what course does ap spanish language correspond to in college

by Pinkie Aufderhar 8 min read

intermediate level college course

Full Answer

What college course is AP Spanish equivalent to?

AP - Advanced Placement An AP Spanish Language course is comparable to an advanced level (5th- and 6th-semester or the equivalent) college Spanish language course. Emphasizing the use of Spanish for active communication, it encompasses aural/oral skills, reading comprehension, grammar, and composition.

Do Colleges look at AP Spanish?

Whatever score you get on the exam, and whether or not you earn college course credit, the AP Spanish exam can help on the college admissions front. Colleges want to see that applicants have taken the most challenging courses available to them, and AP classes play on important role on that front.

How many college credits is AP Spanish?

How much money can AP classes save a student?AP CourseAP Exam Minimum ScoreMaximum Credits Available per CourseAP English (depending on course)3-45AP History (depending on course)3-56AP Psychology33AP Spanish (depending on course)3-516

What college class is AP Lang?

AP English Language and Composition is an introductory college-level composition course. Students cultivate their understanding of writing and rhetorical arguments through reading, analyzing, and writing texts as they explore topics like rhetorical situation, claims and evidence, reasoning and organization, and style.

What level of Spanish is AP Spanish?

intermediate levelAP Spanish Language and Culture is equivalent to an intermediate level college course in Spanish.

What happens if you pass AP Spanish?

If you successfully pass AP Spanish, you may be eligible to receive college credit, and you may be able to take advanced Spanish courses in college without having to take basic introductory classes.

Do AP courses count as college credit?

If a college accepts your AP scores in a class, it can award credit, placement or both. Credit is actual college credits toward your degree. It's the same as if you had actually taken the class at that school.

How Do AP classes work for college credit?

Many colleges offer credit for AP scores. Suppose you earn a 4 on your AP Biology Exam, and your college grants you 8 credits for that score. That means you walk into your college with 8 credits under your belt—before you even take your first class there.

Is AP Spanish Lit or Lang easier?

AP Spanish Literature is often seen as the more difficult of the two courses due to its break from conventional language classes, focusing instead on reading, interpreting, and presenting in Spanish as students interact with short stories and excerpts from Spain, Latin America, and U.S. Hispanic texts.

What is AP English the equivalent to in college?

AP English Language is equivalent to an introductory, college-level literary analysis course. AP English Literature focuses more on analyzing works of fiction, such as poetry, short stories, novels, or plays.

Does AP count as English 101?

You may receive an exemption from English 101 in three ways: by AP Language and Composition test score, through a course equivalency, or by portfolio.

Is AP language required in college?

In general, competitive colleges require at least two years of foreign language classes in high school....Sample Foreign Language Requirements for College Admissions.SchoolLanguage RequirementHarvard4 years recommendedMIT2 yearsStanford3 or more years6 more rows•Oct 1, 2014

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About the Course

Develop your Spanish language skills and learn about the cultures in Spanish-speaking parts of the world. You’ll practice communicating in Spanish and study real-life materials such as newspaper articles, films, music, and books.

About the Units

The course content outlined below is organized into commonly taught units of study that provide one possible sequence for the course. Your teacher may choose to organize the course content differently based on local priorities and preferences.

Course Content

You’ll learn Spanish language skills in the context of studying family life and values in Spanish-speaking communities and explore contemporary beliefs and challenges that families face.

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Find colleges that grant credit and/or placement for AP Exam scores in this and other AP courses.

Course Resources

Once you join your AP class section online, you’ll be able to access AP Daily videos, any assignments from your teacher, and your assignment results in AP Classroom. Sign in to access them.

How many credits are in Spanish 10101?

Spanish 10101 (3 credits) for a 1; Spanish 10101 and 10102 (6 credits) for a 2; Spanish 10102 and 20201 (6 credits) for a 3; Spanish 20201 and 20202 (6 credits) for a 4 or 5. Reed College. 4 or 5. 1 credit. Stanford University.

What language do you need to be a liberal arts major?

Most colleges and universities that have a liberal arts and sciences core curriculum will have a foreign language requirement, and Spanish is the most popular option among U.S. students. The table below presents some representative data from a variety of colleges and universities.

Is AP exam self reported?

Finally, realize that AP exam scores, unlike the SAT and ACT, are typically self reported and are not a required part of a college application.

Does AP Spanish help in college?

Whatever score you get on the exam, and whether or not you earn college course credit, the AP Spanish exam can help on the college admissions front. Colleges want to see that applicants have taken the most challenging courses available to them, and AP classes play on important role on that front.

What is the AP Spanish language and culture score?

In 2019, students generally did quite well on the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam. More than half of all students received a score of 4 or 5, and nearly 90% of test-takers received a passing score (3 or higher).

How many students took the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam in 2019?

In 2019, over 185,000 students took the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, making it by far the most popular foreign language exam taken. The curriculum for the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam emphasizes communication by applying interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational skills in real-life situations.

What is the spoken part of free response?

The spoken part of the free response section tests your interpersonal and presentational speaking ability. For interpersonal speaking, you will participate in five exchanges in a simulated conversation with 20 seconds for each response. For the second part, you’re tasked with delivering a two-minute presentation requiring you to compare a cultural feature of a Spanish-speaking community to another community you are familiar with.

How long is the Spanish language and culture exam?

At 3 hours and 3 minutes long, the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam is one of the longer-lasting AP exams. It consists of two primary sections—the first section featuring multiple-choice questions, and the second made up of free response questions.

What are the three modes of communication in Spanish?

Modes: To pass the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam, students need to demonstrate proficiency engaging in three modes of communication: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Students need to possess skills in listening, reading, speaking, and writing in the following areas:

What are the components of AP Spanish?

college credit or placement. Those components are skills, themes, modes, and task models.

What is the most popular AP language?

The AP Spanish courses are the most popular AP foreign language classes. In fact, they’re so popular that two sets of Spanish curricula exist: AP Spanish Language and Culture and AP Spanish Literature and Culture. This is the only AP foreign language that has more than one course offering. In 2019, over 185,000 students took ...

Not a Student?

Go to AP Central for resources for teachers, administrators, and coordinators.

About the Exam

Exam Overview The AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam will test your ability to apply communication and language skills developed in the course and ask you to demonstrate your understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.

Exam Components

This section presents 4 sets of authentic print sources  (announcements/advertisements, literary texts, articles and charts, letters) with questions. The questions will ask you to:

Exam Preparation

Once you join your AP class section online, you’ll be able to access AP Daily videos, any assignments from your teacher, and your assignment results in AP Classroom. Sign in to access them.

Search AP Credit Policies

Find colleges that grant credit and/or placement for AP Exam scores in this and other AP courses.

AP Summer Institutes

AP Summer Institutes are offered online and in-person, with 30+ hours of content-rich training on the course and exam, leveraging AP resources, and strengthening teaching and learning.

AP Workshops

Online workshops are offered as a combination of live and on-demand sessions led by expert AP teachers. Targeted exercises will explore the course and exam, enable effective lesson planning using AP resources, and model using data-driven feedback year-round.

Teacher Webinars and Other Online Sessions

Developed by experts in AP instructional design, these free webinars and online sessions will guide you through the instructional resources and how to use AP Classroom effectively.

How many credits do you get for AP Spanish?

Most colleges award the same number of credits for AP Spanish Language as for AP Spanish Literature. In the California State University system, for instance, a score of three or higher on either AP exam will earn students at least six college credits.

What is the focus of AP Spanish?

Generally, the primary focus of AP Spanish Language and Culture is communicative while the focus of AP Spanish Literature and Culture is literary. The former may include the study of films and music, and places more emphasis on speaking, which is an active language skill. The latter demands strong reading comprehension – a more passive language ...

Why is AP Spanish Literature so challenging?

First, some of the texts covered in AP Spanish Literature are several centuries old, so they often contain difficult and outdated sentence structures.

Why is AP Spanish so unique?

But there is another reason that AP Spanish is unique: It is the only AP language that spans two separate courses. Students can choose Spanish Language and Culture or Spanish Literature and Culture, provided their high school extends both options. [.

What does "culture" mean in AP Spanish?

As you may notice from the course titles – AP Spanish Language and Culture and AP Spanish Literature and Culture – both include the word “culture.” Merriam-Webster.com defines culture as "the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.”

What languages does the College Board offer?

As of this summer, the College Board offers AP courses in seven different foreign languages: Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin and Spanish. Not only is Spanish the most studied foreign language in the U.S., it is also the most popular of the AP foreign language offerings.

About The AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

The AP Spanish Language and Culture exam takes just over three hours to complete. The test has listening, reading, and writing components. Section Iof the exam is made up of 65 multiple choice questions and counts for 50% of the total exam score. This section has two parts: 1. Part Aask students to answer question…
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AP Spanish Language and Culture Score Information

  • In 2018, over 180,435 students took the exam and those test-takers earned a mean score of 3.69. AP exams are scored using a 5-point scale. The distribution of scores for the AP Spanish Language exam is as follows: Note that these scores represent the total group of students who took the exam, including students who studied outside of the U.S. and may be regular speakers …
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College Credit and Course Placement For AP Spanish

  • Most colleges and universities that have a liberal arts and sciences core curriculum will have a foreign language requirement, and Spanish is the most popular option among U.S. students. The table below presents some representative data from a variety of colleges and universities. This information is meant to provide a general overview of the scoring and placement practices relat…
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A Final Word About AP Spanish Language and Culture

  • Whatever score you get on the exam, and whether or not you earn college course credit, the AP Spanish exam can help on the college admissions front. Colleges want to see that applicants have taken the most challenging courses availableto them, and AP classes play on important role on that front. Also, completion of an Advanced Placement language class typically means that y…
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When Is The AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam?

The College Board will administer the 2020 AP Spanish Language and Culture exam on Tuesday, May 12, at 8 am. For a complete list of all the AP exams, along with tips for success and information about how students score, check out our article 2020 AP Exam Schedule: Everything You Need to Know.
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About The AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam

  • The AP Spanish Language and Culture course is taught almost exclusively in Spanish and includes instruction in vocabulary usage, language control, communication strategies, and cultural awareness. Although there is some emphasis placed on correct grammar usage, the College Board specifically warns against overemphasizing grammatical accuracy at the...
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AP Spanish Language and Culture Exam Content

  • At 3 hours and 3 minutes long, the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam is one of the longer-lasting AP exams. It consists of two primary sections—the first section featuring multiple-choice questions, and the second made up of free response questions. The multiple-choice questions are further broken down into two parts—one part based on text as a stimulus, the other part uses au…
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