what did you find of most value from the instructor lectures in this course and why

by Ara Blick 10 min read

"The most valuable part of the class will be the reference book I compiled with all the lectures, forums, assignments, additional readings, etc. This class contained a staggering amount of information … Something like this is much more accessible, no travel expenses or 'lost' work time."

Full Answer

What is the most valuable course you took in college?

There is no single course that helps the most. It is the amalgamation of various courses in various fields that make the college experience very valuable and memorable. Anthropology 1. was the most valuable course I took in college in terms of the knowledge that it imparted.

What was the point of the class on interpretation of literature?

The point of the class was to analyze different texts and interpret what the different authors were saying about how to live your life. I don't necessarily remember all of the interpretations but that class really stuck with me - figure out how you want to live your life, and everything else falls into place.

How did the professors make you laugh in the lectures?

The professors would always make us laugh in the lectures. When the topic of a cutting tool came up, one professor gave the example of shaving razors and how holding it at a certain angle can ensure the best shave. During this course I saw first hand the magnitude of machines which make our life comfortable and all the won

How did the labs help you understand what you were studying?

The pictures and graphs in the labs really helped me get an idea of what I was studying. I think the simplicity of this course and the way you designed it online really work well to help students process the information and maintain it.