This course provides an overview of topics in finite mathematics together with their applications and is intended for students who are not majoring in science, engineering, commerce, or mathematics (i.e., students who are not required to take calculus.
Grades of W, IP, and AU do not affect the grade point average. A student must have a total overall grade point average of 2.0 (C) on all courses used for graduation in order to be eligible for graduation from Calhoun.
MATHEMATICS 125 Intermediate Algebra Prerequisite: Mathematics 115 with a satisfactory grade or equivalent or by Appropriate Placement.
12Course LoadCredit Hour LoadsCredit HoursFull-Time12 or more3/4 Time9-11Half-Time6-8Less than Half-Time1 - 5
Math 125 (algebra for statistics) is a course that requires no prerequisite and is a bridge that bypasses a bulk of intermediate math courses and teaches the skills necessary for Math-164, which also qualifies for CSU transfer. ...Aug 23, 2017
"Statistics" is fairly broad, and when you say you want to understand it at a high level you implicate many areas of math. As Jay Verkuilen answered, you need linear algebra, probability theory, real analysis and optimization theory. Included in the last two are calculus and set theory.
Math 230 is an introduction to the spirit and style of mathematics and its pursuit as a human endeavor.
12In most national and state postsecondary enrollment reports, students are classified by “part-time” or “full-time” status. “Full-time,” in this context, usually means a schedule of 12 or more semester or quarter hours.
EmailYour email is [email protected] and the password is the same as your mycalhoun portal password.You may access your email by logging in to the mycalhoun portal and clicking on the email icon.You may also access your email and 0365 account directly at
Apply online via the Calhoun application portal....Apply Online - ApplicationsYoung 3's - Students must be two years and eight months by September 1.3's - Students must be three-years-old by September 1.4's - Students must be four-years-old by September 1.Kindergarten - Students must be five-years-old by September 1.
An initial academic status will be determined once all official transcripts are received and reviewed by Admissions and Records staff. Reporting of incomplete or false information on the application for admission may result in the immediate removal from classes and forfeiture of all tuition, fees, and other monies.
For unconditional admission and to be classified as degree eligible, applicants must have on file at the institution a completed paper application for admission, primary form of identification, and the following documents: Official transcripts/leaving certificates from secondary school.
First-Time College Student: A student who has not previously attended any college after high school graduation or completion of a GED is considered a first-time freshman. For unconditional admission and to be classified as degree eligible, applicants must have on file at ...
Transient Student: A student who is currently enrolled at another college or university and seeks credit that will transfer back to his or her home institution is considered a transient student. Transient students are temporary students who generally only attend Calhoun Community College for one semester.
International Student: A student who is a citizen of another country. Calhoun Community College accepts international students seeking an F-1 international student visa who meet the academic, linguistic, and financial requirements necessary for admission into the College.
The secondary school requirement must document that the student has the equivalent to a U.S. high school diploma. Official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities, if applicable, for transfer students.
The student or the person (s) supporting the student can verily full-time permanent employment in Alabama and will commence said employment within 90 days of registration.
Further complicating the matter, federal financial aid policies require students to be enrolled in just 12 credits each semester to be eligible for assistance, creating a de facto standard that 12 credits is “full-time.”.
It has long been clear that students who enroll full-time rather than part-time are more likely to graduate. Taking 12 credit hours per semester is technically the minimum needed in many states to be considered a “full-time” student. But that number is misleading.
The math is clear: in order to graduate on time, students must take at least 15 credits per semester or 30 credits per year. But even amongst full-time students, the majority are taking credit loads that automatically put them on a 3- to 4- year plan for an associate degree and a 5-year plan for a bachelor’s degree.
Calhoun’s “15 to Finish” College Completion Campaign. The vast majority of college students aren’t taking the number of credits needed to graduate on time, despite research showing the significant benefits of doing so – including better academic performance, higher retention rates and the increased likelihood of graduation.
You do not need to log in to see the class schedule. Also take a look at the Campus, Building and Room Designations and Day Abbreviations below:
Calhoun offers classes in multiple formats from traditional to distance learning. See below for an explanation of the different formats.
The parent with whom you lived the most during the past year should complete the FAFSA with you. If you did not live with either parent or lived equally with each parent, use the information of the parent who provided you with the most financial support. (It does not make a difference which parent claims you as a dependent for tax purposes.) Remember, you will need to enter the step-parent’s personal and tax information as well if the parent you live with has remarried.
If a student fails to achieve the required cumulative GPA or does not successfully complete the required percentage of hours, he/she will be placed on financial aid warning for one semester. Also, those students who are accepted for admission to the College under Academic Probation will be placed on financial aid warning. Warning will be lifted in a subsequent term if the student attains the required cumulative GPA and successfully completes the required percentage of hours. You can still receive Pell funds for the semester in which your warning begins.
Until you are 24 years old or can answer “yes” to at least one question in Step 3 of the FAFSA, the Federal Government requires that you enter your parent’s personal and tax information.
If a student fails to complete a program within the maximum time frame allowed or does not attain SAP by the end of the financial aid warning, he/she will have lost financial aid eligibility. The student may regain eligibility for financial aid during subsequent terms if he/she makes SAP or if the student files an appeal and the Financial Aid Appeals Committee reinstates eligibility. If placed on academic suspension, a student is NOT eligible to receive financial aid for the duration of suspension, even if he/she is readmitted to the College upon academic appeal. The student may regain eligibility for financial aid when SAP is obtained.
This safety course is to make technicians aware of safety issues associated with their changing work environment and attempt to eliminate industrial accidents. This course will offer credentialing for NCCER and OSHA 10 hour.
Topics include the physical concepts, theories, laws, air flow characteristics, actuators, valves, accumulators, symbols, circuitry, filters, servicing safety, and preventive maintenance and the application of these concepts to perform work.
Upon completion students should be able to demonstrate correct use of measuring instruments. This supports CIP code 15.0613. This is a CORE course and is aligned with NIMS certification standards.
This course introduces students to concepts that enable them to think like a designer when approaching architectural, engineering, and additive manufacturing tasks. Emphasis will be placed on design and problem-solving skills when working independently or with a team. This course focuses on giving students exposure to creativity, problem-solving skills, and the design processes in which a design-centered approach will be employed to develop innovative solutions. This course includes components to develop basic skills to express innovative solutions to design problems with the application of projects, drawings, and oral and written communication skills. Students will be introduced to related computer-based tools used by architects, engineers, and design manufacturers. (e.g., spreadsheet, word processing, presentation software, and Internet). Based tools used by architects and engineers (e.g. spreadsheet, word processing, presentation software, and the Internet).
This course will involve research, team skills, the collaboration of trades, outsourcing, manufacturing management that emphasizes synthesis through collaborative learning. Students integrate and apply previous knowledge, skills, and experiences they learned in their major and other academic courses to complete individual & team-based projects. The course emphasizes communication skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, computer literacy, and teaming skills.
Introduction to the basics of Additive Manufacturing (AM), including personal protective equipment (PPE), safety practices, general lab procedures and the proper use of equipment to perform basic manufacturing processes such as drilling, cutting and finishing on commonly used materials , such as polymers, metals and composites. The course focuses on AM fundamentals, history, and terminology, but will also include introduction to materials, software, feedstock, and secondary AM processes. The advantages and disadvantages of various AM technologies will be discussed. The course includes the printing a 3D object.