In the course of the hour-long interrogation, it became clear to Corrie that the Gestapo had been mistaken about the true nature of the workings at the Beje. They seemed to think that it was the headquarters of a food ration card fraud and theft scheme, as Rahms’s questions mostly seemed to focus on this topic.
One of the Gestapo’s main responsibilities was coordinating the deportation of Jews to ghettos, concentration camps, killing sites, and killing centers. The Gestapo was the political police force of the Nazi state.
Protective custody allowed the Gestapo to bypass the court system. Those placed in protective custody could not consult a lawyer, appeal their sentence, or defend themselves in court. The Gestapo even used protective custody to override court decisions in some cases. Typically they did so when they considered the court’s sentence too lenient.
This office was referred to by its German abbreviation “SD.” In September 1939, the Security Police was officially united with the SS intelligence service (SD). Together, they became a new office called the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA). The Gestapo became Office IV of the RSHA.
Peter's father was a violinist and professor at the university. He spoke out against the expulsion of the Jewish professors and the entire Nazi movement. Because of this, one night, in the middle of dinner, he was taken away by the Gestapo.
The movie ends with a dramatic conclusion of Peter by himself getting ready to go and do the unthinkable. He knew that he would be entering the forbidden territory of the Swing club and he was finally ready to accept the consequences, because he was not going to let anyone dictate his moral character.
Günter DischerIn January 1943, Günter Discher, as one of the ringleaders of the Swing Kids, was deported to the Moringen concentration camp, where he spent the next two years until the defeat of Nazi Germany.
A title card at the end of the film informs us that some of the kids died at the hands of the Nazis, and others were forced into the German Army and killed in battle, but that some survived, and after the war there were still Swing Kids in Germany.
When the climax of a film is a lead character angrily singing Duke Ellington's “It Don't Mean a Thing”, you know you're in for a misguided ride. The main friendship between Peter and Thomas serves as the basis of the film's narrative.
Swing Kids is a fictional story rooted in actual events that took place in Nazi Germany in the late 1930s.
Orchestras had to follow strict rules like not exceeding 20 percent of the repertoire to jazz, and some areas outlawed swing dancing and dances. Swing music per se, however, was never completely outlawed.
Thomas BergerChristian BaleEmil LutzNoah WylePeter MüllerRobert Sean LeonardFrau LingeJulia StembergerHerr Knopp, GestapoKenneth BranaghArvidFrank WhaleySwing Kids/Characters
They were found guilty and executed by guillotine, along with their friend and collaborator Christoph Probst, on 22 February 1943. Hans Scholl's last words before he was executed were: "Long live freedom!" The rest of the White Rose group was thrown into panic.
After he is badly beaten by Nazis, leaving him struggling to play the guitar, Arvid realizes there is nothing for him in Germany and dies by suicide.
Here's how. Peter is forced to join the HJ after he's arrested trying to steal a radio as an act of retribution against the abusive block captain and as a gift for Arvid after a bad fight. Thomas joins in solidarity, promising that they can pretend to be Nazis by day and continue living it up as swing kids by night.
Julia StembergerSwing Kids (1993) - Julia Stemberger as Frau Linge - IMDb.
Corrie herself needed to prepare for harsh Gestapo interrogation methods. Her nephew Kik arranged drills for her, in which he and Rolf would burst into Corrie’s room while she was still sleeping and bark questions at her, just as would happen if she were to find herself face-to-face with the German police.
The weeks in solitary confinement continued, with no clear end in sight for Corrie’s suffering and loneliness. This was part of the Gestapo interrogation methods to break her. In late May 1944, after three months in Scheveningen, she was finally called for her hearing.
Swing Kids 1. Hamburg, Germany. 1939. The main character, a young, German man named Peter Muller, was very traumatized by what the Nazi's and Gestapo (the terrorist political police of the Nazi regime founded by Hermann Göring, whose purpose was to persecute all political opponents of the Nazi regime) did to his father. Over the course of the movie, Peter went through a change; he saw his father in a new light, and realized what really mattered in the world around him. Peter's father was a violinist and professor at the university. He spoke out against the expulsion of the Jewish professors and the entire Nazi movement. Because of this, one night, in the middle of dinner, he was taken away by the Gestapo. He was brought back home…show more content…
The movie follows the 1939 journey of two German teenagers through the “Hitlerjugend”, or Hitler Youth. Peter Muller (played by Robert Sean Leonard) and Thomas Berger (played by Christian Bale) are forced to choose between loyalty to their friends and family or loyalty to their country. The main focus of this movie is to display the way the Nazi party “brainwashed” their youth with propaganda. The movie conveys
The movie is focused on a group of teens, sticking with their passion and love for swing, even though it is banned by the Nazis, due to the fact it is made by westerners that were commonly black or any other race. These were all because of totalitarianism and how it’s characteristics impacted the people. This is why Swing Kids perfectly portrays the characteristics of totalitarianism in Nazi Germany
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