what course of study do tax attorneys take to be tax attorneys

by Shana Ritchie 3 min read

Tax attorneys need a bachelor's degree and a JD. The section below describes the educational requirements in more detail. Landing a job as an attorney can be challenging and competitive, and a law degree does not guarantee employment. Virtually all law schools require a bachelor's degree for admission.Mar 7, 2022

What degree do you need to be a tax attorney?

Mar 07, 2022 · The path to becoming a tax attorney typically consists of the following steps: Step 1: Earn a bachelor's degree, preferably in accounting, business, or mathematics. This typically takes four years. Step 2: Study for and take the law school admissions test, a standardized exam assessing analytical reasoning, logic, and reading comprehension. Plan to spend a few weeks …

What types of tax lawyer classes are available?

Oct 19, 2021 · The undergraduate degree may be in most any discipline, although it is advantageous for an aspiring tax lawyer to major in business, economics, finance, or accounting. LSAT and Law School Admission Once a bachelor’s degree is obtained, the student then applies to law school, which is usually a three- year program.

What can you do with a tax law degree?

Dec 08, 2021 · Tax attorneys acquire many of these skills in law school, which teaches students to think like lawyers, synthesize complicated legal documents, and express themselves orally and in writing. Students entering law school with a bachelor's degree or significant coursework/work experience in accounting, business, or math often pursue careers in tax law.

How long does it take to become a certified tax attorney?

Aug 17, 2018 · Normally, a tax attorney should have a background in accounting or business. For them to earn this background, they have to complete their undergraduate degree in accounting or business. Without earning this bachelor’s degree, it will be impossible to gain admission into law school. Second Step: Application into Law School

Does being a tax lawyer require math?

Though an accounting or mathematics degree is no prerequisite to becoming a tax lawyer, you must have at least basic math and accounting skills.

Where do tax attorneys get paid the most?

Generally speaking, tax lawyers in states with the highest populations tend to make the most money. For instance, according to Zippia, the average salary for tax attorneys is greater in California than any other state.

What is the highest paying attorney job?

Some of the highest-paid lawyers are:
  • Medical Lawyers – Average $138,431. Medical lawyers make one of the highest median wages in the legal field. ...
  • Intellectual Property Attorneys – Average $128,913. ...
  • Trial Attorneys – Average $97,158. ...
  • Tax Attorneys – Average $101,204. ...
  • Corporate Lawyers – $116,361.
Dec 18, 2020

Is law school difficult?

In summary, law school is hard. Harder than regular college or universities, in terms of stress, workload, and required commitment. But about 40,000 people graduate from law schools every year–so it is clearly attainable.

Do tax attorneys work with CPAs?

For many clients dealing with various tax issues – particularly with the IRS – the assistance of both a certified public accountant and a tax attorney may be preferred. It is therefore not uncommon to find law firms that employ both tax attorneys and CPAs. Like CPAs, tax attorneys must be well versed in tax law, accounting, and finance; however, CPAs have a unique level of expertise in auditing, accounting, and the preparation of tax documents. While CPAs often work with clients in matters pertaining to finance and taxation, tax attorneys are professionally licensed to provide legal advice, to practice law, and to represent clients during litigation.

What industries do lawyers work in?

The top paying industries where lawyers played a role in tax consultancy in 2020 included specialty areas outside of conventional practice. Very few attorneys occupied these niches, but those that did out-earned their colleagues in every other area of practice (national mean annual income): 1 Specialized Design Services – $233,400 2 Computer Hardware Manufacturing – $221,000 3 Motion Picture and Video Industries – $218,360 4 Cable and Other Subscription Programming – $216,860 5 Navigational, Measuring, Electromedical and Control Instrument Manufacturing – $208,460

How much does a lawyer make in 2020?

The United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that the median annual income for a lawyer in 2020 was $126,930 while the top ten percent earned more than $208,000.

1. Get A Bachelor's Degree

The first thing you'll want to do is go to school and earn a bachelor's degree. As for what your major should be, consider taking business or accounting. Most tax attorneys have a background in these two areas. Obtaining a bachelor's degree is important because you typically need one if you want to attend law school.

2. Go To Law School

After you receive a bachelor's degree, you can apply for law school but be prepared to take the LSAT. When your LSAT scores come in, you can start to fill out applications and submit them to schools.

3. Land An Internship

One thing you'll want to do is land an internship, preferably while you are attending law school. An internship can help you get the first-hand experience.

4. Take The Bar Exam

After you graduate from law school with your Juris Doctor, the next step you have to do is schedule an appointment to take the state bar examination. You'll be required to take this exam in person. The requirements you need to meet vary from one state to another state.

5. Find Employment

Once you have passed the bar exam, you can start practicing law. This means you can start looking for work, and there are a number of ways to do this. You can contact the law school you attended to see if they can refer you to tax law firms that are hiring or you can search for jobs via your own methods.

6. Undertake Additional Education

Some attorneys start practicing law as soon as they pass the exam and are allowed to. However, it is a good idea to continue your education. For example, it might be a good idea to earn a Master of Laws in Taxation. Whether or not you should undertake additional education, that is completely up to you.

How to become a tax attorney in the US?

Education. Earn a bachelor’s degree , preferably in accounting, business, or mathematics. Pass the Law School Admission Test to gain admission into law school. Earn a juris doctor degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association that has a focus on tax law.

What is tax attorney?

What Is a Tax Attorney? Tax attorneys help their clients navigate and comply with the complex system of tax codes and legally take advantage of the myriad deductions, credits, and exemptions. They also represent clients in tax disputes. Tax lawyers in private practice assist both individuals and businesses.

What is local tax?

Local taxes include those on real property, sales, and city and county services. Staying up-to-date with and interpreting the changing federal tax code constitutes a large part of the tax law profession, along with understanding the interplay between federal, state, and local laws.

What is a tax specialist?

Specialists formulate and implement plans of action to deal with issues including audits, back taxes owed, mistakes in tax amounts owed, and tax evasion. They draft letters to the IRS, adhere to imposed deadlines, negotiate resolutions and settlements with the IRS, and represent clients in federal court.

What does a tax lawyer do?

Tax lawyers review legislative updates, IRS rule changes, and recent case law to stay current on changes in tax law. They read, synthesize, and analyze the federal tax code — along with other other tax laws — to ensure client compliance.

What is the National Association of Tax Professionals?

National Association of Tax Professionals. New and experienced tax professionals — including tax attorneys — can join this association to gain access to guidance on federal tax code updates, networking opportunities, education courses, an online tax library, and advocacy. National Society of Tax Professionals.

What is the job of an estate lawyer?

Some attorneys work in estate law, helping clients structure their wills and trusts to maximize tax advantages. Litigators practice in the U.S. Tax Court, state tax tribunals, and local administrative proceedings. Government tax lawyers work for the IRS or state and local agencies.

Tax Lawyer Job Description

Tax attorney’s job include helping clients with their income taxes and guiding them as they are preparing their taxes. A tax lawyer protects his or her client from passing through the stress of dealing directly with the IRS. They will also help you to save a huge amount of dollars which you might have lost otherwise through direct dealing.

Becoming a Tax Lawyer Requires

Knowing the right moment and how to appeal for a decision taking by a tax court.

Skill Requirements of A Tax Attorney

He or she should be able to carry out factual and legal research skills.

How Can Someone Become a Tax Lawyer?

If you want to become a tax attorney, the first thing you must do is to get your education and training. They are as follows;

Tax Attorney Average Salary

The tax attorney salary is normally paid annually with the median hourly payments of the United States which is $115.800 by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The least amount that a Tax Lawyer earns is $55,900 yearly, while the highest paid tax lawyer receives $187,000.

How to become a tax lawyer?

Step 1: Earn a Bachelor's Degree. A tax lawyer typically has a background in business or accounting. To obtain this background, you can complete an undergraduate degree program in business or accounting. A bachelor's degree is required to apply to law school.

What is tax lawyer?

Tax lawyers are legal professionals who specialize in assisting clients in issues regarding state or federal taxes. They may work with both individuals or corporations and provide legal advice regarding how to declare their taxes properly, especially when dealing with complex regulations or large amounts of income.

Do lawyers need continuing education?

Additionally, all lawyers must complete continuing education in order to maintain their licensure. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment for attorneys, including tax lawyers, will grow by 6% from 2018 to 2028. There are many other branches of law that individuals may wish to consider.

What are the factors to consider when selecting a law school?

Tuition, location, student body size and the overall quality of the school are factors to consider when selecting a law school, according to the Law School Admission Council. All states require lawyers to graduate from a law school that is accredited by the American Bar Association.

Undergraduate Education

To become a tax attorney, you first need an undergraduate degree. There is no requirement for a specific degree, though you should choose a degree that will help you develop useful skills for both law school and a tax career. Business, accounting, finance and economics majors are among the most helpful.

Law Degree and Licensing

The next step to becoming a tax attorney is to enroll in and graduate from an accredited law school, then pass the bar exam. Law schools do not offer specializations such as tax law. However, it is helpful to take a variety of tax classes to familiarize yourself with the topic and make sure tax law is the right choice for you.

Enrolled Agent

If you want to be qualified to represent clients before the IRS, you will need to complete the IRS program for becoming an Enrolled Agent. This involves passing a three-part Special Enrollment Exam that covers both business and individual tax returns.


You do not need any special certification to practice as a tax attorney. However, some attorneys choose to obtain state certifications so they can advertise themselves as specializing in tax law. This typically involves passing an exam and having a certain number of hours working in tax law.

What is tax attorney?

Tax attorneys are lawyers who specialize in the complex and technical field of tax law. They're best for handling complex, technical and legal issues associated with your tax situation. A tax attorney can step in after you have a problem, but consulting with one in advance can also help you avoid problems.

Why is the term "attorney" more ominous?

Both are available to help you in your hour of need, but the term "attorney" has a more ominous ring to it because it implies that you're not just fighting numbers —you're fighting the law. 11/09/2019: Boston, MA.

Why do you double check your tax return?

Always double check your tax return to avoid simple mistakes and common errors which would cause the IRS to take a second look at your account. Realize the risk of handling your IRS issues by yourself. Don’t be penny wise and pound foolish.

How much do tax attorneys make?

Tax Attorneys in America make an average salary of $92,290 per year or $44 per hour. The top 10 percent makes over $164,000 per year, while the bottom 10 percent under $51,000 per year.

What are the best states to work as a tax attorney?

The best states for people in this position are California, New York, Washington, and Massachusetts. Tax attorneys make the most in California with an average salary of $126,298. Whereas in New York and Washington, they would average $122,723 and $118,080, respectively. While tax attorneys would only make an average of $110,718 in Massachusetts , you would still make more there than in the rest of the country. We determined these as the best states based on job availability and pay. By finding the median salary, cost of living, and using the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Location Quotient, we narrowed down our list of states to these four.

What is location quotient?

Location Quotient is a measure used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to determine how concentrated a certain industry is in a single state compared to the nation as a whole. You can read more about how BLS calculates location quotients here

How long does it take to become a tax lawyer?

The certification process to become a tax lawyer in incredibly stringent and includes hundreds of hours of practice and continuing education before one can even get certified. Take a look at some of the things they learn that you should also be aware of. 1. Not All Tax Changes Are Permanent.

What can a tax lawyer do for you?

Tax lawyers will help you work out a formal agreement with the government. They can help you set up installment payments or even negotiate with IRS to lower your amount owed. However, anxious taxpayers need to avoid common scams targeting taxpayers. 2. When You're Being Audited.

What are the different types of IRS audits?

There are three types of audits: 1 Field audits are the most invasive and occur when the IRS sends an actual IRS agent to your home or business to perform the audit. 2 Office audits occur when you the IRS asks you to bring all of your receipts and documentation of an item “in question” down to the nearest IRS office. 3 Correspondence audits are done through the mail and are relatively uncomplicated.

Can a tax lawyer help you with IRS?

They can help you set up installment payments or even negotiate with IRS to lower your amount owed. However, anxious taxpayers need to avoid common scams targeting taxpayers. 2. When You're Being Audited. One of the things tax lawyers are best known for is their skill set in dealing with IRS audits.

What is tax court?

Tax Court is a place where citizens can go to refute any claims, allegations, or charges accrued by the IRS. In the event of small claims for relatively low amounts of money, a tax lawyer probably isn’t necessary.

How long is a tax refund valid?

However, that refund has an expiration date and will only be valid for three years.

What happens if you don't pay taxes?

At this point, if you don’t pay, the IRS will send you a final notice, giving you 30 days to request a hearing with a settlement officer.
