CADTP Alcohol/Other Drug Counselor – Clinical Supervisor CAODC-CS
Full Answer
This Basic Certificate program in Addictions Studies provides students with the academic requirements needed in the application for the Certified Alcohol and Other Drugs Counselor (CADC) examination.
Counsel with emphasis on prevention. Work with individuals and groups to promote optimum mental and emotional health. May help individuals deal with issues associated with addictions and substance abuse; family, parenting, and marital problems; stress management; self-esteem; and aging.
This is an example course sequencefor students interested in Addictions Studies. It does not represent a contract, nor does it guarantee course availability. If this pathway is followed as outlined, you will earn a Basic Certificate (BC) in Addictions Studies.
MCP Hahnemann University also accepts students into their Bachelor of Science degree programs in Behavioral and Addictions Counseling.
Thomas Edison State College of New Jersey complete a maximum of 80 credits here in specified courses and the remainin 40 credits through Thomas Edison State College. The latter can be completed in different formats, such as at-home guided study courses, N.J. Public TV courses, on-line courses and contract learning courses with individual faculty.
To become a substance abuse counselor, the counselor must become therapeutic allies with their clients as they find out what works for their clients. One therapy may not work at all for one patient but be very beneficial for another. Counselors may also meet with their client’ s families to help guide them in helping their loved one stay in recovery and be a more cohesive support.
Substance abuse counselors encourage their clients to stay in recovery and help the figure out how best to do that. And, because relapse is often a given in addiction, these counselors help their clients create a relapse prevention plan.
Counselors trained in substance abuse treatment know how to develop rapport with clients, they have cultural competence so they can work well with a variety of people, and they build effective communication skills so they can ask the difficult questions and get their clients to look at why they use.
Some counselors gain education in this area because they have a history of substance abuse or they may have loved ones who have struggled with addiction issues.
This is the National Certification Commission for Addiction Professionals (NCCAP). A national certification course and exam helps to standardize the services and their quality offered to clients in some facilities and individual states require you to have this certification, even if the state does not.
Counselors may be required to meet with family members of their clients, help clients identify their triggers for abuse, create treatment goals and plans, refer their clients to support groups, lead individual and group therapy sessions, help their clients find jobs and write or update court reports.
Associate Degree. By beginning your college education at the associate level, you’ll be able to become a substance abuse counselor who is able to work with individuals and their families. You’ll complete intake interviews, conduct family counseling, manage cases, and keep records.
Includes treatment strategies, perspectives and understanding of the addiction process and its effects upon the individual, the family, employers, and society. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.
Study of affects of alcoholism and substance abuse of the family; how spouse, children and extended family react to problematic drinking or drug abuse; examination of treatment including self-help groups. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course.
Mental Health. Students work 20 hours per week in a mental health setting in the community under supervision of mental health professionals and participate in a two-hour seminar once a week, relating field experiences to mental health theory.
You must have a master’s degree, pass a state exam, and serve 2,000 to 3,000 hours under clinical supervision to become a private substance abuse counselor. States have varying regulations that govern the industry and the scope of your responsibilities based on your credentials.
Coursework covers the dynamics of counseling approaches, including individual therapy, family counseling and group sessions. Programs may also include include psychopharmacology, relapse prevention and how to address emotional traumas caused by addiction.
By Linda Ray. Substance abuse, which includes drugs and alcohol, is a disease that affects both users and society at large, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. As a substance abuse counselor, you can make a dent in the problem while making a difference in the lives of substance abusers. Education requirements vary by state and ...
Advancement. It usually takes two years to complete a master’s degree in substance abuse counseling. Your coursework will include a combination of clinical and classroom assignments. Classes may consist of topics such as the psychosocial implications of substance abuse; family treatment; the legal and ethical impact of substance abuse counseling;
In a bachelor's degree program, you’ll learn the basic physical and psychological aspects of addiction and its prevention. You’ll take classes in chemical dependency diagnosis; addiction research and statistics; psychological evaluation;
Upon completion of this certificate, students will be able to: 1 Counsel individuals specific to the problems associated with addiction. 2 Identify ethical, professional, and legal standards necessary to work in the human services profession. 3 Complete a Psychosocial Assessment, and diagnose using the criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
A grade of "C" or higher is required in ALL courses in order to earn a Certificate of Achievement in Alcohol and Drug Certification Domains.
270 educational hours* in alcohol and drug domains.
This is a special-purpose training program for immediate employment in the field of addictions, and for those wanting to complete the 270 hours of course work required by The Certification Board, Inc., for the Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor (CADC) certification and the Licensed Clinical Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LCADC) licensure.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Counselors at Contra Costa College work collaboratively with students to provide academic, vocational, career and personal counseling. We foster and encourage your learning, through self-exploration and awareness.
Eligible members are entitled to as many telephone or web-video consultations as needed, and five face-to-face clinical counseling sessions per incident, per calendar year for free. Just call 1.800.227.1060 any time, day or night. (TDD dialers, please call 1.800.327.0801.)
Contra Costa College now offers therapy through JFK University’s Graduate Counseling Program. Free, confidential individual and specialized group therapy is conveniently located on the CCC campus. JFK intern counselors are warm, caring and available by appointment. Just call 510.215.3960 or email them at [email protected].
Contra Costa College offers free psychotherapy. Free, confidential individual and specialized group therapy is conveniently located on the CCC campus. Our interns and therapists are warm, caring and available by appointment. To access this service, complete the intake form. You will receive a call within 48 to 82 hours to schedule an appointment.
In-person sessions are by appointment only and students are required to be masked during the appointments