what core and course have to be satisfied to get a aa

by Dr. Marlee Schroeder 9 min read

An Associate of Arts (AA) degree is a general degree appropriate for students transferring to a 4-year program. Programs usually include the core courses required for any Bachelor of Arts (BA) program. Core courses might include communications, social and behavioral science, natural science, humanities and math.

Full Answer

What are the AA and as core requir​​Ements?

AA and AS Core Requir​​ements. 1 The AA degree requires 45 credits of core (general education) coursework. 2 Core courses are courses normally completed during the first two years of most four-year degrees.

What classes do I need to take to get an AA?

The course requirements vary from school to school and usually include mathematics, English, science, history, humanities, psychology and speech/communications. The details of the requirements for your AA will vary depending on the school.

What is AA and why should I join?

Since then, AA has helped millions of people struggling with addiction. As an AA member, you are a part of an enduring, global community of people working to overcome addiction and maintain long-term recovery. You will always have a safe-space to share your experiences and to work through the 12-Steps with others who understand where you’ve been.

How many credits do you need for an AA degree?

The AA degree requires 45 credits of core (general education) coursework. Core courses are courses normally completed during the first two years of most four-year degrees. The Associate in Science (AS) degree is best suited for students that want to enter a career field after two years but want...

What math do you need for an AA?

Transfer degrees, the Associate of Arts and Associate of Science, tend to require one or two math classes, particularly college algebra. Other math classes that satisfy the general education requirements for A.A. and A.S. degrees may include courses in calculus, equations, number theory, trigonometry and geometry.

What is the easiest AA degree?

Easiest Online Associate DegreesAssociate in Early Childhood Education.Associate in Liberal Arts or General Education.Associate in Accounting.Associate in Healthcare Management.Associate in Marketing.Associate in Business Administration.Associate in Fashion Merchandising.Associate in Family and Child Therapy.More items...

Is getting your AA worth it?

For the average U.S. worker, there's a clear benefit to getting a 2-year associate degree. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2020 workers with an associate degree had median weekly earnings of $938, compared with $781 for people with just a high school diploma.

Is aa better than as degree?

In essence, A.A. degrees are of a more general nature and can help students further their education or enter various occupational fields. A.S. degrees are more narrowly focused and may require students to take on additional courses when they wish to expand their studies.

What 2 year degree makes the most money?

Highest Paying 2-Year DegreesRankMajorDegree TypeRank:1Computer Science (CS) & MathematicsDegree Type:Associates2Nondestructive TestingDegree Type:Associates3Radiation TherapyDegree Type:Associates4Software EngineeringDegree Type:Associates21 more rows

Which associate degree pays most?

What Are the Highest-Paying Associate Degrees?Radiation Therapy. ... Nuclear Technology. ... Nuclear Medicine. ... Dental Hygiene. ... Web Development. ... Diagnostic Medical Sonography. ... Aerospace Engineering. ... Electrical Engineering.More items...•

What is the easiest degree to get?

Here are the 16 Easiest College Majors for 2022:Psychology.Criminal Justice.English.Education.Religious Studies.Social Work.Sociology.Communications.More items...•

What are the disadvantages of an associate's degree?

ConsYou may be competing with people with bachelor's degrees for the same jobs. ... Your earnings may be lower than that for people with a bachelor's degree.Getting into managerial or supervisory positions may be difficult without a higher degree.

Is getting an associate's degree hard?

But for a poor student, getting an associate's degree can be hard, especially for high school graduates unprepared for college and need to take developmental or remedial courses before becoming eligible to take college-level courses.

Are associates degrees useless?

No, an associate's degree is not useless. An associate's degree is an intermediate step between a high school diploma and a bachelor's degree. An associate's degree can be seen as complementary to the bachelor's degree, and it is often more economically viable, according to academic and economic experts.

What is an Associate of Arts degree good for?

In fact, people who possess associate of arts (AA) degrees have titles like operations manager, executive assistant, and teacher. Actually, earning an associate of arts can lead to a ton of unique careers , ranging from business to the fine arts.

How do I choose an associates degree?

Choosing an Associate Degree ProgramYour interest in the field.The applicability of the degree to possible professional fields.The courses the program offers and their relevance to the professional avenues you wish to explore.The faculty credentials and / or reputation of teaching staff.More items...•

What classes are required for a degree?

Certain classes in your degree plan will have prerequisites that you must completed in a sequence. These classes include English, math and humanities classes. These classes are usually a prelude to the class it proceeds and usually provides you with a foundation that allows you to understand the class to come.

How many hours do I need to get an associates degree?

Degree Hours. Sixty course hours are required to complete you associate degree. This does not include any remedial classes. Once you are near completion of your courses based on your degree plan you can meet with your counselor and apply for your degree.

What is a degree plan?

A degree plan is a list of classes and is usually divided up into sections based on the type of class. For example, all science classes will be listed in one group, math in another. You may be required to take several classes from one group.

What is an associates degree?

The Associates of Arts degree is a two-year degree that can be obtained from an accredited school in the United States. The course requirements vary from school to school and usually include mathematics, English, science, history, humanities, psychology and speech/communications.

Do I need to take placement test?

Placement Testing. You may be required to take placement testing depending on your school . If any testing is required your counselor will provide you with testing information including date and time. Most schools offer these test onsite and for an additional fee.

Do remedial classes count as a degree?

You can elect to take remedial classes if you desire, but these classes do not count for your degree plan. If you are required to take remedial classes based on your test results, you must complete all your remedial classes to beginning the college level course of the same classification.

How many credits are required for Gordon University?

Required Courses - There are 6 required credits. Students must take three credit hours from the Core offerings, and three credit hours from either the Core or Institutional offerings. All courses must be completed with a minimum grade of C to meet the Gordon Rule Requirement.

How many credits are needed for information literacy?

The general education program is 36 semester credits which serve as the core of the curriculum.

How many credits are required for an associates in arts?

An Associate in Arts degree shall require no more than 60 semester hours of college credit, including 36 semester hours of General Education coursework. Except for college-preparatory coursework, all required coursework shall count toward the Associate in Arts degree or the baccalaureate degree. . View the Associate in Arts program in ...

What are the requirements for general education?

General Education courses must meet at least four out of the five following outcomes. All other courses will meet one or more of these outcomes: 1 Communicate clearly in a variety of modes and media 2 Research and examine academic and non-academic information, resources, and evidence 3 Evaluate and utilize mathematical principles, technology, scientific and quantitative data 4 Analyze and create individual and collaborative works of art, literature, and performance 5 Think critically about questions to yield meaning and value 6 Investigate and engage in the trans-disciplinary applications of research, learning, and knowledge 7 Visualize and engage the world from different historical, social, religious, and cultural approaches 8 Engage meanings of active citizenship in one's community, nation, and the world

What are the general education competencies?

General Education Competencies: General Education courses must meet at least four out of the five following outcomes. All other courses will meet one or more of these outcomes: Communicate clearly in a variety of modes and media. Research and examine academic and non-academic information, resources, and evidence.

How many units are required for an AA/AS degree?

Units. Complete a minimum of sixty (60) associate degree applicable semester units of course work with not less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average. 2.

What is an approved major?

An Approved Major, or Area of Emphasis. Completion of the requirements of an approved Major or an approved Area of Emphasis which will require an approved program of study with a minimum of 18 units of coursework as specified in the College Catalog. OR.

How long does it take for an associate degree to be posted?

The Associate Degree (s) CANNOT be posted to the student's record until after the end of the term during which it was earned. This usually occurs during the second or third week following the end of that term. It could take longer if the student took a class that ends beyond the end of the term, as all grades must be posted. It could also be delayed if the student has an "Incomplete" to clear, has submitted a grade change request, or is taken a class at another college.

How many units are required for San Joaquin Delta?

OR. A total of at least twenty-four (24) units at San Joaquin Delta College.

Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-10.030, College-Level Communication and Computational Skills (formerly known as the Gordon Rule)

In accordance with the Florida Department of Education Administrative Rule, all students are mandated to satisfactorily complete 12 semester hours of courses which include written assignments demonstrating college-level writing skills and also satisfactorily complete a minimum of six (6) semester hours of mathematics.

Florida State Board of Education Administrative Rule 6A-10.02413, Civic Literacy Competency

In accordance with the Florida Department of Education Administrative Rule, first-time-in-college AA and baccalaureate students entering a Florida College System institution in the 2018-19 academic year, and thereafter, must demonstrate competency in civic literacy prior to graduation.

II. Mathematics - 6 Credits

Note: Higher-level mathematics courses also will satisfy the core requirement.

III. Natural Sciences - 6 Credits (Choose two)- One must be from Column I

Note: Higher-level natural science courses also will satisfy the core requirement.

What are the requirements for an AA degree?

​​AA and AS Core Requir​​ements 1 The AA degree requires 45 credits of core (general education) coursework. 2 Core courses are courses normally completed during the first two years of most four-year degrees.

What is an AA degree?

The Associate in Arts (AA) degree is best suited for transfer to a four-year college for many majors. In addition, the AA degree provides the most flexibility for students that are undecided about a transfer college or major. The AA degree requires 45 credits of core (general education) coursework. Core courses are courses normally completed ...

How many credits are required for an AA degree?

The AA degree requires 45 credits of core (general education) coursework. Core courses are courses normally completed during the first two years of most four-year degrees. The Associate in Science (AS) degree is best suited for students that want to enter a career field after two years but want the option to transfer to a four-year college in ...

What is the best strategy for a first semester?

The best strategy for your first semester is to choose core courses from either degree. That way if you change your mind or major, the chance of taking courses that are not required for your degree is minimized. The Associate in Arts (AA) degree is best suited for transfer to a four-year college for many majors.

What are the requirements for an associates degree?

Each associate's degree program has a concentration in an area of study with its own course requirements. These requirements focus on topics related to the area of study and help you gain the knowledge and skills you need to work in that field upon graduation. If you chose to study business, for example, your concentration classes might include marketing, management, economics and accounting.

What are the requirements for general education?

General education requirements usually include courses in the social sciences, the humanities, mathematics and communication. Most schools give you some choice as to the exact classes you'd like to take in these areas.

How many credit hours are required for an associates degree?

All associate's degree programs are similar in structure. They usually require about 60 credit hours, with half of these being general education classes and the other half being related to your area of study. For example, if you decide to pursue an associate's degree in accounting, many classes will be predetermined and relate to law, ...

Can you choose elective classes?

In many cases, you'll choose elective classes from a set of approved classes that relate to your area of study. In this way, you can customize your program to meet your specific interests while furthering your knowledge of a broad area of study.

How to be successful in AA?

To be successful in AA, you need to find a group that makes you feel welcome or comfortable. Since each group’s dynamic depends on its members, every group is different. Even if the first group you attend doesn’t feel right, don’t give up!

What to do if AA does not appeal to you?

If AA does not appeal to you, but you do want to work on the 12-Steps after treatment, you have other options. Recovery is ongoing, so once you leave a treatment facility, it’s wise to keep actively working on recovery whether in AA or another organization.

When was the first book of Alcoholics Anonymous published?

The first Alcoholics Anonymous book was published in 1939. Since then, AA has helped millions of people struggling with addiction. As an AA member, you are a part of an enduring, global community of people working to overcome addiction and maintain long-term recovery.

Do you have to go to an orientation for AA?

You won’t receive a membership card or a certificate. There’s no orientation. You don’t have to go to a certain number of meetings first. The only requirement for membership, straight from the AA website, is “ a desire to stop drinking .”.

What are electives in college?

Electives may include any combination of college-level courses recommended/required for a discipline major and/or courses from the General Education offerings in Communications, Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Science, Social and Behavioral Sciences & General Education area 6. Excluded are college preparatory courses and courses designed especially for technical education curricula. When choosing electives, students should give careful attention to their major field of study and to the requirements of the institution to which they plan to transfer. Certain technical/occupational courses can be used to satisfy this area requirement. Please consult with an academic advisor.

How many credits do you need to graduate with a C in math?

To satisfy the mathematics competency for graduation, students will need to successfully complete six (6) credits of college-level math courses with a “C” or higher. This can be accomplished by satisfying either of these two options:

Associate of Arts Overview

  • An Associate of Arts (AA) degree is a general degree appropriate for students transferring to a 4-year program. Programs usually include the core courses required for any Bachelor of Arts (BA) program. Core courses might include communications, social and behavioral science, natural science, humanities and math. Many programs also include a compute...
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Course Topics

  • Although course topics will vary depending on the subject of a student's degree, many programs feature similar courses that focus on general essential subjects. The list below contains a couple of examples of these classes:
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Communication, Humanities and Health Courses

  • Communications courses might include English, composition or speech. The humanities cover a broad range of subjects. Exploring these areas may help you find a potential major. You may take a course in philosophy, literature or a foreign language. Courses in physical education, anatomy, or health are required by many schools as part of an AA degree program. You could also take co…
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Math, Science and Computer Courses

  • A basic mathematics course is usually required, such as college algebra, pre-calculus or statistics. For the social or behavioral sciences, you might study sociology, psychology, anthropology, U.S. history, world civilizations or similar topics. Course options in the natural sciences include ecology, biology, zoology, chemistry, geology or geography. Courses in comput…
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