what course is equivalent to biol 1322 at unt dallas

by Joannie Gaylord 7 min read

BIOL 1322 (3 Credit Hours) Listed by Campus (es): BHC, CVC, EFC, ECC, MVC, NLC, RLC Nutrition and Diet Therapy This is a Texas Common Course Number. This is a Dallas College Core Curriculum course.

Full Answer

What are the courses 2900, 2910, 4900 and 4910?

Note: Courses 2900, 2910, 4900 and 4910, Special Problems, are used upon approval of the department chair or dean for individual instruction in any department to cover course content in special circumstances. Courses 5900, 5910, 5920 and 5930 are used in any department that offers graduate work.

What is TCCNS in Texas?

The Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS) has been designed for the purpose of aiding students in the transfer of general academic courses between colleges and universities throughout Texas. Common courses are freshman and sophomore academic credit courses that have been identified as common by institutions that are members of the common course numbering system. The system ensures that if the student takes a course the receiving institution designates as common, then the course will be accepted in transfer and the credit will be treated as equivalent to the course offered by the receiving institution.

How many hours of credit do you need for advanced courses?

Advanced Courses: numbered 3000 to 4999, are open to students who have 12 semester hours of credit in a given subject or who have the indicated prerequisites, and to those without the prerequisites who have the consent of the department chair. In some instances, school requirements may vary.

Can you drop a prerequisite course prior to the beginning of the next term?

However, students will be dropped from that course prior to the beginning of the next term if they do not meet the prerequisite specified in the catalog. Students should meet with an academic advisor to develop a plan for successful completion of the prerequisite course.

What is the UNTD core curriculum?

UNTD adheres to the Texas Core Curriculum established in Texas Education Code Chapter 61, Subchapter S. Courses designated on the transcript as a Core Foundation Area will be applied to the Texas Core Curriculum. As a new Freshman student starting at UNTD (or transfer student looking ahead to attend UNTD), taking the recommended UNTD courses (or equivalent) can reduce hours to degree and provide more opportunities for elective courses.

What are the requirements for a biology degree?

Building Blocks for the Degree 1 Texas Core Curriculum: All students are required to complete 42 hours of the Texas Core Curriculum to earn a degree. 2 Major Requirements: The biology major (BS) requires 24 hours of required in biology. 3 Supporting Science Requirements: Students are required to complete 27 hours of courses to enhance the understanding of the major requirements. 4 Major Electives: 12 hours of advanced, elective biology courses. 5 Other Courses: Students must have a minimum of 120 credit hours to graduate with a degree from UNTD. Students may complete a minor, certificate program or general elective courses to meet this requirement.

What is a biology degree?

Biology is a scientific study of the living world that leads to careers in education, health, environmental science, forensic biology, scientific journalism, and research. Studies in biology give us a way to understand nature and the interconnectedness of all living things. This field is important to everyday life because it allows us to better understand ourselves, our natural resources, and the potential threats that would alter, damage, or destroy our environment. The UNT Dallas Bachelor of Science in Biology is a professional, science-based degree that prepares students to enter professional training in the health field and may lead to a career in the health professions (pharmacy, dentistry, physician assistant, veterinary, and medical sciences).

How many credits do you need to graduate from UNTD?

Other Courses: Students must have a minimum of 120 credit hours to graduate with a degree from UNTD. Students may complete a minor, certificate program or general elective courses to meet this requirement.

What is the UNTD core curriculum?

UNTD adheres to the Texas Core Curriculum established in Texas Education Code Chapter 61, Subchapter S. Courses designated on the transcript as a Core Foundation Area will be applied to the Texas Core Curriculum. As a new Freshman student starting at UNTD (or transfer student looking ahead to attend UNTD), taking the recommended UNTD courses (or equivalent) can reduce hours to degree and provide more opportunities for elective courses.

What is the benefit of taking UNTD courses?

As a new Freshman student starting at UNTD (or transfer student looking ahead to attend UNTD), taking the recommended UNTD courses (or equivalent) can reduce hours to degree and provide more opportunities for elective courses.

How many hours of Texas core curriculum?

Texas Core Curriculum: All students are required to complete 42 hours of the Texas Core Curriculum to earn a degree.

How many hours of support science are required for a major?

Supporting Science Requirements: Students are required to complete 15 hours of courses to enhance the understanding of the major requirements.

Course Numbering System

  • Course Listings
    All courses of instruction are listed alphabetically. If more than one area of instruction exists within a unit, courses are listed alphabetically within that unit. Additionally, the courses appear in the straight alphabetical listing with a reference back to the unit. Use the Course and Subject Gui…
  • Course Numbering System
    Freshman courses, 1000-1999. Sophomore courses, 2000-2999. Junior courses, 3000-3999. Senior courses, 4000-4999. Graduate courses, 5000-5999. Law courses, 7000-7999. The graduate student enrolled in a 5000-level course that meets with a senior-level undergraduate course will …
See more on catalog.untdallas.edu

Course Information

Texas Common Course Numbering System

Course Descriptions

  1. 1000-1999 - Freshman courses
  2. 2000-2999 - Sophomore courses
  3. 3000-3999 - Junior courses
  4. 4000-4999 - Senior courses
See more on catalog.untdallas.edu