what course of actions is taken for workplace violence

by Keanu Altenwerth IV 7 min read

What do you need to know about the workplace violence program?

Jan 01, 2011 · Workplace violence, a complex and widespread issue, has received increased attention from the public, mental health experts, and law enforcement professionals. 1 The wide range of acts that fall...

Is there any guidance for evaluating and controlling violence in the workplace?

Sep 17, 2019 · This includes enforcing standards of behavior and providing training and assistance to employees. The first step to preventing workplace violence is staying informed and attentive to workplace dynamics. Below are some steps to take toward ensuring a safer workplace. Know and Spot the Signs.

What is the Department of Labor's position on workplace violence?

Preventing Workplace Violence in Healthcare. OSHA. The strategies and tools presented in this section are intended to complement OSHA's Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers. The Guidelines describe the five components of an effective workplace violence prevention program, with extensive examples.

What is workplace violence and harassment?

Dec 19, 2019 · Workplace violence is a real problem in the United States. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that assaults resulted in 18,400 injuries and 458 fatalities in 2017 (the most recent year with available data). The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) estimates rape and sexual assault account for 2.3% of all nonfatal workplace violence, with …

What is the first step in reporting workplace violence?

If there is a physical conflict, emergency situation, or if someone has been seriously injured, call 9-1-1, and report all threats or acts to your supervisor/manager, AND to the Workplace Violence Referral Line at (916) 376-5344.

When workplace violence happens what actions should be taken?

Call 911 and other appropriate emergency contacts (such as Federal Protective Service) for that particular facility, particularly if the situation requires immediate medical and/or law enforcement personnel. Remain Calm and Contact supervisor. Secure your personal safety first. Leave the area if your safety is at risk.

What are 3 steps that management can take to help prevent workplace violence?

The building blocks for developing an effective workplace violence prevention program include: (1) Management commitment and employee participation, (2) Worksite analysis, (3) Hazard prevention and control, (4) Safety and health training, and (5) Recordkeeping and program evaluation.

How can workplace violence be resolved?

Let's look at these steps in more detail.
  1. Analyze your workplace. ...
  2. Create a supportive environment. ...
  3. Offer communication and empathy training. ...
  4. Establish a clear workplace violence policy. ...
  5. Commit to a non-violent workplace. ...
  6. Train employees to recognize warning signs. ...
  7. Create an action plan, share it with employees, and practice.

What are the 4 types of workplace violence?

Types of Workplace Violence
  • Type 1: Criminal Intent. ...
  • Type 2: Customer/Client. ...
  • Type 3: Worker-on-Worker. ...
  • Type 4: Personal Relationship.

What is workplace violence examples?

Examples of workplace violence include direct physical assaults (with or without weapons), written or verbal threats, physical or verbal harassment, and homicide (Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA, 2015).

What are the six workplace prevention procedures?

6 Key Steps for Preventing and Addressing Workplace Harassment
  • 6 Key Steps to Preventing and Addressing Harassment.
  • 1) Maintain a strong policy.
  • 2) Require training across your workforce.
  • 3) Notify employees of available resources.
  • 4) Establish zero tolerance.
  • 5) Investigate complaints.
  • 6) Document steps taken.
Feb 20, 2018

What are the key elements of an effective workplace violence prevention program?

OSHA's five major elements of an effective workplace violence prevention program are:
  • Management commitment and employee involvement;
  • Worksite analysis;
  • Hazard prevention and control;
  • Safety and health training;
  • Recordkeeping and program evaluation.

What is a workplace violence prevention program?

Every covered employer is required to develop a workplace violence prevention plan. The plan must include procedures to identify and evaluate risk factors for workplace violence, correct hazards, prepare for workplace violence emergencies, and respond to and investigate violent incidents.

How do you document abuse in the workplace?

Ways to Document Harassment

If the abuse is physical, pictures of any injuries and copies of relevant medical records are very useful. Other proof could include mental health records, such as a treatment plan from a therapist and prescribed medications.

How do you identify workplace violence?

Warning signs include:
  1. Crying, sulking or temper tantrums.
  2. Excessive absenteeism or lateness.
  3. Pushing the limits of acceptable conduct or disregarding the health and safety of others.
  4. Disrespect for authority.
  5. Increased mistakes or errors, or unsatisfactory work quality.
  6. Refusal to acknowledge job performance problems.

What are the most common forms of workplace violence?

One of the common types of workplace violence is that among co-workers. In addition, a high percentage of violent incidents are perpetrated by individuals from outside the workplace. This includes situations such as domestic violence, bomb threats, and violence by customers.

Can an employer prevent workplace violence?

No employer is immune from workplace violence and no employer can totally prevent it. The cost to organizations is staggering. It is impossible to overstate the costs of workplace violence, because a single incident can have sweeping repercussions.

Is workplace violence a problem?

Workplace violence is a frustrating problem facing Federal agencies today. While more and more information on the causes of violence and how to handle it is becoming known, there is often no reasonable rationale for this type of conduct and, despite everything we know or do, violent situations happen. No employer is immune from workplace violence ...

Is domestic violence a concern?

Often, co-workers and supervisors believe that domestic violence is something that is not their concern, but a private family matter that should not be brought to work.

What is employee assistance program?

encouraging employees who show signs of stress or evidence of possible domestic violence to seek assistance, such as the Employee Assistance Program; and. assuring, where needed, that employees have time and opportunity to attend training, e.g., conflict resolution, stress management, etc.

Why is early intervention important?

There are many intervention options, and they vary greatly depending upon the situation. Early intervention may defuse the initial situation and give the supervisor an opportunity to thoroughly review options for resolution. Intervention sets the tone for how the situation will be resolved so it must be handled deftly.

What is the DOL policy?

Department of Labor's (DOL) policy and position on workplace violence are clear. It is our policy to promote a safe environment for our employees and the visiting public, and to work with our employees to maintain a work environment that is free from violence, harassment, intimidation, and other disruptive behavior.

What are the types of workplace violence?

Workplace violence, a complex and widespread issue, has received increased attention from the public, mental health experts, and law enforcement professionals. 1 The wide range of acts that fall under this rubric include all violent behavior and threats of violence, as well as any conduct that can result in injury, damage property, induce a sense of fear, and otherwise impede the normal course of work. 2 Threats, harassment, intimidation, bullying, stalking, intimate partner violence, physical or sexual assaults, and homicides fall within this category. 3

How can awareness of workplace violence help?

An awareness of the workplace violence spectrum, along with knowledge of prevention and intervention strategies, can help increase safety in the work setting. However, advance planning and preparation for such incidents and knowing how to respond if one occurs are imperative for survival.

Is workplace violence a problem?

Workplace violence is a prevalent and complex problem. While certain high-profile, catastrophic incidents have drawn the attention of the media and the public, numerous events go unreported. Workers should learn about workplace violence, recognize the behaviors of concern, and remember that awareness + action = prevention. If an incident does occur, they should be able to distinguish a hostage taker from an active shooter so that they can determine how to behave to increase their chances of survival.

What is a type II incident?

Type II events are those where the offenders currently receive services from the facilities (retail-, health-, or service-industry settings) when they commit an act of violence against them. Type III episodes involve those current or former employees acting out toward their present or past places of employment.

What is a type 1 crime?

Type I. Offender has no relationship with the victim or workplace establishment. In these incidents, the motive most often is robbery or another type of crime. Type II. Offender currently receives services from the workplace, often as a customer, client, patient, student, or other type of consumer. Type III.

What is the left end of the spectrum?

Moving toward the left end of the spectrum, behaviors become less physical and more emotional/psychological. These include disruptive, aggressive, hostile, or emotionally abusive conduct that interrupts the flow of the workplace and causes employees concern for their personal safety.

How to prevent workplace violence?

The first step to preventing workplace violence is staying informed and attentive to workplace dynamics. Below are some steps to take toward ensuring a safer workplace. Know and Spot the Signs. In an ideal world, workplace violence can be prevented through recognizing and reporting warning signs, so it is important to educate your employees on ...

How many workplace homicides were there in 2016?

In 2016, there were 500 workplace homicides, accounting for 10 percent of all fatal occupational injuries. Even more shocking, workplace violence is the second leading cause of death for women in the workplace. A safe and secure workplace is crucial to productivity, as it’s estimated that workplace assaults attribute to $121 billion in annual ...

What is zero tolerance for violence?

Code of conduct. According to the OSHA, establishing a zero-tolerance for violence policy is one of the best protections an employer can offer its employees. It sends a clear message that violence has no place in your company and all threats or instances of workplace violence will be documented and investigated.

When was the Virginia Beach shooting?

September 17, 2019. Last June, a shooting by an employee at Virginia Beach’s Department of Utilities marked one of the worst instances of workplace violence in the U.S. in more than a decade. Unfortunately, workplace violence isn’t all that rare.

What are the types of workplace violence?

Simple assault accounts for 75.2%, and aggravated assault accounts for 18.6%. Workplace violence falls into four categories, according to the report: 1 Type 1: Violence with no connection to the workplace. It’s committed by criminals entering to commit robbery or another crime. 2 Type 2: Violence directed at employees by customers, clients, inmates, students, patients, and others being provided services. 3 Type 3: Violence against coworkers, supervisors, or managers by a present or former employee. 4 Type 4: Violence committed by an abusive spouse or domestic partner who doesn’t work there, but has a personal relationship with an employee.

What is the only thing that will stop escalating violence?

The sooner emergency services are involved, the sooner they can defuse the situation. If escalating violence occurs in the workplace, police or military response is often the only thing that will stop it.

Who is Lynn Falkin McClure?

Lynn Falkin McClure, PhD, is the author of Risky Business: Managing Employee Violence in the Workplace. She identifies five behaviors that are found in the psyche of every workplace shooter:

When was Thomas McIlvane fired?

When disgruntled postal worker Thomas McIlvane was fired from his job in November 1991 , he returned several weeks later with a sawed-off .22-caliber rifle, killing three workers and injuring six before killing himself.

Why do organizations need protocols?

Organizations need protocols in place to handle reports of potential violence, criminal activity, or other problems. Employees that don’t have proper internal reporting channels won’t feel confident enough to report criminal activity.

Why should the workplace have zero tolerance?

The workplace should have a zero-tolerance policy in place to prevent workplace violence. A system of accountability needs to be in place so that everyone from the c-suite to entry-level understands that no form of violence will be tolerated.

Where should safety materials be posted?

Buildings should have safety materials posted in all employee common areas, including break rooms and back offices. These also include general safety procedures, emergency exit routes, and clearly labeled safety equipment.

How to prevent workplace violence?

To curtail violence among employees in your business, take the following steps: Accept the possibility that workplace violence can occur in your workplace. Review your recruiting and hiring procedures — where permitted, institute criminal background checks and carefully check all references and former employers.

Is workplace violence a problem?

However, the reality is that workplace violence is an increasing problem, and employers should be aware of what they can do to prevent it, as well as the various legal responsibilities and restrictions imposed on them.

How to fire an employee?

Establish grievance procedures. If you need to fire an employee, do so with sensitivity, in a way that preserves the employee's dignity. Establish exit interview procedures that collect company keys, identification, etc., and alert you to any potential problems. Install routine security procedures when employees are fired.

What are the signs of a violent employee?

Generally speaking, employee behaviors that may be warnings include: depressed behavior. paranoid behavior.

What to do when a violent incident occurs?

Planning for the Worst. If a violent incident occurs in your workplace, you'll have to act quickly and calmly. You'll have to make immediate decisions; help victims, family, and other employees; and, possibly, deal with the press. You'll have to respond to and manage the incident safely and effectively; protect the physical safety ...

What to do in an emergency?

The first thing to do is summon help from the authorities. After that, assist the "survivors" and return the workplace to normal. Remember, you must provide leadership for planning and preparation, both during the emergency and for recovery efforts. Handling the press.

What states have concealed weapons laws?

Two of the main areas covered by these laws are the carrying of concealed weapons and the duty to retreat from deadly force. Alaska, Florida, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Ohio, Oklahoma, ...

What should be included in workplace violence prevention training?

In addition, workplace violence prevention training for employees may also include topics such as: Explanation of the company's workplace violence policy; Encouragement to report incidents;

Can an employer avoid liability for violence?

Employers may avoid liability for acts of violence in the workplace where it is shown that the employer conducted training for employees on the recognition of warning signs of potentially violent behavior, as well as precautions which may enhance the personal safety of the employee in the workplace and in the field.

What are the types of training?

Types of training; How to deal with hostile persons; Managing anger; Techniques and skills to resolve conflicts; Stress management, relaxation techniques, or wellness training; Security procedures, e. g., the location and operation of safety devices such as alarm systems; Personal security measures; and.

What is supervisory training?

Supervisory Training. Employers will benefit from training on workplace violence as part of general supervisory training, some conduct separate training sessions on workplace violence, and some include it in crisis management training. Whichever approach is taken, supervisory leadership training should cover:

What are the components of VPP?

Three components of VPP education. Educating employees about components of the VPP is accomplished through: instruction, training, and evaluation to ensure employees have the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required to work safe on the job. Instruction.

What is type 3 violence?

Type 3 violence between coworkers is commonly referred to as lateral or horizontal violence. It includes bullying, and frequently manifests as verbal and emotional abuse that is unfair, offensive, vindictive, and/or humiliating though it can range all the way to homicide.

What is a type 1 crime?

Type 1: Criminal Intent. In Type 1 violence, the perpetrator has no legitimate relationship to the business or its employees, and is usually committing a crime in conjunction with the violence (robbery, shoplifting, trespassing). For example: a nurse assaulted in the hospital parking garage; a home health care nurse is mugged while conducting ...



  • Workplace violence is a frustrating problem facing Federal agencies today. While more and more information on the causes of violence and how to handle it is becoming known, there is often no reasonable rationale for this type of conduct and, despite everything we know or do, violent situations happen. No employer is immune from workplace violence and no employer can totall…
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Policy, Purpose, and Scope

  • Every year, approximately two million people throughout the country are victims of non-fatal violence at the workplace. Officials at the Department of Justice have found violence to be a leading cause of fatal injuries at work with about 1,000 workplace homicides each year. Violence against employees occurs in a variety of circumstances and situations including: robberies and …
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Roles and Responsibilities

  • The goal of the DOL Workplace Violence Program is to support a work environment in which violent or potentially violent situations are effectively addressed with a focus on prevention by increasing employee understanding of the nature of workplace violence, how to respond to it, and how to prevent it. Success in the protection of our employees requ...
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Preventing Workplace Violence

  • One of the major components of an effective workplace violence program is its strategy regarding prevention. This section will focus on awareness and preventive measures that can be taken to deal with threatening, intimidating, and/or potentially violent behavior. Becoming familiar with the Department's policy and program regarding workplace violence is an important step in preventin…
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Workplace Violence Warning Signs

  • One of the common types of workplace violence is that among co-workers. In addition, a high percentage of violent incidents are perpetrated by individuals from outside the workplace. This includes situations such as domestic violence, bomb threats, and violence by customers. While they are often preventable, it is still difficult to determine whether or not any particular workplac…
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Recognizing The Levels of Violence and Response

  • Potential or actual violent situations among employees usually escalate if not defused. Violence and the warning signs that typically occur can usually be identified at three levels. It should be noted that anyone or combination of warning signs at the three levels may be indicative of a potentially violent situation. The following is an attempt to delineate warning signs and the appr…
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