what course do most first year clark university students take

by Prof. Alec Mitchell Jr. 7 min read

The suggested academic preparation for successful candidates includes four years of English; three years of mathematics; three years of science; three years of social science; and two years of a foreign language (or American Sign Language); and other credit electives recognized in the secondary-school curriculum. First-Year Admission

Full Answer

How many classes do I need to take to major at Clark?

The number of courses required for a major at Clark can range from 12 to 19. If you are interested in some of the more intensive majors (such as biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, chemistry, management, or physics), you are encouraged to begin taking courses relevant to those majors in your first semester.

When should I declare my major at Clark University?

You may formally declare your major as early as the second semester of your first year at Clark, and all students are required to declare a major by the end of their sophomore year. The number of courses required for a major at Clark can range from 12 to 19.

Can I repeat a course at Clark University?

It is the policy of Clark University to allow students to repeat any course. However, you will only get credit for one of the courses (except in cases where the faculty designate a course as one that can earn credit more than once).

Why choose a Clark education?

A Clark education prepares you for a life and career on your terms. Click to open menu. Click to open menu. Join a community committed to transformational research. Enter a search query. From chemistry to sociology, Clark offers a diverse range of traditional subjects from which to choose your major.

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What major is Clark University known for?

The most popular majors at Clark University include: Social Sciences; Psychology; and Biological and Biomedical Sciences.

What type of student goes to Clark University?

Clark isn't home to one type of student, but instead a variety of engaged and engaging students. Open-minded people with a sense of humor. The type of person who should attend Clark is someone looking for a top notch liberal arts education, as well as a life changing experience.

What is a passing grade at Clark University?

Academic Standing While the grade of C earned in a course is a passing grade, a cumulative average of B is required for graduation. A cumulative grade point average below 3.0 is considered inadequate academic performance, and students are placed on academic probation if their cumulative GPA falls below it.

Does Clark University allow freshmen to have cars?

Clark Atlanta University students who are currently enrolled or accepted (excluding first semester freshman) are eligible for parking. Fee payments for parking permits must be made directly to the Parking Office. Freshman students may register a car to park on campus.

Are students happy at Clark University?

Campus feels welcoming and warm to all students, regardless of interests or background! Clark is a great university for the right person.

Is Clarks a good University?

Times Higher Education (THE) has placed Clark University no. 7 on its list of the World's Best Small Universities, up from number 12 last year. The ranking, released August 3, includes 20 universities in 15 different countries; Clark is one of only four small U.S. schools included.

How many credits do you need to graduate Clark University?

128 semester credit hoursGeneral University Graduation Requirements To earn a Bachelor of Arts degree at Clark, a student must complete a minimum of 32 course units (128 semester credit hours equivalent) with a minimum overall (cumulative) 2.0 grade-point average (GPA).

What is the tuition at Clark University?

48,602 USD (2019 – 20)Clark University / Undergraduate tuition and fees

What GPA do you need to get into Clark University?

3.67With a GPA of 3.67, Clark University requires you to be above average in your high school class. You'll need at least a mix of A's and B's, with more A's than B's. You can compensate for a lower GPA with harder classes, like AP or IB classes.

Is Clark University a party school?

Clark University is listed as the #28 party school in Massachusetts.

Do freshmen have to live on campus at Clark Atlanta?

Yes. All freshman and first-year students are required to live on campus.

Is Clark University good for biology?

Clark Biological & Biomedical Sciences Rankings The bachelor's program at Clark was ranked #161 on College Factual's Best Schools for biological and biomedical sciences list. It is also ranked #26 in Massachusetts.


All students participate in a common foundational experience called a First Year Intensive (FYI) course. These FYIs orient the student to the standards and practices of the university community. The professor who teaches each First Year Intensive also serves as academic adviser to the students until a major is declared.

Departmental, Interdisciplinary and Student-Designed Majors

While most Clark students can and do complete an academic major through regularly-established departments and interdisciplinary programs, the University recognizes that some students may develop an interest in an area of study that cuts across existing majors, maintains intellectual rigor and coherence, and draws on existing faculty expertise.

Additional Academic Opportunities

The LLP-CU offers various opportunities for students and faculty to study and research abroad.

How many classes are required for Clark University?

The number of courses required for a major at Clark can range from 12 to 19. If you are interested in some of the more intensive majors (such as biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, chemistry, management, or physics), you are encouraged to begin taking courses relevant to those majors in your first semester.

What majors does Clark offer?

From chemistry to sociology, Clark offers a diverse range of traditional subjects from which to choose your major. Each provides intellectual immersion and sought-after skills that prepare you to succeed wherever you go after Clark.

What is a minor at Clark University?

A minor or concentration can be chosen to complement your major, or to provide you with an opportunity to explore a completely different field of study. With a small number of exceptions, all major fields of study at Clark offer a companion minor. In addition, you can choose from five stand-alone minors — creative writing, education, German studies, innovation and entrepreneurship, and marketing — and 12 interdisciplinary concentrations, including Africana studies; computational science; health, science, and society; Holocaust and genocide studies; and mathematical biology and bioinformatics.

How many courses do you need to complete to become a minor?

Minors and concentrations require the completion of a minimum of six courses.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is a basic value for all higher learning. Simply expressed, it requires that work presented must be wholly one’s own and unique to that course. All direct quotations must be identified by source. Academic integrity can be violated in many ways, including but not limited to:

Academic Standing

Academic standing is reviewed each semester and is based upon performance during the previous semester. All students are required to pass at least two course units each semester and maintain a 2.0 grade-point average.

Audit Status

To audit a course in a given semester, a student must maintain full-time enrollment status in that semester (that is, must be registered for at least three (3) units of credit, excluding the course to be audited).

Class Attendance

There is no university-wide class attendance policy. However, many individual instructors do set attendance requirements for their courses.

Class Standing

Current class level for undergraduate students is calculated by the number of units earned.

Consortium Registration

Full-time (registered for at least 3.0 units) Clark undergraduate day college students may take one course each fall or spring through the Higher Education Consortium of Central Massachusetts (HECCMA). Consortium registration is permitted for sophomores, juniors, seniors, and transfer students beyond their first semester.

Courses in the School of Professional Studies Undergraduate Program

Beginning in their sophomore year, undergraduate students may register for School of Professional Studies Undergraduate (SPS UG) courses that have been approved for day college credit.

Early Orientation

Incoming first-year students who register with Student Accessibility Services (SAS) have the option to attend Early Orientation, which takes place before orientation for all new students. Early Orientation has a number of benefits, including:

Orientation Summary

Day one of Early Orientation is geared for the student and the family who accompanies them to move in. As soon as the student arrives on campus, they meet their Peer Adviser (PA), who helps them move in and get acclimated to the Clark campus.

Timeline for the Summer before your First Year

Student Accessibility Services encourages students to self-identify and register with the office — and RSVP for Early Orientation! — as early as possible. We will attempt to process any late requests, but we cannot guarantee they will be accommodated.

Frequently Asked Questions

Early Orientation costs $50. This charge is applied directly to the orientation charge on the student’s bill.

Clark University Academic Programs & Offerings

Certificate, Bachelor's, Post-bachelor's certificate, Master's, Post-master's certificate, Doctorate - professional practice, Doctorate - research/scholarship

Graduation & Retention at Clark University

See expanded profiles for more than 1,800 schools. Unlock entering class stats including SAT scores and GPAs. Save schools, compare and take notes.

1. CJ 2250 - The Criminal Mind

In this course, students will learn more about the behind the scenes of criminal minds. This includes learning more about charismatic killers versus those who kill for emotional reasons. Students will also learn more about the scenes of investigating a murderer, robber, and more.

2. CHEM 007 - Science of Weapons of Mass Destruction

In this course, students will learn about the science behind weapons in mass destruction. Weapons are notorious for depleting a whole country. This course will focus on topics that relate to explosives, nerve agents, biological agents, and nuclear devices. Watch as this class blows your mind!

3. ASTR 001 - Exploring the Universe

What exactly is out in the stars? This class will discuss the various methods, concepts, and the different observations that surround astronomy. Students will learn more about the planets and the solar system. Students will also learn more about the structure of planets, stars, and space itself.

4. ARTH 109 - Greek Myth and the Classical Ideal in Art

This class will discuss the myths behind Greek Mythology. Students will be able to obtain knowledge that relates to the "Classical Idea" that was established in the earlier periods of time. This idea roams around and has affected the generations that have come after it.

5. ART 1140 - Clay and Fiber

Students in this class will learn more about the ceramic and fiber of clay making. Students will also learn more about the techniques that relate the design and quality of design. This class will help students develop a better understanding of their own craftsmanship.

6. ART 1010 - Basic Drawing

Have you always wanted to learn to draw? This class will allow students to learn more about the basic concepts of line drawing, volume, shape drawing, and perspectives of drawing. Students will also learn more about the drawing as well.

7. COMM 1230 - Motion Graphics

What is your favorite motion picture? This class will teach students about the purpose of a visual narrative, the technical implements for productions, as well as the visual concepts that go behind making a movie. Students will also work on their own projects as well.

Where is Clark University?

Founded in 1887, Clark University is a private research university in Worcester, Massachusetts. Students of Clark University, like in other colleges, have to face cool, comfortable, fun courses along with the difficult ones. This list contains 10 of the hardest courses students offer at Clark University.

What is a long term research project at Clark University?

This is one of the most tasking courses offered at Clark University. This is a long-term research project which is designed to prepare Community, Youth and Education Studies students to develop their portfolios. Along with the time spent on the field, they also have to complete long class hours and assignments.

What are the topics covered in the Cauchy theorem?

The topics includeCauchy’s theorem, power series, Laurent series, the residue theorem, harmonicfunctions and physical applications using two-dimensional flow.

Is C++ easy to learn?

C++ is a low-level programming language, which is quite difficult to learn. Although an introductorycourse, students need to put in extra work hoursto fully understand this language. Students who complete this course should beable to design, code, test and debug C++ language programs.


Required Foundational Elements

  • First-Year Intensives
    All students participate in a common foundational experience called a First Year Intensive (FYI) course. These FYIs orient the student to the standards and practices of the university community. The professor who teaches each First Year Intensive also serves as academic adviser to the stu…
  • Program of Liberal Studies
    Students are also required to complete Clark’s Program of Liberal Studies (PLS). Through this program, students acquire the intellectual habits, skills and perspectives that are essential to liberal education while simultaneously providing opportunities for students to experience the wa…
See more on catalog.clarku.edu

Departmental, Interdisciplinary and Student-Designed Majors

  • While most Clark students can and do complete an academic major through regularly-established departments and interdisciplinary programs, the University recognizes that some students may develop an interest in an area of study that cuts across existing majors, maintains intellectual rigor and coherence, and draws on existing faculty expertise. In these cases, the Student-Design…
See more on catalog.clarku.edu

Accelerated B.A./Master’S Degree Programs

  • Clark offers several programs that allow students to complete the requirements for bachelor’s and master’s degrees in an accelerated, five-year period. These programs are listed in the Programs of Studysection under the heading Accelerated Degree witin this catalog. Students apply to the accelerated B.A./Master’s degree programs in their junior year, and begin taking graduate level c…
See more on catalog.clarku.edu

Additional Academic Opportunities

  • The Henry J. and Erna D. Leir Luxembourg Program at Clark University
    The LLP-CU offers various opportunities for students and faculty to study and research abroad. For example, students can participate in the May Term for about four weeks to take a course in The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg taught by Clark faculty, or participate in internships with key in…
  • Study Abroad and Study Away
    Information on Study Abroad and Away can be found within the Departments and Officessection of this catalog.
See more on catalog.clarku.edu