what course are needed for afterschool providers

by Vern Collins 5 min read

How many hours do I need to train to become a provider?

Mar 01, 2021 · The Alaska Afterschool Network hosts trainings and special events throughout the year. Find out more about our upcoming events and learn how to register by clicking the title of the event on our event calendar. All trainings are provided for free by the Alaska Afterschool Network and various key partners to ensure Out-Of-School Time providers ...

Who should be involved in planning for life after high school?

The federal requirements include the following important topics for health and safety training, which apply to adults caring for children in all types of child care settings. Trainings should be customized for the setting and the age of the children being cared for. Ask your provider if he or she has completed training in the following areas ...

Why do I need to train to be a childcare provider?

High-quality training is essential to protecting children's health and safety as well as promoting their growth and development. Many successful providers go beyond the required thirty (30) hours every two (2) years of training to further their career and enhance the quality of care they offer. You can too!

How long does it take to become a childcare provider?

Required Training Hours / When Is Training Required? 15 Hours / Within the first six (6) months of employment; 30 Hours / Every two (2) years thereafter in the nine (9) required training topic areas; Health and Safety Training. 5 hour e-learning course “Foundations in Health and Safety” Required pre-service or within three (3) months of start date

How do I start an after-school program in South Africa?

  1. a form 11 application form.
  2. DSD registration requirements and procedures.
  3. minimum norms and standards and other approvals that will be required such as.
  4. needs assessment form.
  5. business plan.
  6. job description for staff.
  7. clearance certificates as per the National Child Protection Register.
  8. learning programme.
Jan 25, 2021

How do you implement an after-school program?

  1. Step 1: Needs Assessment. The leading factor that influences any program development is the results of a thorough needs assessment. ...
  2. Step 2: Program Design. ...
  3. Step 3: Community Partners. ...
  4. Step 4: Facilities. ...
  5. Step 5: Program Funding. ...
  6. Step 6: Marketing the Program. ...
  7. Step 7: Evaluation.
Apr 14, 2016

How do I start an afterschool program in NYC?

To operate a School-age Child Care, you must complete an online Orientation Session. Upon completion of the Orientation, you may request an application. Applicants must submit all documents and clearances within 90 days. This includes fingerprinting and background checks.

Do afterschool programs have to be licensed in California?

After-school programs staffed by a city or a school district are not required to be licensed. Childcare programs for school-aged children run by a Heritage School are not required to be licensed. After-school instructional classes are not required to be licensed.

What makes an afterschool program successful?

The best model for an effective afterschool program has a youth development framework rather than a deficit-based or risk-behavior model. Like most youth, children and teens respond best to positive reinforcement and being told what they can do better than they react to being told what not to do.Jun 27, 2018

How do you start an after school club?

The eight basic steps to setting up an out of school club are:
  1. Establish the need. ...
  2. Decide on your business structure. ...
  3. Identify sources of funding. ...
  4. Find suitable premises. ...
  5. Apply for Ofsted registration. ...
  6. Plan your staffing requirements. ...
  7. Source your equipment. ...
  8. Get all your paperwork in place.

What is school age range?

School age child development is a range from 6 to 12 years of age. During this time period observable differences in height, weight, and build of children may be prominent.

What is a school age child care program?

School-age child care programs operate in non-residential locations. They provide care before or after the times when students are ordinarily in school, during lunch periods, and during school breaks. These programs can provide care for seven or more children who are enrolled in kindergarten or a higher grade.

How do I start an after school program in Florida?

To start a successful after-school program, you'll need strategies and tools including these six steps for getting started:
  1. Secure a Designated Space. ...
  2. Create a Business Plan. ...
  3. Build Curriculum. ...
  4. Hire Qualified Staff. ...
  5. Utilize Technology to Simplify Processes. ...
  6. Maintain a Safe and Secure Environment.
Mar 2, 2020

Can California After school Network?

The California AfterSchool Network (CAN) mission is to provide expanded learning practitioners, advocates, and community members with the resources and tools necessary to build high quality expanded learning programs in California. CAN advances effective policies and is a catalyst for expanded learning program quality.

How many children can you babysit without a license in California?

If you are providing care and supervision to non-relative children from more than one family in your home or non-residential facility for periods of less than 24 hours, then you will likely need a license.

What is Title 22 childcare?

Child care centers and family day care homes in California are required to be licensed by the Community Care Licensing Division of the State Department of Social Services. All programs must meet the regulations specified in Title 22 of the California Administrative Code, which is based on the Health and Safety Code.

What are the requirements for child care?

The federal requirements include the following important topics for health and safety training, which apply to adults caring for children in all types of child care settings. Trainings should be customized for the setting and the age of the children being cared for. Ask your provider if he or she has completed training in the following areas: 1 Pediatric first aid and CPR 2 Prevention and control of infectious diseases (including immunizations) 3 Safe sleep practices and prevention of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 4 Prevention of shaken baby syndrome, abusive head trauma, and child mistreatment 5 Recognition and prevention of child abuse and neglect 6 Use of medication 7 Prevention of and response to emergencies caused by food allergies 8 Emergency preparedness and response for natural disasters and other events 9 Handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials 10 Indoor and outdoor safety (including protecting children from hazards, bodies of water, and traffic) 11 Safety when transporting children (if applicable) 12 Child development, physical activity, and nutrition

What is the federal law for health and safety training?

In addition, federal law requires specific health and safety training for providers who care for children receiving federal financial assistance. The federal requirements include the following important topics for health and safety training, which apply to adults caring for children in all types of child care settings.

What is emergency preparedness?

Emergency preparedness and response for natural disasters and other events. Indoor and outdoor safety (including protecting children from hazards, bodies of water, and traffic) Additionally, if your child has special needs, you will want to be sure that your provider is able to meet those needs.

What are the credentials for early childhood education?

There are many programs that offer credentials that have been established to improve the competencies of people working with children and their families. Some include: 1 Child Development Associate Credential is the most widely recognized credential in early childhood education and is a key stepping stone on the path of career advancement in early childhood education. This credential is based on a core set of competency standards, which guide early care professionals as they work toward becoming qualified teachers of young children. 2 Children's Program Administrator Credential for New York State is designed to provide for and be recognized as a standard by which to measure program management, fiscal management, and the leadership abilities of early childhood and school-age administrators. 3 Family Child Care Credential is designed to formally recognize those practitioners who demonstrate their competence, knowledge and professional practice in the areas of professional family day care homes, child development, healthy home learning environments and business practices. 4 Family Development Credential is a program that prepares frontline workers with skills necessary to provide empowerment-based assistance to families so that they might set and obtain goals of healthy self-reliance. 5 Infant and Toddler Care and Education Credential formally recognizes the value and specialized knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for practitioners who work with infants and toddlers. 6 School-Age Child Care Credential is designed to promote quality services to children and families by providing specific standards, training and evaluation of school-age staff members and providers.

How many hours do you need to be a child care provider?

Many successful providers go beyond the required thirty (30) hours every two (2) years of training to further their career and enhance the quality ...

What is section 390?

Section 390 of the New York Social Services Law and the Child Care and Development Block Grant Act require training for individuals in certain roles in child care programs. This requirement is included in OCFS's child day care regulations.

What is succession policy?

succession policy outlines the steps needed to make sure the transition is as orderly as possible, including details on how much notice the departing person must give, if and how that person will be involved in the search for a successor, etc. Like many businesses, child care programs have irreplaceable. human.

How many hours of training do you need to be a child care worker?

All child care staff/employees/caregivers and volunteers with potential for regular and substantial contact with children must complete a total of 30 hours of training every two (2) years. Such training must address the following topics:

What are the principles of childhood development?

Principles of childhood development include such things as meeting the physical, social and developmental needs of children, including those with special needs; behavior management and discipline; promoting play and physical activity; individual development variation and learning styles; infant and toddler brain development and cross-cultural skills and knowledge.

What is business record management?

Business record maintenance and management includes such things as training in New York State and federal requirements as a business owner and employer, child day care record keeping and documentation requirements, time maintenance, organizational skills, scheduling and coverage, staff supervision and coaching.

What is an out-of-school teacher?

Out-of-school time teachers function as both a teacher and a nurturer of children. Responsibilities of a teacher vary from one setting to another. These responsibilities can be both demanding and…

What is the meaning of communication?

Communication can be defined as an exchange of information between two or more people. It is a two-way process that involves both sending and receiving messages. Communication is the key…
