what dance experience you currently bring to this course

by Emil Howell 8 min read

What lessons has being a dancer taught you?

Apr 24, 2014 · My Dance Experience. Posted on April 24, 2014 by Lauren Maher. For my final post, I would like to share how dance has positively affected my life. Although in each post I have shared small pieces of my personal dance experience pertaining to the topic, I am going to make a post solely about it. I started dancing when I was two years old for one ...

Why do you love dance class?

Sep 15, 2010 · The Dancing Experience Topics: Dance, Choreography / Pages: 2 ... definitely recommend this class to others because it is really fun and it is good for you especially if you love to dance because you’re doing something that you love and you could better yourself in it too for future opportunities. One of the things that I liked the most in ...

How to use dance as a journey?

In this class you will learn Breakin, Lockin, Poppin, Old School, House, and also using popular dance music to learn new school hip hop. Must be at least 7yrs old to enroll. Lyrical/Contemporary: Using ballet technique, students will learn to tell a story and use emotion through dance movements. Must be at least 7yrs old and have at least 2yrs of Ballet …

How old do you have to be to dance acro?

May 04, 2019 · We all have our own list but here are the top 5 things you need to bring with you to dance: Dance Shoes – You cannot do anything on the dance floor without the proper shoes, unless you are a barefoot dancer. Tights/leggings – You have to have the proper cover for your legs. Water – If you leave the water home, how can your perform at your ...

What did I learn from dance course?

It improves more than your flexibility, and it builds more than your strength. Think about it—the qualities you take on as a dancer don't just help you in the studio. From self-confidence to teamwork, here are five life lessons you learn from dance that may help you succeed at school and work, too: Determination.

What does dance bring to your life?

It's been found that dancing improves strength and muscle function in older adults, as well as increasing balance and flexibility, leading to better stability and fewer injuries. Dancing can also improve your cardiovascular health, which will decrease your chances of developing heart disease.Dec 17, 2018

What is dance experience?

The Dance Experience is a small studio focused on the individual dancer. The Dance Experience instructors strive to help each dancer become the best dancer they can be. At The Dance Experience you can take classes recreationally in sessions September - December or January - April.

What should I bring to a dance class?

Top 10 Essentials To Pack in Your Dance BagShoes, shoes, shoes! Not just ballet shoes. ... Leotard + Tights. Even if you arrive at ballet class already dressed, make sure you have an extra leotard and pair of tights in your bag. ... Hair Kit. ... Water Bottle. ... Warm Ups. ... First Aid Kit. ... Needle + Thread. ... Towel.More items...•May 2, 2021

How did dance help me?

improved condition of your heart and lungs. increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness. increased aerobic fitness. improved muscle tone and strength.

Why dance is important in our life essay?

Answer 1: Dance teaches us the significance of movement and fitness in a variety of ways through a selection of disciplines. It helps us learn to coordinate muscles to move through proper positions. Moreover, it is a great activity to pursue at almost any age.

How do you describe dance on a resume?

Detail your dance experience Your performance experience should include the name of the show, the company that did it, your role and the dates. You can also choose to include the name of the show's choreographer, especially if they are well known.Dec 30, 2021

What can we learn from dancing essay?

From dancing I have learned many things, some might include: dedication, cooperation, working well with others, competition, presentation, how to work when under pressure, and having to use my brain in specific ways. I have been dedicated to dance my whole life, and never have given up.

What do you feel after performing or participating in a dance session?

Emotionally, dancing has got you covered! When you dance your body releases endorphins. This is a chemical that trigger's positive energy and good vibes! It helps improve our emotional state and reduce our perception of pain.

How do you prepare for a dance class?

6 Things To Know Before Taking Your First Dance ClassChoose Your Outfit. Dance is about feeling good – not just looking good. ... Have The Right Mindset. ... Expect to Hear Lots of New Dance Terms. ... Come Prepared With Goals. ... Try Before You Buy. ... Treat Dance as a Sport.

What are the skills involved in dancing?

List of Dance SkillsPosture.Alignment.Balance.Coordination.Control.Flexibility.Mobility.Strength.More items...

What should I bring to a dance audition?

Top 10 Dance Bag Essentials For Any Audition#10 A pen and a little pad. ... #9 A second set of dance clothes. ... #8 A towel. ... #7 Medical supplies. ... #6 Make-up and a mirror. ... #5 Hairspray/gel, hair ties, extra bobby pins and a brush. ... #4 All kinds of dance shoes and their accessories. ... #3 Your résumé and headshot.More items...•Feb 23, 2009

How old do you have to be to dance on Broadway?

Dancers must be at least 8yrs old. Acro: This is an acrobatics class.

What is tap dance?

Tap: Tap dance is a form of dance that uses tap shoes to make intricate sounds. Broadway & later Rhythm style Tap dance is learned in this class. Modern: This class uses ballet technique, suspension, fall and release. Pioneers of Modern dance are Martha Graham and Isadora Duncan to give an example.

How old do you have to be to take ballet?

Must be at least 7yrs old to enroll. Lyrical/Contemporary: Using ballet technique, students will learn to tell a story and use emotion through dance movements. Must be at least 7yrs old and have at least 2yrs of Ballet experience and currently take ballet.

How old do you have to be to take hip hop class?

Must be at least 8yrs old to enroll. Hip Hop: This class utilizes the foundation of hip hop. In this class you will learn Breakin, Lockin, Poppin, Old School, House, and also using popular dance music to learn new school hip hop. Must be at least 7yrs old to enroll.

Why do we learn from each other in dance class?

During the dance class you can observe each other and learn from each other. Because when you see what others are doing, you get new information. Then you process this and make it your own. Often you also want to become better than the other. And then there is competitive urge. More creativity is being used to discover how you can be slightly better than the other. This results in new, beautiful ideas and yet also collaborations.

What is dance medium?

Dance is an expression medium. Dance is an outlet and a way to process your emotions. Just like with writing, journaling, making music or drawing, it helps with a processing process. A tool to sort things out and to make room for new thoughts and emotions.

Why is dancing important?

Dancing provides other impulses and connections in your brain. This allows you to look at situations in a different way. And you can respond creatively and find solutions. You will see that you make other decisions than usual. By using dance as a tool, you can break through patterns and habits that are worn in it.

What is out of the box thinking?

An example in a dance class where out of the box thinking is stimulated is a composition assignment. Within set frameworks, there is still room to make choices about, for example, the order of the movements. But also with which body part you move.

How does self confidence help you?

This also increases your self-confidence, which helps in various aspects of your life. You get to know yourself better and you learn the possibilities of your body. And if something doesn't quite work out, then you learn to see possibilities to do things differently and still get things done.

What is dance therapy?

Dance therapy assumes that symptoms can be seen in the body. And also in the movements of a person. Feelings, behavior and ways of thinking can be processed through dance and movement, examined and given a place. Like other forms of therapy, dance therapy has many health benefits.

What is the meaning of dance?

Dance is a journey of discovery. Taking dance lessons can be a journey of discovery, where you discover new things. In his book "Creativity. Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention" Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi demonstrates that physical action and the mental state of a person are interrelated.

How to improve confidence in a speech?

Practice your communication skills. By practicing your verbal and nonverbal communication skills, you improve your confidence when you deliver your answer. Be clear and concise when speaking. Remember the highlights of your response instead of memorizing all of it to sound relaxed and self-assured.

What is the star method in an interview?

The STAR method is an effective way to structure your answer as you provide examples of experiences that speak to your skillset. STAR stands for: Situation: Describe the situation. Task: Explain your role in the situation.

What is job description?

The job description includes the duties and responsibilities associated with the position. Review the description for any requirements that correspond with your experience. Make sure to include examples of how you displayed those skills in previous positions.

How to write a STAR?

The STAR method is an effective way to structure your answer as you provide examples of experiences that speak to your skillset. STAR stands for: 1 Situation: Describe the situation. 2 Task: Explain your role in the situation. 3 Action: Discuss the action (s) you took to resolve or improve the situation. 4 Result: Describe and measure the outcome of the situation.


Several of my dance students have done their work experience with me at my dance school! It was very straight forward to organise. There were forms to fill out by myself and the student and I had a visit from the company organising the work experience to check details, health & safety etc.


I know of someone who did her work experience at Urdang. Probably worth just contacting some of the schools you can get to see if they will take work experience students.


Oooooooo!!! Thank you very much Kathy ! I didn't even consider that as I am younger than their students! Thank you xx


Ask your mum to send me a PM if she wants to discuss possible local schools!


Just a thought but you could do a week at a dance school and a week at a theatre?


ahh, I've literally just finally decided on my work experience placement, as I'm in year 10 too. I'm doing mine in my normal school, working in the Dance and Drama departments.


Are there any other dance companies based near you? My DD did her work experience with a small contemporary dance company.........she had a really varied time, and absolutely loved it!!

How to use the star method in an interview?

Use the STAR method to describe a situation you faced at work, how you used your skills to approach it and what kind of outcome you received. STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. The STAR method will help you develop clear and concise responses to interview questions using real-life examples. Pick out one or two of your strengths and give solid examples of how you have used them in the past. This type of answer will not only show them that you can perform well under pressure, but it will also demonstrate that you grow from your experiences.

How to get a job interview?

1. Research the company before your interview. Before your interview, spend some time researching the company. Go on their website, and write down interesting tidbits you find so you can remember them in your interview if applicable.

What does STAR stand for in interview?

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action and Result. The STAR method will help you develop clear and concise responses to interview questions using real-life examples. Pick out one or two of your strengths and give solid examples of how you have used them in the past.

What is an interview for a job?

While they may have read this information on your resume, an interview is your opportunity to expand on your unique skills and experience.

Should you include all the necessary details in your answer?

While you should include all the necessary details in your answer, you should also strive to keep it as concise as possible. Having an answer that tells the interviewer what makes you unique but remains an appropriate length is the key to making yourself look confident and competent in your interview.

What are transferable skills?

Leadership skills, like people or team management. Transferable skills, which would be skills that could easily transfer from one industry to another.

What makes you unique in an interview?

What Makes You Unique: Throughout the interview- you will likely be working on setting yourself apart from your peers. When you answer this question- you have to do the same thing. This means focusing on skills- accomplishments or experiences only you have.

What are the qualities of a good person?

Qualities are similar to skills, but they're more about the inherent (or learned) characteristics or attributes you possess. Examples of qualities that you could bring to the job include: 1 Determination 2 Friendliness 3 Flexibility 4 Dependability 5 Honesty 6 Sincerity 7 Trustworthy 8 Reasonable 9 Loyal 10 Cheerful 11 Courteous

Great Ways to Answer 10 Typical University Interview Questions

Plenty of universities conduct interviews as a means of deciding between candidates who appear equally well-qualified on paper, but unfortunately, applicants often crumble under the pressure of the interview situation. The key to a successful interview lies in thorough preparation.

1. Why did you choose this subject?

This is probably one of the most important questions you can be asked during a university interview. The interviewers are looking for people who can demonstrate a genuine interest in the subject they’re applying for, and will want to know that you’ve chosen the subject for the right reasons.

2. Why did you choose this university?

It’s not just your particular subject that admissions tutors want to see that you’re committed to. They want to know that you have a good reason for choosing their university, because they’d like to know that if they offer you a place, there’s a good chance that you’ll accept it.

3. Why did you choose your particular A-levels?

You need to be able to justify the decisions you’ve made with regard to your education; this question tests whether or not you’ve put thought into the direction you’re heading in, and helps the interviewer ascertain that you’re motivated by the right things.

4. What did you read on the train?

Questions like this – or more simply “what are you reading at the moment?” – are designed to spark discussion as well as to test what you read beyond the confines of the A-level syllabus. Be prepared to answer questions about whatever you mention here.

5. What can you bring to the university?

Avoid humorous or overly self-aggrandising answers here; instead, focus on selling yourself (modestly) to the interviewer and highlighting the key traits that make you a good person to have around. Support what you say with concrete examples of your experience.

6. What are your weaknesses?

The key to an effective answer to this question is to turn the negative angle into something that isn’t really a negative.
