what distinction does donatello's david hold? course hero

by Miss Dessie Kessler V 3 min read

Why is Donatello’s David important?

QUIZ 9 HR.docx - Question 1 0 out of 2 points What distinction does Donatello's David hold? Answer Selected Answer: The first large cast bronze statue ... School Strayer University; Course Title HR 310; Uploaded By Qutoon6. Pages 5 Ratings 100% (4) 4 out of 4 people found this document helpful; This preview shows page 1 - 2 out of 5 pages. ...

Is Donatello's David too sensuous for the subject?

 · Compare and Contrast: Bernini and Donatello’s “David” Bernini and Donatello both made a sculpture of the same person, David. Although they are similar, they have a lot of differences as well. To start off, the material used in Donatello’s sculpture was bronze. It gives it a unique color and it reflects light in a way that Bernini’s David’s marble does not.

How does Michelangelo's David compare to Donatello's bronze David?

Donatello’s David. Donatello, David, c. 1440-1460, bronze. Perhaps Donatello’s landmark work – and one of the greatest sculptural works of the early Renaissance – was his bronze statue of David. This work signals the return of the nude sculpture in the round figure, and because it was the first such work like this in over a thousand years, it is one of the most important works in …

Is Donatello's creation a biblical representation of the human body?

 · What distinction does Donatello’s David hold? - 80221 Branda719 Branda719 Branda719

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Goliath’s head (detail), Donatello, David, c. 1440, bronze, 158 cm (Museo Nazionale de Bargello, Florence) (photo: Steven Zucker, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) SZ: Agreed. There is a certain swagger in that stance and the horrific contrast to the head of Goliath is wild and unnerving. But the contrapposto is also Donatello's swagger, the sculptor's ...

What is Donatello's David?

Donatello’s David. Donatello, David, c. 1440-1460, bronze. Perhaps Donatello’s landmark work – and one of the greatest sculptural works of the early Renaissance – was his bronze statue of David. This work signals the return of the nude sculpture in the round figure, and because it was the first such work like this in over a thousand years, ...

Why did Donatello go back to the early life of the biblical David?

As for David’s youthfulness, Donatello has gone back to the early life of the biblical David to depict him, rather than to his later life as a king. It seems that Donatello is trying to associate David’s youth with an innocent and virtuous life. David looks young here – so young, in fact, that his muscles have barely developed enough to hold ...

What happened to David after he struck Goliath?

According to the account, after David struck Goliath with the stone from his slingshot, he cut off his head with Goliath’s sword. Here, we see the aftermath of this event as David stands in a contemplative pose with one foot atop his enemy’s severed head.

What did David wear?

David wears nothing but boots and a shepherd’s hat with laurel leaves on top of it, which may allude to his victory or to his role as a poet and musician. Before Donatello’s work, David was typically depicted as a king, given his status in the Old Testament.

Was Donatello's David a Renaissance sculpture?

In any case, Donatello’s David is a classic work of Renaissance sculpture, given its Judaeo-Christian subject matter modeled on a classical sculptural type.

Who is the doctor who viewed Donatello's David?

The following is a conversation about Donatello's David between Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker: SZ: Seeing Donatello's David in the Bargello in Florence makes me realize just how different it is from the later, more famous version of David by Michelangelo. It feels so much more intimate and so much less public.

Who is the subject of the sculpture David and Goliath?

The subject of this sculpture is David and Goliath, from the Old Testament. According to the story, Israel (the descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) is threatened by Goliath, a "giant of a man, measuring over nine feet tall. He wore a bronze helmet and a coat of mail that weighed 125 pounds.".

Who did David kill?

David faces Goliath and says to him,"You come to me with sword, spear, and javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD Almighty—the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.". David kills Goliath with one stone thrown from his sling into Goliath's forehead. Then he beheads Goliath.

Who was the underdog that withstood repeated attacks from Milan?

BH: Like David, Florence was the underdog that withstood repeated attacks from Milan and yet, like young David, thanks to God's favor, Florence was victorious (or at least that's how the Florentines interpreted these events!). And as a result, many Florentine artists will tackle this subject.

Was Michelangelo's sculpture public?

BH: Yes, and of course, Michelangelo's marble sculpture WAS a public sculpture—it was meant to go in a niche high up in one of the buttresses of the Cathedral of Florence, commissioned by the Office of Works for the Cathedral. We don't know who commissioned Donatello's David, but we do know that it was seen in the courtyard of the Medici Palace in Florence, a much more private and intimate setting.

What is the style of Donatello's David?

Donatello’s "David" exhibits a style known as contrapposto. Contrapposto was a stance where a person/figure was slightly bent as weight was placed on mainly one foot, which allowed for the torso to shift off axis in order to maintain balance. This style represents a natural stance that people use. One idea of Renaissance art was to capture way ...

What is Donatello's bronze David?

Donatello’s bronze "David", is usually thought to show either the forces of civilization conquering savagery or an affirmation of the political dominance in Florence or Milan or the Medici family over business rivals.

What does David reflect?

They wanted to understand their own lives. "David" reflects self-discovery.

What was David's style of art modeled after?

He was modeled after Greek and Roman art. His structure is very well built and reflects that of Roman and Greek gods and goddesses. The Renaissance was a time of rediscovering and learning. It was a time of reflection and time for new ideas to take place. "David", shows that reflection of old ideas through the way he was sculpted.

What does the statue of David represent?

If little David could defeat a giant then what was stopped humanity from conquering life itself. This statue represents a symbol of strength and hope for people. Scholars and artists have studied David for year to fully understand the meaning of it.

What is the meaning of David in the statue of David?

He is depicted with an expression that suggests purity, youth, and innocence. Overall, "David" reflects the Renaissance period of “bring back” the classics. He was modeled after Greek and Roman art.

What is the statue of David in the movie Goliath?

Goliath is depicted as almost godlike. On the statue "David" is depicted as a young boy and Goliath’s head lies at his feet. Donatello seems to be trying to tell society that man was can conquer anything. They are strong enough and have enough willpower.

Who is Donatello's David?

Donatello's David. Donato di Niccolo Bardi, more commonly known as Donatello, was an Italian sculptor of the early 15th century in the early stages of the Renaissance. His bronze sculpture of David features a slender, nude youth standing on the head of the defeated giant.

What is the difference between Michelangelo's David and Donatello's David?

Perhaps the biggest difference, however, is in the moment being depicted. Donatello's David was victorious, standing on the head of the giant after the battle , indicating the rise of Florence to power against great opposition. Michelangelo's David has not yet won the battle. He is poised and attentive, with sling in hand, waiting for the enemy to arrive. This David represents a Florence that has grown up in the last 50 years and is ready to defend the people against any enemy. Since we all know how the David and Goliath story ends, this statue is also a promise that Florence will be victorious against any army, no matter how large or intimidating.

What is Ch 2?

Ch 2. The Art of the Ancient Near East

Who was the hero of the Hebrew people?

We all know the story of David and Goliath . The young David, armed with only a peasant's sling, defeated the gigantic warrior, Goliath, and became the hero of the Hebrew people. It's a story from the Bible, and one that became very popular during the Italian Renaissance, the period of artistic and social innovation from the 14th-16th centuries.

Which of the following depicts the moment after victory with David's foot on Goliath's head?

Donatello's David depicts the moment after victory with David's foot on Goliath's head; Michelangelo's David portrays the moment before the battle

How to write a Venn diagram for an essay?

To do this, simply draw two large circles that overlap in the middle. In this middle space, brainstorm similarities between the two statues. Above the right circle, write 'Michelangelo,' and write 'Donatello' above the left circle. In these spaces, write the respective differences between the statues. You want to have at least three or four notes in each section of the Venn diagram. Once your Venn diagram is filled, use the below outline to organize your ideas. Follow your outline to write your essay. Make sure to proofread, revise, and edit before turning-in or publishing your final draft.

What is the significance of the statue of David?

Florence commissioned several statues of David, but two stand out for their importance and mastery . The first was the David of Donatello in the mid-15th century. Donatello's statue uses a youthful and victorious David to reintroduce many Classical elements, meaning artistic styles from ancient Greece and Rome.

What is the difference between Michaelangelo's David and Donatello's David?

Besides the biblical story behind it, we also can see the difference from the shape and colour. Donatello’s David has a long hair, wearing a hat, and also bring a sword. Otherwise, Michaelangelo’s David has a curly short hair, didn’t wearing anything , and also didn’t bring anything. And as we see, the colour of Donatello’s David is black, ...

Who presented David as a strong and assured man stripped of all the other objects associated with the biblical narrative?

Michelangelo presented David as a strong and assured man stripped of all the other objects associated with the biblical narrative, such as the head of Goliath or the sword. Instead, David stands alone with only his slingshot and stones almost hidden on his person.

Who shows David after the fight?

Donatello’s sculptor shows us David after the fight has already occurred and after he is victorious in battle. Instead, Michelangelo shows us David before he is engaged in battle, and before victory has been attained. This is a figure who is focused on the future rather than one who is contemplating the past.