what course shoould you take if you are intrested in police

by Brady Zemlak 4 min read

The College Board suggests that a student interested in a future in law enforcement take classes in science, psychology, and math. It’s also a good idea to remain physically fit, so you should take physical fitness courses throughout high school as well.

Criminal justice is one of the best degree options for people in law enforcement because it directly addresses relevant topics. When you get a degree in criminal justice, your studies will almost exclusively focus on topics that you will use on a daily basis as a law enforcement officer.

Full Answer

What classes do you need to take to become a cop?

Oct 20, 2021 · Essential Information. Police officer courses are offered through bachelor's and master's degree programs in law enforcement and criminal justice. They're also available through police academy programs, which are typically only available to individuals who have been hired by a police department. The minimum education required for police officers is often only a high …

What are the best degrees for a career in law enforcement?

Oct 20, 2021 · Take foreign language courses: Police officers regularly need to work with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds, including people who don't speak English. In the process of becoming a police officer, obtaining proficiency in a foreign language can help one communicate more efficiently with witnesses or suspects and may help them stand ...

What are the best tips for becoming a police officer?

Dec 01, 2019 · You will need a high school diploma or GED to become a police officer. However, that doesn’t mean you can afford to coast through school. If you know you want to be a cop, consider taking electives that will prepare you for a career in criminal justice. For example, you could study psychology, sociology, criminology, and law.

Do cops have university degrees?

Sep 13, 2018 · Police officers interested in forensics, detective work and crime analysis benefit from chemistry classes, human anatomy and physiology. These classes incorporate scientific principles with hands-on lab work. English as a Tool To be effective police officers, law enforcement professionals must be strong communicators.

What degree do police officers need?

While some future police officers take courses in pre-law, most seek an associate's degree in criminal justice. As with most fields, higher education can make a difference in the criminal justice field when it comes to attaining advancement and higher pay. You may not always want to work as a patrol officer, so an investment in college can pay ...

What are the areas of criminal justice?

Criminal justice programs are likely to provide competencies in areas relevant to police officers nationwide, including courtroom procedures, security, surveillance, anti-terrorism and Homeland Security, gangs and organized crime, juvenile justice, and border security. Among your core subjects, you would most likely be required to take courses such ...

What jobs require a bachelor's degree?

Bachelor's degrees are usually needed for jobs at the federal level, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the FBI. Increasingly, bachelor's degrees are in greater demand for promotions to detective, police supervisor, and fish and game warden.

What is the noblest calling?

One of the noblest callings you can answer is that of protecting your community, and one of the most direct ways of doing that is by becoming a police officer. Those who aspire to work in the criminal justice field will find a variety of settings to explore, in addition to that of being a patrol officer, including security, forensic science, ...

How long does it take to become a police officer?

While the average program takes around six months to complete, requirements vary by state, and some police training programs last longer or shorter.

What is the goal of the police academy?

The goal is to assess flexibility, endurance, and muscle strength, among other factors. Some states also require applicants to pass a psychological exam prior to being admitted to the program. After you’re accepted to the police academy, you will undergo training in a variety of areas.

What are the duties of a police officer?

As a police officer, your duties may include responding to emergencies, arresting suspected lawbreakers, patrolling neighborhoods, and protecting the rules of the road. Moreover, some cops work on specific types of crimes, such as narcotics, SWAT, or even homicide. Some police officers go on to become detectives, ...

How much do detectives make?

A detective position usually comes with a pay raise; while the average salary for a police officer is $65,400 a year, detectives have a median income of $81,920.

How long does a police officer have to be on probation?

The average officer spends six months on probation, during which they receive training from a senior officer. New police officers on probation should take special care, as any major mistakes may lead them to lose their job. Once you make it through this test period, you can celebrate: you’re officially a cop.

What is the physical agility test?

While the written part of the test assesses factors like reading comprehension and vocabulary, the physical test includes components such as running, doing push-ups, and performing sit-ups. The goal is to assess flexibility, endurance, and muscle strength, ...

Why do police officers need math?

Math helps future police officers by developing critical thinking and analytical skills for problem solving. Working neatly and accurately on math assignments and exams helps police officers keep organized, accurate records in the field. You may also use basic math to reconstruct auto collisions and track crime statistics.

Where did Rush get his bachelors?

Rush holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of California, San Diego.

Why is it important to learn a foreign language?

Learning any foreign language helps develop adaptation skills, problem solving and open-mindedness towards different cultures. Choosing to learn a language commonly spoken by community members can help police officers interact with people whose first language is not English more effectively.

Is psychology required in high school?

While not a high school requirement, students must meet specified numbers of elective units prior to graduation. Psychology not only full-fills elective requirements, it can help police officers better understand how people think, how perceptions and beliefs affect actions and what underlying forces may motivate criminal behavior, including mental illness or previous trauma. This knowledge can help police officers interact with community members more compassionately.

Potential Majors

Your college major will determine a significant portion of your classes, so you'll need to consider what kind of crime scene investigator you want to be. Criminal justice and policing majors can be ideal for people who want to join law enforcement, while a degree in psychology or sociology can help you become a profiler or interviewer.

Natural Sciences

Classes in natural sciences such as biology and chemistry can help you understand the basics of scientific investigations while teaching you laboratory skills.

Social Sciences

Social science courses can help you understand the individual motivations and social circumstances that can lead to crime. Try taking introductory-level psychology classes, as well as courses in abnormal and criminal psychology.

Criminal and Legal Studies

You'll be more likely to excel in your career if you have a strong understanding of how the criminal justice system works. Courses in criminal justice, the legal system and policing can help you understand what is and isn't possible within the criminal justice system.

What are the skills needed to become a criminal justice officer?

Skills like critical thinking, public speaking, and multi-tasking are all talents needed in this field of work. In the realm of Criminal Justice, a great deal of work involves solving problems. In order to do this well, you’re going to need to take some basic college courses like: Introduction to Statistics.

What are the different types of private investigators?

There are a myriad of specific kinds of private investigators including financial investigators, legal investigators, computer forensic investigators, and corporate investigators . Each of these careers is distinct in his/her own regards.

What is the difference between criminal justice and criminology?

Criminal justice deals with all aspects of a crime from the time the crime is committed right up until the criminal is found guilty and sent to prison. Criminal justice covers all areas of the American justice system. Criminology deals not so much with the actual crime but rather on why it happened.

What are the highest paying jobs in criminal justice?

The United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics states that the highest levels of employment in the Criminal Justice field are: colleges and universities, junior colleges, state government, business, and technical schools. They further reported that the top-paying industries were schools and state government agencies.

What are the benefits of working for the government?

In addition, criminal justice professionals who work for the government have good benefits including, health insurance, life insurance, training, and tuition assistance, paid holidays, and sick leave. Many positions qualify for retirement after 20 years of service and offer a generous retirement package.

What does a criminal lawyer do?

A criminal lawyer represents a defendant in the criminal court system at the federal, state, and local levels. Criminal lawyers may work on many cases at once, counseling clients on the best course of action. They also spend time gathering evidence via eyewitness accounts, police reports, and any other information relevant to the case at hand. Other tasks a criminal lawyer performs on the job include:

What does a forensic psychologist do?

In the forensic field, a psychologist will use their understanding of human behavior to assist in crime scene investigations. They also study the habits of criminals in order to gain a better understanding of the criminal mind. They may also be asked to predict crimes or interview criminals and their loved ones.

How to prepare for a police interview?

1. Be prepared with research. Before your interview, research the police department you are applying to. Find out what region they serve and protect, and learn how the community views police officers. It is important to know the crime rate of this community and what issues are most prevalent there.

What are the questions to ask a police officer?

Now that you are familiar with the area you would be serving, think about what you could do to make this community a better place to live. Ask yourself the following questions: 1 What is the most rewarding part of being a police officer? 2 What got you into this line of work? 3 What part of the job is most challenging? 4 Why are you interested in criminal justice?

Why do you want to be a public safety officer?

Here are some good reasons people typically pursue this profession: To save lives. To make communities safer.