what did you like about your college course

by Alexzander Lynch 7 min read

My favorite classes in college were those in the hard sciences. In particular, I thrived in my chemistry and organic chemistry classes. I loved the process of discovery in the laboratory.

Full Answer

What do you like most about being in college?

I loved it, and went on to attend 4 universities graduating from 3 of them over a 19 year span. What I enjoyed about being in college was that I did not feel overwhelmed. The campus and classes were small, but the learning ability was incredible. Sporting events were free and concerts were cheap.

Why do you want to go to college?

College offers hundreds of new courses and the ability to chose pretty much whatever you prefer (with the obvious exception to required classes, there’s no getting around those). I can create my own schedule, prioritize in a way that suits my interests best, and really begin to pursue my goals. Want to be a Wisconsin Badger?

Why do people ask what college subjects they don't like most?

Another reason for asking is to make sure that the subjects you don't like aren't important to the role you're being considered for. The college subjects I liked least were the ones that didn't pertain to my major.

Do you really love every class in college?

“I loved every class throughout college,” is not the way you want to answer this interview question. Not only is it too general, but it’s unrealistic. Only the rarest and most studious among us loved every class … and even then, there must be courses they signed up for just because they had to.

How do you answer what did you like about this course?

How to answer "Why did you choose this course?"Consider your interests. Think about your interests. ... Discuss your career goals. Discuss your career aspirations, and talk about how the course aligns with your career goals. ... Highlight your strengths. ... Focus on positive reasons. ... Be enthusiastic.

What you like most about your college?

5 Things I Love About CollegeClass Times: They weren't lying when they said that college is WAY different from high school. ... Freedom: I never thought I would say it, but I'll admit it: I miss my parents. ... Friends: ... Campus: ... Professors:

What is your favorite course answer?

Here are some tips to help you nail this answer.Pick a class that was meaningful. ... Explain what you learned and what skills you picked up. ... Talk about whether you liked the professor and why. ... Show how this experience has shaped you.

What are some good things about college?

8 Reasons Why College is A Good ChoiceYou will grow more independent. ... College opens doors to opportunity. ... You will become better disciplined for the world. ... You will have fun! ... College will help you think. ... You will see the world. ... You might meet your soul mate. ... A good college will develop your love for learning.

How would you describe college life?

For some people, college life means enjoying life to the fullest and partying hard. While for others, it is time to get serious about their career and study thoroughly for a brighter future. Nonetheless, college life remains a memorable time for all of us. Not everyone is lucky enough to experience college life.

How do you talk about college experience?

Be Honest and Sincere. You want to connect your college experience to the job, but you also want to sound sincere. Don't make up an experience or say that you loved an activity or event that you actually hated. Employers can tell when you're simply telling them what you think they want to hear.

What did you enjoy the most about your college life *?

One of the best things about college life is that you get a new experience every day. In my college life, along with studying, I and my friends enjoyed a lot of other things. We traveled to lots of places, had new experiences, and learned many new things.

How do you answer why did you choose this course?

Best reasons for why did you choose this field or course?You can say, I always had an interest in this field or career- it is always better, to tell the truth. ... You can say, I always believe in helping people and this career helps me to do that - we can use this only if it's related to the job like teaching, etc.More items...

How do you make a course a favorite?

Add a course to the courses menu. A menu will appear where you will click on the All Courses link. button to the left of the course. The star will turn yellow. That course is now set as a favorite.

What are 3 things about college?

Top 20 Surprising Facts About College TodayCollege is expensive. Really expensive. ... More girls go to college than boys. ... Food is available on most campuses 24/7. ... Food franchises abound. ... Study abroad is highly encouraged. ... Colleges sell the college experience. ... Student debt is growing fast. ... Campus security is a big deal.More items...

What do you gain from college experience?

Students reported gains in communication skills, interpersonal relationships, appreciation of diversity, and a better understanding of themselves.

When talking about the classes you didn't like, what to say?

When talking about the classes you didn’ t like, mention courses that do not relate to the position.

What is the last thing you want to do?

The last thing you want to do is talk about how you thought a course was boring and dry when it’s a subject directly related to the position.

How to follow up on an interview?

You can follow up by asking the interviewer what courses they enjoyed.

What is Find My Profession?

Find My Profession offers a professional career coaching service that is aimed at helping you land your dream job.

Do the rarest people love every class?

Only the rarest and most studious among us loved every class … and even then, there must be courses they signed up for just because they had to.

Is it unwise to state those were the classes you didn't enjoy?

It would be unwise to state those were the classes you didn’t enjoy.

Is it normal to not have an interest in a subject?

Not having an interest in a particular subject is perfectly normal.

How to make a class interview?

Name a specific class and share a reason that makes sense. Consider using your chosen class to tell a personal story about beating a challenge. Don't. Insult the class or teacher, or give negative comments about the class. Mention a class that's related to the job you're interviewing for.

What to do when you struggle with a class?

Do: Consider sharing a journey. If there's a class you struggled with at first—maybe it was not relevant to your interests or felt disconnected from your major—but then enjoyed more as the semester continued, that could be a compelling story to share in your response.

How to avoid mentioning a class in an interview?

Be Strategic Avoid mentioning a class that directly relates to the job for which you’re interviewing. Be Positive Don’t disparage a class, teacher, or subject. Remember that one of the purposes of the question is to see how you conduct yourself in an interview.

Why is it important to emphasize your passion for subjects related to the job?

While it’s important to emphasize your passion for subjects related to the job, don’t be so quick to dismiss “unrelated” areas of study. Research has shown, for example, that arts education is beneficial for STEM students, helping them develop into better, more creative scientists. 1 

Why do you ask questions you don't like?

Another reason for asking is to make sure that the subjects you don't like aren't important to the role you're being considered for.

What is the most important aspect of attending classroom education?

Interacting/networking with and learning from other students. This is arguably one of the most important aspects of attending classroom education - which is 100% LOST with online programs.

Is Harvard a college?

Harvard College is the undergraduate school at Harvard University. At the University of Minnesota there are eight separate Colleges and Schools according to discipline. At the undergraduate level there is very little difference between a “college” and a “university” in terms of educational opportunities and offerings.

What is the interviewer looking for in a college?

The interviewer, of course, is looking for students who will work hard to earn their grades. You may very well be nervous about how difficult the college will be, but you should try to keep that anxiety out of the interview. You can ask a question about the campus environment, and that will give you a sense of how seriously students take academics.

What is the purpose of college interview 2020?

Updated November 01, 2020. Nearly all college interviewers will give you an opportunity to ask questions of your own. In fact, it is one of the most common interview questions. The purpose of the interview isn't strictly for the college to evaluate you. You are also evaluating the college. During a good interview, the interviewer gets ...

Is a graduate salary question valid?

A question about graduate salaries is certainly valid, and it may be something you want to consider before you accept an offer of admission from a college. However, the interview isn't the best time to ask the question.

Is an interview important for college?

Also be sure to avoid these 10 college interview mistakes. The interview isn't the most important part of your application--your academic record is--but it is an important part of the admissions equation at a college with holistic admissions.
