what cpa exam review course should i chosse

by Dr. Fredy Gutmann DDS 8 min read

Best Overall Becker CPA Review
Historically, Becker has been the most popular and trusted CPA exam prep course on the market. Becker provides students with peace of mind knowing that the largest CPA firms in the world trust Becker to prepare their employees for the CPA Exam.

Which CPA Review course has the highest pass rate?

Roger CPA – “Roger CPA Review's students have an 88% pass rate, the highest pass rate in the industry.”

Which study material is best for CPA exam?

These Are The Top Ranked 9+ Best CPA Exam Review Courses & CPA Study Materials in June 2022:Becker 2022 CPA Review Course.Surgent CPA Exam Review Course.Wiley CPA Review Courses.UWorld Roger CPA Prep Courses.Gleim CPA Exam Study Materials.Fast Forward Academy CPA Exam Review Course.Lambers CPA Exam Prep Course.More items...•

Is Roger CPA better than Becker?

In our team's opinion, these prep books are better than Roger's. Finally, Becker also offers a some very high-quality practice questions, both multiple-choice and simulations. And for those who like to keep score, Becker provides 9,000+ multiple-choice questions to Roger's 6,000, and 500+ simulations to Roger's 200.

What is the Becker CPA pass rate?

94%Frequently asked questions Becker estimates the overall pass rate to be between 45-55% in any given year. What are the Becker CPA pass rate statistics? In 2020, Becker's Exam Day Ready students reported successfully passing 94% of the CPA Exam sections they attempted.

Is Becker the best CPA review?

Becker is currently the best option for a CPA student looking to become CPA certified on their first try. There are many appealing features available to enrollees presented in a variety of formats, with even more content provided if the base package still isn't enough.

Is Roger CPA Review good?

Beyond the video lectures, Roger CPA Review delivers some top flight practice material. They don't offer the most in the industry (see Gleim CPA for that), but the quality is impeccable. Their 6,000+ multiple-choice questions very closely resemble the actual CPA exam questions you will see on game day.

Which is better Wiley vs Becker?

Though both companies offer quality prep books in both digital and hard copy format, Becker's books are slightly better than Wiley's in our team's rating system. Wiley offers some nice study guide-style texts, but Becker's legendary books, which have been updated and vetted for decades, are about tops in the industry.

Is Roger CPA cram course worth it?

UWorld Roger CPA Review has been making a cram course for several years now. It's probably the best stand-alone CPA prep course out there right now because it's specifically designed to be a separate CPA exam prep course.

How can I pass my CPA in 3 months?

Don't spend all your time reading study materials and watching videos. Reserve those for problem areas that you may encounter. Use practice questions and exams to prepare for the real exam format. Use digital flashcards or create your own for tricky subjects.

Is Becker or surgent better?

The primary difference between Surgent and Becker is that Surgent's study plan focuses on efficiency gains through adaptive technology, while Becker provides a more vigorous and traditional curriculum.

Does Becker CPA expire?

Does Becker CPA review expire? The Becker Pro and Premium Packages are available with unlimited access, meaning you can use them until you pass the CPA Exam. The Advantage package is available to access for 24 months. What is a CPA Exam Review?

How well does Becker prepare you for the CPA?

Becker's success rate is impressive: over 90% of all Elijah Watt Sell Award winners prepared with Becker materials. For reference, award winners must have a cumulative score above 95.50 on average across all four CPA Exam sections and must pass them on their first try.