what could you learn in the successful turkey hunting course? quizlet

by Dr. Meaghan Jast 6 min read

What is turkey hunting 101?

Successful Turkey Hunting will make sure you really enjoy your next turkey hunting experience. Successful Turkey Hunting also includes online study that takes about 4 to 6 hours to finish before attending a one-day, eight-hour class. Students at the class will learn about these skills and more: •Scouting methods and proper decoy use •Turkey hunting techniques •Using a map and …

Where can I find someone to teach me about turkey hunting?

Start studying Hunters Course. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. ... etc.) make sure there is Blaze Orange coverage on your front, back, both sides and head when you are in the field. When hunting waterfowl and turkey, only wear hunter orange when going to, and coming from your hunting location ...

Why do these areas support turkeys?

fire the rifle from a solid bench rest. A hunter is shooting a rifle in the field. For the safest and most accurate shot, this hunter should: Shoot from prone position with a rest. Which shotgun choke is the most open? cylinder (unchoked) What distance should be used to pattern a shotgun?

How hard is it to hunt a Turkey?

Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Search. Browse. ... Very dangerous colors to wear when turkey hunting. A safety is a mechanical device that could fail. True. Apply slow, steady pressure until the gun fires ... This step will increase your hunting success and add to your enjoyment of the experience.

What could you learn in the successful turkey hunting course?

Students at the class will learn about these skills and more:
  • Scouting methods and proper decoy use.
  • Turkey hunting techniques.
  • Using a map and compass.
  • Distance estimation.
  • Shotgun patterning and shot selection.
  • Turkey calls and how to use them.

What is a reason to plan and prepare for a hunting trip quizlet?

What is a reason to plan and prepare for a hunting trip? To improve your chances for success. When you go on a hunting trip, you should leave a hunting plan with someone you trust.

Why is hunter education important quizlet?

In addition to teaching firearm and hunting safety, why is hunter education important? It gives hunters the skills to limit out when hunting. It produces knowledgeable and responsible hunters. It promotes longer hunting seasons.

Which of the following is a goal of hunter education quizlet?

The goal is to produce knowledgeable, responsible, and involved hunters. being courteous, respecting others, respecting wildlife, obeying hunting laws (including no poaching), hunting fairly, practicing safety rules, and waiting for a clean kill before shooting. You just studied 24 terms!

What is a benefit of preparing and following a plan when hunting in groups?

Not only will planning and preparation reduce the likelihood of serious emergencies while hunting, but a well-planned hunt is usually more successful. To plan properly, address these four areas. Be Ready: To help you avoid or minimize problems, it's essential that you plan carefully for the hunt.May 1, 2010

Which step will increase your hunting success?

Of all the steps of preparation, educating yourself about the game you're hunting is one of the most critical. Understanding your quarry will increase your success and add to the enjoyment of the experience as well. In many cases, knowing your quarry is also necessary to ensure that you're taking legal game.

What can a positive impression of hunters lead to?

How Hunters Make a Positive Impact. To make a positive impact, hunters: Put in countless hours to improve wildlife habitat. Help biologists transplant game species and save other species from extinction.

Why is good marksmanship important quizlet?

Makes accurate shooting possible. Helps determine the farthest range at which you can hit your target. Improves safety by helping you know where your rifle will shoot. Bore sighting-in with bolt-action rifles: remove the bolt, brace the firearm on sandbags, and look directly through the bore.

Why is hunter education important?

Hunter education is important because it: Helps prevent hunting and shooting incidents. Improves hunter behavior and compliance with hunting laws. Preventing hunting-related shooting incidents is the first attitudes while hunting; and Involved by joining and participating in hunting and conservation organizations.

What have hunter education programs always taught?

Hunter education programs have always taught young hunters the practice of firearm and hunting safety. Today, hunter education programs are about more than safety.

What do Responsible hunters do?

Responsible behavior includes courtesy, respect of others and of wildlife, and involvement. Responsible hunters do not poach or act carelessly. Responsible hunters obey hunting laws, hunt fairly, practice safety rules, and wait for a clean kill before shooting.May 1, 2010

Why must you learn to recognize key characteristics of the animal your hunting?

Knowing the key characteristics of animals will help hunters distinguish between similar species and between the male and female of the same species. Mistakes in identification can lead to illegal harvest of game or non-game animals.May 1, 2010

Where should the hunter sit in a watercraft?

If there are two hunters and both are hunting, they should be sitting back to back.If only one member of a group is hunting, that hunter should sit at the front of the watercraft. The others should sit at the rear to control the speed and direction of the watercraft.

Where is the initial cut of a game bird?

The initial cut is made from above the anus right to the breastbone. With one hand holding the animal, use your free hand to take out the internal organs from the body cavity. Once the animal is field dressed, allow the meat to cool in a well-ventilated area.Field dressing a game bird takes a different first step.

How does a pistol action work?

It is typically loaded from the bottom into a tubular magazine. The action is opened when the forearm is pulled back to the rear of the firearm. Pushing the forearm forward moves the ammunition from the magazine into the chamber and closes the action so that the firearm is loaded and ready to be fired.

How to open a shotgun after firing?

After firing, press the release lever to open the action and eject the spent cartridge or shotshell. Some break-actions have automatic ejectors, others require that you manually remove the spent cartridge or shotshell.

How to learn about wild turkey hunting?

As with taking on any new venture, one of the best ways to learn is by finding a mentor, or someone more knowledgeable than yourself. Many state wildlife agencies have programs for new hunters. If you are fortunate enough to have an NWTF chapter in your area, you may be able to find someone willing to take you under their wing (no pun intended) to teach you about wild turkey hunting. If you are more comfortable seeking guidance on social media, there are numerous groups dedicated to wild turkey hunters and outdoor enthusiasts. Whichever route you go, make sure your mentor is someone who practices safe handling of firearms and makes you, the student, feel most comfortable in the woods.

What are the best calls to make when turkey hunting?

Beginners usually find a box call the easiest to get a consistent sound. There are diaphragm or mouth calls, pot and striker calls made with glass or slate, box calls, wingbone calls and many others.

Why did the Osceola turkeys remain in the woods?

These areas supported turkeys because topography made them inaccessible and kept legal and illegal hunting to a minimum. Inaccessibility also made logging and agriculture difficult, so these areas remained forested. As a result, biologists began to associate the wild turkey with big timber, but that wasn't exactly accurate.

What is the National Wild Turkey Federation?

Welcome to the National Wild Turkey Federation where sharing our passion of hunting wild turkeys with new hunters is part of the mission. The NWTF's Turkey Hunting 101 is considered the premier educational tool to learn everything you need to know about wild tur keys, their behavior and planning a successful hunt, and we’ve compiled all that information here.

Why do hunters use choke tubes?

Many hunters choose to use a choke with their turkey guns to keep the pattern of the shot tight. Most choke tube companies have “turkey” choke tubes are designed for turkey hunting. Learn more about finding the right choke for your gun.

What color are turkeys?

Adult male turkeys are typically larger in size and more colorful than their female counterparts, with colors of red, white and blue being noticeable on their head and neck.

How many species of turkey are there in the world?

There are two wild turkey species, the Ocellated turkey of Central America and the North American wild turkey. The five subspecies of the American wild turkey are Eastern, Merriam’s, Gould’s, Rio Grande and Osceola.