what counts as history course fsu

by Mr. Allen Friesen DVM 10 min read

Twelve semester hours beyond liberal studies requirements in history courses numbered above 2999 are required. A grade of “C–” or better must be earned in each course counted toward the minor. At least six of the twelve semester hours must be earned at Florida State University.

Full Answer

What types of history courses are offered through the Department?

FSU's History degree provides you with a broad liberal arts education and helps you to become an informed citizen. Students who major in History prepare for their futures by cultivating knowledge, experiences, and skill sets sought after in a range of occupations.

What GPA do you need to get a degree at FSU?

HISTORY MAJOR COURSES Fall 2022 (subject to change) ... Department of History, Florida State University | 401 Bellamy Building, 113 Collegiate Loop, Tallahassee, FL 32306-2200 Telephone: 850-644-5888 | Fax: 850-644-6402 | For webpage updates and …

Where can I find the requirements for Florida State University graduate programs?

Requirements for a Major in History* 39 hours are required (including two World History courses if no European test credit has been earned). At least 21 of these hours must be earned at FSU. Students with history test credit (American or European AP, IB, or CLEP) should contact the departmental advisor before taking any of the courses below.

What do you need to know about Florida State University petitions?

Social Sciences/History. Students must complete six semester hours in the combined area of Social Sciences and History, of which at least three semester hours will be chosen from the combined Statewide Core requirement list. Students must complete at least one Social Sciences course and one History course.

What is an E series course at FSU?

E-Series/State-Mandated Writing courses help students become clear, creative, and convincing communicators. The course objectives, course materials, activities, and grading criteria should reflect how students will achieve this outcome.

What is an SIP course at FSU?

Scholarship in Practice (SIP) courses provide students with the opportunity to apply scholarship to produce an original analysis, project, or creative work that reflects a body of knowledge relevant to the course. Students must complete one Scholarship in Practice course. A grade of “C-” or higher must be earned.

What is a C at FSU?

Grading System
DefinitionGradeQuality Points Per Credit Hour
23 more rows

What are the core classes at FSU?

Fifteen (three credit hours from each category) of the thirty-six General Education credits must be earned from the five Statewide General Education Core requirement categories (at FSU, these are: English Composition, Quantitative and Logical Thinking, Social Sciences/History, Humanities and Cultural Practice/Ethics, ...

Does FSU require a summer session?

Required Summer Attendance Policy

All students entering a state university with fewer than sixty semester credit hours must earn at least nine semester hours prior to graduation by attending one or more Summer terms at one of the state universities.

What is a passing grade at FSU?

If you choose to receive a letter-grade, a 'D-' grade or better earns credit and is considered passing. If you choose the S/U grade option for all your courses this spring, your GPA will not change after grades post. Your cumulative GPA after Fall 2019 will be considered for all financial aid determinations.Mar 25, 2020

What is a B+ at FSU?

GPA Calculator (Florida State University)
Letter GradeQuality Points
9 more rows

What is President's List at FSU?

How do I make the Dean's/President's list? If you are registered for at least 12 hours and earn a 3.5 GPA, you are eligible for the Dean's list. If you are registered for at least 12 hours and earn a 4.0 GPA, you are eligible for the President's list.

What GPA do you need for FSU?

The minimum requirements for consideration include a 3.0 weighted academic GPA as recalculated by the Office of Admissions and either an ACT composite score of 19 or SAT total score of 990. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to the program.

Is a thesis required for a bachelor degree?

You do not have to write a thesis for your undergraduate or bachelor's degree if it is not a requirement in your course. However, some universities or courses demand a thesis project. Others have an option to complete a thesis or any other course project.Aug 16, 2021

What do you need to graduate FSU?

120 units minimum. All college degrees require at least 120 units to graduate; a few programs (Music, Engineering) require more. Most college courses are 3 units and most labs are 1–2 units.

What classes are required in college to graduate?

A student generally must complete 120 semester units or credits to earn a Bachelor of Arts or Science degree. Requirements are described in detail requiring specific courses in Math, Sciences, English, History, Political Science, General Education Courses, and Upper Division Courses in the selected major.

What is the importance of a history degree at FSU?

Studying History is exciting and rewarding in itself, but also a strategic investment in your future. FSU's History degree provides you with a broad liberal arts education and helps you to become an informed citizen. Students who major in History prepare for their futures by cultivating knowledge, experiences, and skill sets sought after in a range of occupations. A History degree will give you exposure to thought-provoking courses covering many areas of the world. You can choose courses ranging from bandits to wars, exploring topics such as imperialism, immigration or terrorism. The History major at FSU prides itself on both its breadth and depth - this allows you to focus on the themes or areas that interest you most. Completing a degree in History will equip you with world cultural literacy and the tools to compete in today's job market.

Why is history a good major?

History is the best major to acquire and develop the critical-thinking skills that are sought by today's employers and necessary for graduate programs. Throughout your course work, you will research, analyze, and communicate your findings.

What are the requirements for Florida State University?

Students planning to enroll in an Educator Preparation program at Florida State University must: (1) complete all University Liberal Studies requirements; (2) take and pass the General Knowledge portion of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE); and (3) acquire a passing score on the Professional Education and Subject Area tests of the Florida Teacher Certification Exam (FTCE) prior to the final term internship and graduation. Students must also complete: (1) specified degree prerequisites referred to in the appropriate program chapters of this General Bulletin; (2) specific admission criteria described in the “Admissions” and “College of Education” chapters of this General Bulletin; and (3) the “Baccalaureate Degree Requirements” described earlier in this chapter of the General Bulletin. Students should note that all undergraduate Educator Preparation programs in the College of Education are combined BS/MS degree programs.

Does FSU count as liberal studies?

If a course taken at FSU was approved for Liberal Studies credit at the time a course is completed, it will count for Liberal Studies credit, even if the course was not listed as a Liberal Studies course in the General Bulletin under which the student entered.

What is the minimum GPA required for Florida State University?

A minimum adjusted grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on all coursework taken at Florida State University is required for a degree. In addition, the overall GPA on all college-level work attempted (high school dual enrollment, transfer and FSU coursework) is used as part of the determination of degrees of distinction.

What is civic literacy in Florida?

Civic Literacy. Students first entering any Florida College System institution or State University System institution as degree-seeking undergraduates in the 2018-2019 school year and thereafter must demonstrate competency in civic literacy prior to receipt of the baccalaureate degree.

How does Florida State University help students?

Florida State University helps students meet their academic goals by monitoring academic progress toward their degree. In addition to the academic dean, the Graduation Planning and Strategies Office may contact students to assist with finalizing their degree plans in order to meet their individual goals and graduate.

What is a SMALC?

A State University System Academic Learning Compact (SMALC) identifies for each academic bachelor’s program what students will learn by the end of a program and how knowledge is measured above and beyond course grades.

What is the Office of Undergraduate Studies?

The Office of Undergraduate Studies is the dean’s office that administers the academic and advisement program, regardless of intended major, for all other freshman and sophomore students.


ACADEMIC MAP (Effective Summer 2021 and after)#N#This map is a term-by-term sample course schedule. The milestones listed to the right of each term are designed to keep you on course to graduate in four years. The Sample Schedule serves as a general guideline to help you build a full schedule each term.

Sample Schedule

Complete or have test credit for at least 3 hours from core courses (AMH2010, AMH2020, WOH2023, or WOH2030/ EUH2000).

What are some philosophical topics?

Philosophical topics may include issues in Ethics, Philosophy of Mind, Metaphysics, Epistemology, Philosophy of Religion, and/or Political Philosophy. A variety of films are used to raise important philosophical questions and to help in understanding primary philosophical texts that seek to answer these questions.

What is PHI 2010?

PHI 2010. Introduction to Philosophy (3). An introduction to some of the central problems in philosophy. Students will also learn how to construct and criticize arguments and develop their own philosophical positions.
