, you may be asked to compare and contrast scenes and characters from a book or even analyze the psychology of certain authors, providing specific evidence from the class readings in your answers. Conversely, some English instructors may not even assign exams at all during the semester, but instead expect students to complete a final essay project, typically between 10 and 15 pages.

Careers with an English Degree

You may be pursuing a bachelor of arts in English based on a passion for literature in various forms, and not because you have a specific career in mind.

What You Can Do With an English Degree

You might choose to pursue a career directly related to your degree, such as publisher, editor, or writer, or you might decide to pursue careers outside of the field. With the knowledge, skills and competencies you acquire, your career path possibilities are numerous.

What an English Degree Can Teach You

Although the specific goals and values of English departments may vary depending on which college of university is administering the program, the basic purpose remains consistent: the exploration and analysis of English literature and the English language.

Employable Skills You'll Gain

As a result of this coursework, this major can provide you with a set of skills that is specific to the subject matter. These skills apply to careers that are directly related to your degree. They include:

Careers Directly Related to an English Degree

Now that you have an idea of what skills you’ll be able list on your resume, it's time to find out what careers you can pursue that are highly relevant to them:

Other Employable Skills You Can Develop

Apart from the skills that are specific to an English degree, you can also acquire general, transferable skills as a result of your studies. You can apply these skills to plenty of careers that are not directly related to the major.

How Much You Can Earn as an English Graduate

You may be curious as to what salary you can earn with this major when first entering the workforce. The truth is, your salary could vary drastically, and is heavily dependent on the following factors (not an inclusive list):

What is attendance in online classes?

Generally, a student who fails to post an assignment to the class website during the assigned "window" of time will be counted absent for that class day.

What is English 105?

English 105 is a one-semester course that practices the various ways of reading and writing that are studied in English 101 as well as the research and argumentation strategies that are studied in English 102. The pace is faster so the workload is heavier. You may qualify for placement into English 105 by:

What is plagiarism in writing?

The general definition of plagiarism is “knowingly presenting someone else’s language or ideas as one’s own.” Plagiarism can take several different forms: 1 Using all or part of another writer's work word-for-word without quotation marks and proper acknowledgment. 2 Closely paraphrasing or summarizing another writer's work without acknowledgment. 3 Using original ideas expressed by another, in writing or in speech, without acknowledgment. 4 Copying another student's composition or allowing another student to copy one's own composition. This includes copying a paper from an online source—copying a paper written by someone else—in part or whole—does constitute plagiarism, regardless of the source. 5 Submitting a composition significantly revised by another person. 6 Submitting as one's own work a paper written by another student or supplied by a professional paper-writing company. 7 And, at ASU, turning in a paper that you wrote in one class for credit in another.

Does ASU take plagiarism seriously?

In accordance with policies stated in the Student Code of Conduct, Writing Programs will not excuse, condone, or ignore plagiarism. Offenders may receive severe penalties, including 1) immediate failure for the assignment, 2) immediate failure in the course, 3) immediate failure in the course with a grade of XE, 4) referral to the Student Conduct Committee of the University, and 5) possible expulsion from the University.

Can I take ENG 101 and 102?

Can I test out of English 101 and 102? No, you cannot test out of ENG 101 and 102. However, partial credit can be earned by certain scores on Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate tests. Please visit the Transfer Credit Guide to search credit by exam.

Do writing programs have caps?

No. Writing Programs courses have strict enrollment caps to maintain the effectiveness of instruction which depends largely upon the instructor's ability to respond frequently to the writing of each student.

Is plagiarism a new concept?

At the same time, we recognize that plagiarism is a new concept for many students, and it can be challenging to learn what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Therefore, if you are at all concerned that work you’re doing might be plagiarized, talk to your instructor before turning the assignment in.

What is college level English?

College-level English emphasizes critical thinking. In college-level English courses, there’s more of a focus on critical thinking, both in the way you read, annotate, and interpret texts, and in the way you write. In general, college-level English moves away from formulaic structures, like the five-paragraph essay, ...

What are the different types of English courses?

College-level English departments offer different kinds of English courses; the two most common categories are literature and writing. Literature courses will have you read published texts, and your writing will also center around these texts. You can often find courses on a variety of subjects, such as: 1 poetry 2 fiction 3 nonfiction 4 specific time periods or eras 5 movements 6 geographical regions

What is the class in college?

The class is a pillar of any school's core curriculum and polishes skills like analysis, argumentation, and communication through the written word. The ability to investigate ideas in clear, concise language is an essential skill — not just in college, but in the workplace as well. Outlets like The Hill and Inside Higher Ed have pushed back ...

What is academic writing?

Academic writing is a very specific style of writing that usually requires a formal tone. For many writing teachers, this formality rules out the use of contractions, slang, and the first-person point of view (i.e., sentences using "I"). Try to avoid sounding conversational in your academic writing.

Why is it important to incorporate sources in English 101?

Many English 101 college writing assignments ask you to incorporate sources. It's important to make good use of sources to support your own ideas. If done properly, integrating outside sources can demonstrate to your reader that you have done your research and aren't pulling ideas out of thin air.

What is English 101?

English 101 teachers often assign challenging texts that students are expected to read, analyze, and discuss. Their assignments include long academic papers that may require references to a variety of sources. For students who define themselves as "bad writers," this may sound like a nightmare. But it's important to keep in mind the benefits ...

What is the comma before "and"?

The Oxford Comma: In American English, lists of more than two items require a comma before the "and" that comes before the last item in the list. This comma is referred to as the Oxford comma or serial comma. Example: I bought an iPhone, Apple Watch, and Macbook.

What is "they say I say"?

"They Say / I Say": "They Say / I Say" is a classic English 101 textbook assigned in classrooms across the country. It provides clear explanations of how to formulate academic writing and includes helpful templates that integrate other sources, which students can use as springboards for writing.

What is the most cited website in English 101?

The Online Writing Lab from Purdue University is one of the most-cited websites in English 101 college classes. The website offers a massive array of resources for students, including explanations of writing concepts, exercises students can complete to practice those concepts, and detailed guides for common citation styles.

What do English majors study?

In addition to studying notable works, English majors spend time building their own voices. To complete their degrees, students will consider influential ideas as they analyze novels, poems, films and more from across the world.

What is the importance of an English major?

Becoming an English Major. An English major will develop close reading and critical writing skills while examining literature's connections to culture, history and other fields of study . In addition to studying notable works, English majors spend time building their own voices.

What is a higher level course?

Higher-level courses cover topics like creative writing, critical theory and literary history. The major provides ample academic and creative opportunities, allowing students to study key figures while also improving as playwrights, poets or novelists, if they so choose.

What is an innate assessment?

The Innate Assessment sets you up for success by pairing you with majors, colleges and careers that fit your unique skills and abilities.

How long is a language arts class?

A language arts course is one year (38 weeks) long. An English course is one semester (16 weeks) long. With the exception of Illinois Virtual High School, classes are face to face. You may select to enroll in a face to face class, a hybrid class (classes face to face and online) or an online class ...

What is the format of an essay in English?

Essays may be 2-3 pages utilizing a 5-paragraph format. Essays are longer, demonstrating extended thought, and do not adhere to a strict 5-paragraph format.

What are some examples of inferences?

Examples include making inferences, interpreting results, analyzing conflicting explanations to complex problems, supporting arguments with evidence, engaging in deep and reflective learning, and sharing ideas in oral discussions and in writing.

Does homework count toward grade?

Homework is consistently graded or checked and homework counts toward the course grade. Homework is assigned, but it may or may not count as part of the course grade. Tests may be given after each unit or chapter with several tests given during the course.

Do teachers provide handouts?

Teachers provide handouts in class of readings and assignments. Teachers may provide handouts in class, but often supplement textbook readings with online files accessed through learning platforms like Canvas. Teachers recommend getting help with assignments and provide this help.
