what day of the week is best for first day of digital course

by Arnaldo Predovic Jr. 3 min read

How to have a great first day of online class?

The first thing most online course professors will have you do is go to a specific area of the discussion board within the course and share a little bit of information about yourself. Yes, write an introduction. It’s important to remember this isn’t Facebook. Those reading your post are not your friends – though they may be in the future.

When should I use the first week of my course?

 · Populate the Course Calendar. The calendar provides students with a quick snapshot of due dates for graded and non-graded activities and assignments. Consider including other types of calendar entries such as holidays, the first and last day class, and relevant and timely events occurring on campus.

What is the best online course for digital marketing?

On Course: A week-by-week guide to your first semester of college teaching. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Lang, J. (2019). How to Teach a Good First Day of Class. The Chronicle of Higher Education. "Make the Most of the First Day of Class" from the Carnegie Mellon Eberly Center for Teaching Excellence. Nilson, L. (2003).

What is the cost of the digital marketing specialist course?

 · In a typical semester, before your on-ground classes begin, you may have some communication with students before the first day of class. More likely, your first communication with students is when they arrive in Green Hall Room 105 for the first class session. The students have found their way to Green Hall Room 105 by consulting their course ...

What should I do the first day of online classes?

So here is some information that can help you have GREAT first day of online class.Be Available. Put aside a couple of times during the first day to login to your class so you can check out the syllabus. ... Login. ... Read the Syllabus. ... Introduce Yourself. ... Meet Your Classmates. ... Plan Your Calendar. ... Breathe.

How many hours a week should an online class take?

You should plan to devote a minimum of three hours per week per credit, plus an additional hour per class each week to review materials. For instance, for a three-credit online course, you will need nine hours of study time and one hour of review time each week.

What is the best duration for online course?

The Optimal Online Course Length Most experts confirm that a good length for a web-based course is somewhere between 15-30 minutes.

How long should a digital course be?

Based on what we've seen at Thinkific, the most profitable course length on average is between 10–25 hours. Just below that, 5-10 hour courses are about 75% as profitable. And at the higher range, longer courses—25–100 hours—are slightly less profitable than those.

How many hours should online school?

What Are Industry Standards for Time Spent Learning Online?GradeTime Spent Learning OnlineElementary School – Grades 1 to 41 – 2 hours dailyMiddle School – Grades 5 to 82 – 3 hours dailyHigh School – Grades 9 to 123 – 4 hours daily

Do online classes take more time?

You should expect online courses to take about the same amount of time as traditional courses.

How long should an elearning video be?

6 minutesThat being said, the ideal length for a learning video should be below 6 minutes. Trust MIT to conduct a study by analyzing 6.9 million videos. From the analysis, videos lasting less than 6 minutes were determined to be more engaging for students.

How long should a training day be?

Here's an abbreviated look at many studies' conclusions: Fifteen to 30 minutes is the “sweet spot”. Courses should be as long as needed, even if they're 90 minutes. Shorter is always better.

Are online courses profitable?

Are online courses profitable? Yes. They're actually one of the best business models you can adopt as a digital business because they're in demand and more and more people are willing to pay top dollar for them.

How many modules should an online course have?

For a shorter course, you probably only want 3 to 5 main steps or modules that will comprise the bulk of your course. Every module contains several lessons that teach the actual course.

What is the ideal class duration?

Typically, classes last between fifty and ninety minutes, depending on the way the school is set up and the style of the classes.

How long is a mini course?

two hoursWhen we refer to a mini course, we mean short online course that typically takes two hours or less to complete. They cover a hyper-specific topic and are often used as a marketing growth tool. And they might be repurposed content or a unit from a larger online course.

Create a Welcome Video

Connecting with distance students can improve student retention and academic performance. A video, in addition to a written welcome statement, allows students to connect your face, voice, photo, and instruction, while beginning to forge a community of learners.

Populate the Course Calendar

The calendar provides students with a quick snapshot of due dates for graded and non-graded activities and assignments. Consider including other types of calendar entries such as holidays, the first and last day class, and relevant and timely events occurring on campus.

Describe How You Manage Course Activities and Grading

Providing clear and explicit expectations in course announcements, along with a detailed course syllabus, alleviates anxiety and increases accountability. Consider individual announcements with a clear title that students can easily access a second time rather than a single long announcement that addresses numerous points.

Set Office Hours

Most colleges and universities require office hours. Faculty availability and support is critical particularly for struggling students. Host video meetings (Zoom, FaceTime, or MS Teams) as a preferred means of meeting versus the telephone. If possible, set aside a consistent weekly block of time devoted to meeting with students.

Ask Students to Introduce Themselves

Introductions help to replicate on-campus learning experience in distance education courses. Be explicit about what you want them to include in their introduction, if relevant to the course or program of study. Encourage students to be creative and use word clouds, photo montages, or video introductions.

Let's Talk

Complete the form below, and we’ll be in contact soon to discuss how we can help.

What is a first day survey?

A first day survey is one way to collect information about your students. Here are some things you might ask students to provide: Name and pronouns. Context (hours spent working, childcare responsibilities, etc.) Prior knowledge/experience.

Why is an introduction important?

An effective introduction helps you establish a welcoming tone and a professional yet approachable presence. Consider how your enthusiasm for the course and discipline can positively impact students’ attitudes as well.

What is a syllabus speed dating?

Syllabus speed dating is one way to introduce your syllabus and encourage students to engage with each other. Maryellen Weimer, writing in Faculty Focus, describes a professor who uses this method; Karen Eifler, an education professor at the University of Portland, designed this activity.

How to remind students of class schedule?

A few days before your class begins, consider sending your students an email and posting a News item in your course; briefly introduce yourself and let students know what to expect on the first day of class. If you’re teaching online, you can also use this as an opportunity to remind students of the course modality and meeting schedule (if applicable).

Why is it important to assess students' previous knowledge and misconceptions about a course topic?

This will help us better understand what knowledge students bring to the course and frame our teaching strategies around their needs.

How to motivate students to take a course?

Introduce the purpose and application of the course. Presenting it in the context of its discipline, students’ lives, and the world at large can help motivate students. You might even consider telling a story to grab their attention. The story could be borrowed from history, could pose an ethical or moral dilemma, or illustrate a vexing problem that your course will address.

Why do we use video to introduce ourselves?

Using video to introduce yourself to students can help students get to know your personality and better perceive your enthusiasm for the course and subject matter. At the beginning of Spring 2020, the University shared a video that included clips from many instructors' introductory videos.

Sample Welcome Email

Hi everyone, you’re receiving this email because you are registered for [Course Name] for Fall 2020. Welcome! I’m looking forward to working and learning with you.

Additional Resources

Faculty Communication Planner: faculty can use this planner to organize and communicate their remote/digital course requirements with students.

What happens if you discuss enrollment policies and procedures with the Instructor of Record before the first day of class?

If you have discussed enrollment policies and procedures with the Instructor of Record before the first day of class, you will be able to deliver accurate and consistent information to your students on the first day. Some enrollment processes have changed with the adoption of a new registration system, so do your best to gather current information and alleviate student concerns.

How to give a session a sense of closure?

You can give the session a sense of closure by leaving several minutes at the end to tie together any information or concepts you want the students to take away from the first session’s activities. What do you most want them to remember?

Do you have to post a syllabus to bcourses?

If you are distributing a section syllabus or information sheet, make sure each student has a copy. You may also want to post it to the bCourses site for your section of the class . It is important to thoroughly discuss the elements of this document with your students. A few pointers to consider when presenting the syllabus or information sheet:

What is the purpose of using ad results?

Use your ad results to refine your marketing approach

Can you access webinars at your convenience?

Upon accessing each webinar, you will have the convenience of accessing content at YOUR convenience with unlimited access.

How many courses are in the Digital Marketing Course Bundle?

The digital marketing course bundle has nine courses covering all major aspects of digital marketing. In particular, it includes the following courses:

How to teach yourself digital marketing?

One of the best ways to teach yourself digital marketing is to follow an online digital marketing training course. A good course will help you build the skills needed to become a successful digital marketer fast and boost your career.

What is Udemy course?

Udemy is one of the biggest online learning platforms. They offer courses on a number of subjects covering all areas of marketing from SEO to Google Ads and Sales. One of the courses that cover Digital Marketing in detail is the Complete Digital Marketing Course Bundle that includes 12 courses. Topics include:

What is a copyblogger course?

Copyblogger Online Marketing Course (Free) CopyBlogger Digital Marketing Course. One of the most successful websites on Internet Marketing, especially when it comes to content writing is Copyblogger. Brian Clark is the author behind copyblogger and the creator of the most successful WordPress framework, Genesis.

Does optinmonster include digital marketing?

Although the optinmonster digital academy does not include courses on all digital marketing topics, it is worth taking a look because once you manage to get traffic to a website, you will need conversions and this is exactly what you’ll learn in these courses.

Is digital marketing certification good?

The certification is also globally recognized which is a great way to boost your career.

Is digital marketing a discipline?

Digital marketing is not a single discipline but it includes a number of principles that cover all online marketing channels.

What is digital marketing?

Digital marketing is a vast industry — it extends from basic concepts, from copywriting email marketing, digital advertising and social media marketing to advanced concepts like content automation and display advertising. No matter what end result you want to achieve, all classes should start with an overview of the core components before they delve into the nitty-gritty in case you need a refresher.

How many hours is the Udemy course?

A Udemy bestseller with over 300,000 students enrolled to date, this comprehensive course can teach you how to launch an online business that gets results in the digital space. It includes 12 classes with over 23 hours of video content, 36 articles and 4 downloads to help you master digital marketing basics.
