what course should i take in high school to be a game designer

by Alivia Stamm 5 min read

5 High School Classes for Young Game Developers

  • Computer Science. Arguably the most important cluster of classes you can take in high school relates to computer science.
  • Art, Design, and 3D Modelling. Taking an art class is not only fun and relaxing, but it will give you a competitive edge to employers.
  • Mathematics and English. For computer-aided design, 3D modeling, and programming, you’ll need a good understanding of mathematics.
  • Extra-Curricular Classes. It’s not just your classes that are important; showing skills like leadership, initiative, and being a team player are just as important as academic success.
  • Getting Started Developing Games. The barrier to developing games is getting lower, so high school is the perfect time to begin on your portfolio of games.

Game designers do a lot of writing so you should take as many English courses as possible. You should also consider taking some advanced courses in high school. This includes Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses if they are available in your school.

Full Answer

What knowledge do you need to be a game designer?

Game designers do a lot of writing so you should take as many English courses as possible. You should also consider taking some advanced courses in high school. This includes Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses if they are available in your school. If you do well in these courses, you may receive college credit for them. Advanced courses can …

What skills are required to be a game designer?

Feb 22, 2021 · 1. Earn a high school diploma. Video game designers need at least a high school diploma or equivalent. When in high school, it's helpful to take computer coding and graphic design classes if possible. If you plan to get a bachelor's degree, try to earn a high GPA to be a more competitive candidate for college. You should also strive to get high scores on your ACT …

Do you have to go to college to be a video game designer?

Seventeen percent studied the humanities, like literate, English, Asian studies and economics. Thirteen percent studied art. Now, art can be an important part of game design. So I’m not at all surprised that more than one in ten professional game designers I looked at had arts degrees.

How do I become a game designer?

Jun 18, 2020 · Earn a high school diploma, GED or other equivalency degree. Enroll in one of the game design degree programs at a community college or university. Some schools have dedicated game design degree programs, but if you can't find one that suits you, consider other subjects of study that relate to game design, such as: Computer science Animation

What is the minimum education required to become a game designer?

The only prerequisite for entering into an associate program is a high school diploma or a GED. It’s worth noting that a game designer position is a coveted position. In most cases, you will not be able to walk out of college with your degree and land a job as a game designer.

What is the difference between a masters and a bachelors?

A primary difference in the master’s program (as compared to a bachelor’s program) is the inclusion of business and management course material.

Game designer degree requirements

Game design draws from several disciplines, so naturally there are several paths you could take. Software engineering, art, the humanities – each is its own road, and each could lead to a job as a game designer.

Fields of study for game design

This chart summarizes the various fields of post-secondary study (college/university) that the 53 game designers in my survey listed on their LinkedIn profiles. The fields of study are grouped as follows:

Types of game design schools

This second chart breaks down the type of post-secondary schools that were attended by the 53 designers in this report. To offer the best view of the data for readers who are trying to decide what type of college or university to attend, I’ve broken it down into these categories:

Game design degree requirements

The third chart shows the various degrees that the 53 game designers graduated with, if any. Most of these degrees are well known, but I’ve listed them here to save you the hassle of looking up some of the more obscure abbreviations.

Many educational paths available

If there’s one thing these charts illustrate clearly, it’s that there are many paths that can lead you to your goal of becoming a video game designer. What does this mean?

Search for game design schools

If you’re thinking about a career in game design, it’s never too soon to start gathering information. Enter your zip below to check out the top design schools near you. The info is free, so it’s a great place to start.

How to become a game designer?

There are many paths to becoming a video game designer, but the following are some common steps you can take to pursue this career path: Earn a high school diploma. Obtain a bachelor's degree. Get experience. Build a resume and portfolio. Learn new skills. Stay involved. 1. Earn a high school diploma.

What is a video game designer?

A video game designer develops visual content for games. They use graphic design techniques and programming knowledge to create characters, worlds and interactive stories. One of the main responsibilities of a video game designer is to construct visually appealing content that engages the user. Designers usually work closely with a team ...

Is video gaming competitive?

Video gaming is a competitive field, so it's important to gain experience as soon as you graduate. You may find a job as a junior designer directly following college, though it's likely that you must seek similar openings in related fields.

Why is it important to stay current in game design?

You should continue to learn and develop new skills and abilities as you build your video game design career. As software and coding languages evolve constantly, it's important to remain current on developments so you can be a leader in your field.

How long is a boot camp?

There are many boot camps available in different types of game design, such as mobile or console. Some programs last eight weeks while others could be several months.

Is game design an art?

That’s because getting educated for a game design job isn’t as straightforward as getting educated for a job in game art or game programming. Game design as an art and as a science draws from a lot of different skill sets from different fields.

What is game design?

Game design as an art and as a science draws from a lot of different skill sets from different fields. So things like storytelling, psychology, marketing, software design, human-computer interaction. Game designers actually come from a wide number of educational backgrounds because the skills you need are very diverse.

How to become a game designer?

Earn a high school diploma, GED or other equivalency degree. Enroll in one of the game design degree programs at a community college or university. Some schools have dedicated game design degree programs, but if you can't find one that suits you, consider other subjects of study that relate to game design, such as: Computer science.

What is a game mechanic designer?

Game mechanic designers: Once the concept is developed, the game mechanic designer ensures specific components work correctly. For example, they may be tasked with designing weapons or special items and making sure they operate within gameplay as expected.

What is a level designer?

Level designers: These professionals are charged with creating a particular level of a game. They may be responsible for not only creating a specific atmosphere for the game environment but also determining the placement of items on the level. Writers: Some designers oversee all the writing for a game.

What does joining a professional association do?

Joining a professional association may provide you with access to continuing education resources, professional development opportunities and discounts on registration fees at regional and national conferences where you can network and learn new tricks . Here's a list of a few such organizations for those seeking game designer careers:

How do I become a game designer?

You know you could design video games. After all, you were practically born with a controller in hand. Nevertheless, you’re unsure of how to turn this dream into a reality. Fortunately for you, DigiPen - one of the country’s leading game design programs - is offering up some fantastic insight to aspiring designers.

Q: What advice do you have for a student who is interested in becoming a game designer as a career path and major? What are some extracurricular activities or additional skills that are important to develop?

A: It’s always important to have outside interests, not only to inform your professional work but also to give you an outlet for growth and fulfillment outside of work.

Q: What does it take to be successful in the DigiPen game designer program?

A: Successful students certainly need to be hardworking and dedicated to their education and willing to develop their time-management skills. Successful students also must work well with other people, including their peers from other majors.

Q: What are you most proud of with respect to the DigiPen game designer program?

A: Our game design and development programs are focused on the intersection of passion, innovation, creativity, and technology. We have two distinguishing features. The first has students applying classroom knowledge to create their own systems, tools, and game engines—not just using the software tools currently being used by the industry.

Q: What does a game design student accomplish after four years in the program? Will they have created their own games?

A: Game design students will absolutely create a game. One of the hallmarks of a DigiPen education is our cross-disciplinary, collaborative team structure. Project classes are required every semester and are organized to simulate a real-world team studio environment.

Q: Do you have any success stories to share with regard to recent graduates? What kind of game design jobs have they landed?

A: Yes! We have alumni all over the world who have worked on some of the most successful games of the past few years, from Fortnite to Minecraft to Red Dead Redemption II (and many more). In each of those three examples, there are multiple DigiPen alumni working together as professional coworkers.

What are the advantages of being a game designer?

An advantage of being a game designer for many people is the ability to do what you love. Working in this industry creates the subjects of their passion. They can also conduct games testing which enables game designers to find bugs, issues and inconsistencies in the flow of the game. This work provides you challenges every day which is exciting for game lovers.

What is the job of a game designer?

Game designers often work as part of a team to create games. They come up with the games' concepts, characters, setting, story, and game play. They must work with artists and programmers to create the scripting language and artistic vision for a game. Besides working in video games designing, designers can pick a specific career path such as lead designers, content designers, level designers.

Is it hard to get a job in a game studio?

Though depressing, the truth is that even after completing the required education, getting a job with a game studio can be difficult. The field is competitive and having a lot of talents.


First: A Little Game Design Background

Are You Up to The Challenge?

Game Design Education Requirements

How Long Must You Study?

Two Years – Associate’S

  • The Associate degree approach is not a bad start on your game designing path. A two-year program is enough time to get decent exposure to the fundamentals that will be driving your career. You’ll experience industry software, and you’ll be introduced to creative concepts surrounding successful game creation. Coding, scripting, design theory, and il...
See more on gamedesigning.org

Four Years – Bachelor’s

The Master’s Program

Game Designer Degree Requirements

Fields of Study For Game Design

Types of Game Design Schools

Game Design Degree Requirements

  • The third chart shows the various degrees that the 53 game designers graduated with, if any. Most of these degrees are well known, but I’ve listed them here to save you the hassle of looking up some of the more obscure abbreviations. Note that Associate’s degrees are typically 2-year degrees, Bachelor’s typically require 4 years, and Masters often ...
See more on gameindustrycareerguide.com

Many Educational Paths Available

Search For Game Design Schools