what do i look like a mary of course i want cigarettes

by Deshawn Hahn 6 min read

Family Guy Season 8 Episode 6 Quotes
Waiter: You want cigarettes on that sandwich? Customer: What do I look like a Mary? Of course I want cigarettes.
Nov 16, 2009

Does Humphrey Bogart look cool when he smokes?

I’ll admit it: Humphrey Bogart looks cool when he smokes. So do Cary Grant, Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, and Clark Gable. Their secret? Black and white film. The white plumes of smoke look cool floating across the gray screen.

What does Mary Tyler Moore want her audience to say?

"I want the audience to be able to say 'I like that lady' and 'she represents me', or 'she represents a friend of mine.'" And, empowered generations of professional women, comedy icons, and hopelessly devoted fans later — like her, we did. As The Mary Tyler Moore Show's Mary Richards once said, "I feel I represent women everywhere."

What did Mary Richards say about women everywhere?

As The Mary Tyler Moore Show's Mary Richards once said, "I feel I represent women everywhere." And as herself, with that signature smile, "But I do like to look for the funny side."

Is our culture changing its attitude towards smoking?

The point I’m trying to make is simply that our culture has experienced a sea change in its attitude about smoking in the last few decides, one that is highly beneficial to society as a whole. Once a sign of class and glamour, smoking is no longer sexy or cool or even normal.

What did Mary Moore say about alcoholism?

On her decades-long struggle with alcoholism, Moore recalled, "Every evening at six o'clock, I'd say, well I think I won't have the martini tonight. And about five minutes later, I'd be in there making it. And so, I decided rather than muck around any further as an amateur, I'd go to the pros, and the pros for me were The Betty Ford Center.

What did Sunshiny Moore say?

And then the wild risk-taker trait she employed, that she most enjoyed. Speaking with Charlie Rose, Moore said, "I love taking chances, I love to be scared. I never had enough time on the rollercoaster as a kid, and so I look for it now on my work. I like to be challenged. I like to not be totally familiar with areas that I'm going into, anymore, because that satisfies the creative part of me."

What topics did Mary Tyler Moore tackle?

The Mary Tyler Moore Show brought flawless comedy, with a side of feminism, tackling topics like sex, birth control, body image and equal pay with a sparkling levity.

Does Mary Moore have a natural sense of humor?

In an interview with Barbara Walters, Moore answered whether her infallible humor comes naturally: "No ... I have a natural love of other people's senses of humor. I find that probably one of the most important aspects of being a human being: To be funny, to have a great sense of humor, and I love to be around it and enjoy it. I think maybe that's why I'm a good 'straight woman', in essence, I'd like to just share in the extra light that comes off that funny person."

Did Mary Moore have any intimate friends?

You're kind of keeping them at arm's length. You're never allowing them to see you blow up and really get furious. To see you at what you think is your worst." She also admitted that while she adores many people, she had no intimate friends. "I'm very much attached to [people], but never to the point where if I were very unhappy about something, that I would burden them with it. I would go to a shrink instead."

Did Mary Moore get hitched?

They got hitched, and went on to launch their own production company, MTM Enterprises. But future feminist icon Moore revealed the couple's home dynamic, telling Rolling Stone, "It's chauvinistic for men to think they are the more important member of a family. But that's the kind of marriage we have. It's been that way from the beginning."

Who looks cool when he smokes?

I’ll admit it: Humphrey Bogart looks cool when he smokes. So do Cary Grant, Lauren Bacall, Marilyn Monroe, Marlon Brando, and Clark Gable. Their secret? Black and white film. The white plumes of smoke look cool floating across the gray screen. They just do. In real life? NOPE. In real life, those people would've smelled bad and gotten a lot of early wrinkles. It's the same as with the Beat-wannabes: People who try to channel that whole Old Hollywood vibe just end up looking kinda lame and rough.

How much of the population smokes with a GED?

Smoking rates decrease as people work their way up the educational ladder. The CDC reports that more than 41 percent of people with a GED smoke; in contrast, 9.1 percent of those with undergraduate degrees and 5.6 percent of those with graduate degrees smoke.

Why do people smoke in poverty?

The reasons that smoking is more common among the poor are complicated and depressing. Stress due to economic insecurity—and thus to home instability, hunger, and a host of other incredibly difficult things— can lead people to cigarettes, which provide a needed, if transitory, comfort. What is incredibly frustrating is that those in poverty are specifically encouraged to smoke by Big Tobacco. Megan Sandel and Renée Boynton-Jarrett report to CNN that tobacco companies target low-income neighborhoods with increased advertising; these neighborhoods get larger signs, triple the number of brand ads, and cheaper cigarettes than their more affluent counterparts. Poor people also have fewer financial and social resources available when trying to quit smoking than wealthier people. The world is horrible.

What percentage of older people smoke?

2. (Some) Old People. According to the CDC, people over the age of 65 smoke significantly less than younger people (8.8 percent of older people smoke, as opposed to 20% of people between 18 and 64). But we all know that old person—stubborn, feisty, old fashioned—who smokes like a chimney and who will never, ever quit.

Is smoking cool?

OK, so smoking might not be cool, but that doesn't mean that some people don't still erroneously think they're being cool when they smoke. Like, THEY think they look cool—but that's it. No one else does.

Who reported that tobacco companies target low income neighborhoods with increased advertising?

Megan Sandel and Renée Boynton-Jarrett report to CNN that tobacco companies target low-income neighborhoods with increased advertising; these neighborhoods get larger signs, triple the number of brand ads, and cheaper cigarettes than their more affluent counterparts.

Is smoking cool anymore?

Like I said, smoking isn't cool anymore.

How to tell if someone is a stoner?

The realest way to tell if someone is a stoner is to ask them. Don’t be shy to ask. Most people are okay with it as long as they aren’t your boss or a police officer. You should use your common sense before asking. You don’t need to ask your friend’s mom if she smokes weed.

Why is there cardboard missing in a stoner's packet?

Everybody knows what the stoner’s rolling paper packet looks like. Yes, there’s chunks of the cardboard missing because they’ve used it to make a roach filter. Some stoners might be hesitant to hand over the packet for this reason.

What if you met a stoner at 7-11?

You met them at 7-11. If you met them after midnight at 7-11 don’t even bother looking for other symptoms of stoner-dom. You have found your stoner buddy for the night. At this stage of your stoner career, you should be able to tell the difference between a drunk and a stoned person.

What do stoners love the most?

They are always hungry or ready for a nap. The two things stoners love the most are food and sleep. And as a stoner, you should be very familiar with that. If that person is always complaining that they are hungry or craving a piece of cake, you know that you’re probably talking to a pothead!
