what course of action does romeo advocate in response to tybalt's insult

by Emma Thiel 6 min read

Why does Tybalt think Romeo is there to fight?

What is Romeo's response to Tybalt's insult? Answer and Explanation: Become a Study.com member to unlock this answer! Create your account View this answer Being disgusted by the reluctance of Romeo...

What kind of character is tytybalt?

Why does the Doctor think Romeo is there to insult his family?

What does the servant think Romeo is there to do?

May 30, 2017 · Answered by Aslan 4 years ago 5/30/2017 10:36 AM. I see this in act 3 sc 1. Romeo begs Tybalt to make peace with him. Romeo says that Tybalt is now family and that they should be brothers rather than enemies. I do protest, I never injured thee,But love thee better than thou canst devise,

What does Romeo do in response to Tybalt's action?

In response to Tybalt's attempts to initiate a fight, Romeo tells Tybalt that he loves "thee better than thou canst devise." Ironically, Romeo's refusal to duel with Tybalt brings about the very acceleration of violence he sought to prevent.

What course of action does Romeo take in response to Tybalt's insult?

7. Students circle the words “calm” and/or “submission”. Mercutio finds Romeo's calmness in the face of Tybalt's insult dishonorable. He sees Romeo's refusal to fight as a shameful surrender to an enemy, an act of “vile submission” (line 72).Aug 31, 2013

What is Romeo's response to Tybalt insulting him?

Although Tybalt has insulted Romeo, Romeo refuses to fight, saying instead, "I do protest I never injured thee, / But love thee better than thou canst devise" (lines 67-67), showing that he wishes to avoid conflict with the Capulets, the family of his new wife.

What does Romeo offer to do for Tybalt?

Romeo offers to kill himself as a “favour” to Tybalt. Romeo is feeling extreme guilt over killing Tybalt.Aug 31, 2013

How does Tybalt insult Romeo How does Romeo respond to this insult?

When Romeo arrives on the scene, how does Tybalt insult him? Tybalt insults Romeo by calling him a villain, hoping that this will cause him to fight. How does Romeo react to the insult? Juliet's cousin.

Why won't Romeo fight Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet?

Why won't Romeo fight Tybalt? Romeo will not fight Tybalt because he just became married to Tybalt's cousin, Juliet. Romeo considers Tybalt to be part of his family (through marriage); therefore, he will not fight a family member.

What insulting name does Tybalt call?

He approaches Benvolio and Mercutio and asks to speak with one of them. Annoyed, Mercutio begins to taunt and provoke him. Romeo enters. Tybalt turns his attention from Mercutio to Romeo, and calls Romeo a villain.

What scene does Tybalt insult Romeo?

ACT III SCENE IACT III SCENE IA public place.Romeo slew Tybalt, Romeo must not live.PRINCERomeo slew him, he slew Mercutio;Who now the price of his dear blood doth owe?MONTAGUENot Romeo, prince, he was Mercutio's friend;215 more rows•Jan 21, 2022

What is Romeo's punishment for killing Tybalt?

banishmentFriar Lawrence tells Romeo that his punishment for killing Tybalt is banishment, not death. Romeo responds that death is preferable to banishment from Juliet.

When Romeo enters what does Tybalt call him and what is Romeo's response?

They encounter Tybalt and get into a fight. When Romeo enters, what dose Tybalt call him, And what is Romeo's response? Tybalt calls Romeo a villain and Romeo responds by says how the reason he now has to love him is much greater than the reason he had to hate him.

How does Romeo respond to Tybalt's challenge Why does Mercutio decide to fight in Romeo's Place?

How does Romeo Respond to tylbalts challenge? Why does Mercutio decide to fight in Romeo's place. He doesn't want to fight him because he has no reason to. Mercutio think Romeo was dishonorable.

Why does Romeo fight Tybalt?

Romeo is so upset at the death of his friend that he fights Tybalt in revenge. He slays Tybalt and leaves as the Prince approaches. Benvolio explains the fight to Prince Escalus who declares that because Romeo has killed in revenge he will be banished from the city of Verona rather than sentenced to death.