what college course should i take to become a police officer

by Amelia Homenick 4 min read

  • 5 GCSE passes in core subjects (including: English Language and Maths). You may also want to consider taking GCSE P.E. ...
  • 3 A-Levels (we would recommend taking subjects such a A-Level: Law, Sociology, Physical Education, and a Modern Foreign Language) or a BTEC in Uniformed Public Services.
  • A degree-apprenticeship in Professional Policing Practice or a degree in Professional Policing.
  • A graduate diploma in Professional Policing Practice, and success in written assessments, fitness and medical tests, and interviews.
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
  • Possible training for career progression.

A bachelor's degree is required if you want to work for a federal police agency. Associate's and bachelor's degree programs in law enforcement and criminal justice prepare potential officers for the job with coursework in criminal law, forensics and criminal behavior.

Full Answer

What is the best college for a police officer?

The list below is a small sample of the careers Laurier police studies degree graduates have gone on to:

  • Chief of Police / Commissioner / Chief Constable
  • Deputy Chief of Police / Deputy Chief Constable
  • Staff Superintendent
  • Superintendent
  • Staff Inspector
  • Inspector
  • Sergeant Major
  • Staff Sergeant
  • Sergeant / Detective
  • Police Constable 1st Class / Detective Constable

What is the best degree to get to become a police officer?

What is the best degree for police officer?

  • Social Sciences (Psychology, Sociology, Criminology)
  • Criminal Justice as a Law Enforcement Degree.
  • Foreign Language Degrees.
  • Law Enforcement Degree In Public Safety Leadership.
  • Law.
  • Computer Science.
  • Finance or Accounting.

What classes to take in college to become a police officer?

College Classes Needed for Police Officer Requirements

  1. English 101. It seems like a basic class, and that’s more or less its purpose. ...
  2. Introduction to Criminal Justice. This class is among the basic requirements to declare a criminal justice major at schools conferring both associate and bachelor’s degrees in the field.
  3. Criminology 101. This class builds off a student’s understanding of law enforcement after an introductory class in criminal justice.
  4. Introductions to Corrections. Introduction to corrections emphasizes the aftermath of an arrest and provides a theoretical foundation for understanding the American jailing system.

What education is required to become a police officer?

There are several key requirements to become a police officer: Police officers must first earn a high school diploma or GED before they can then receive training at a police academy. Some police officers complete degree programs in law enforcement or criminal justice as well, which can be helpful for career advancement.

What degree do police officers need?

While some future police officers take courses in pre-law, most seek an associate's degree in criminal justice. As with most fields, higher education can make a difference in the criminal justice field when it comes to attaining advancement and higher pay. You may not always want to work as a patrol officer, so an investment in college can pay ...

What jobs require a bachelor's degree?

Bachelor's degrees are usually needed for jobs at the federal level, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or the FBI. Increasingly, bachelor's degrees are in greater demand for promotions to detective, police supervisor, and fish and game warden.

What are the areas of criminal justice?

Criminal justice programs are likely to provide competencies in areas relevant to police officers nationwide, including courtroom procedures, security, surveillance, anti-terrorism and Homeland Security, gangs and organized crime, juvenile justice, and border security. Among your core subjects, you would most likely be required to take courses such ...

What is training for police?

Training involves learning about local ordinances, constitutional law, civil rights, and investing accidents. Everything ranging from traffic control to self defense is taught to make sure they are prepared for work on the job. Being a police is tough, so training must be passed.

What do you learn in law school?

Students learn about law and the justice system. It combines a mixture of law, psychology, and public administration. Taking police science is another good degree most take. Political science is another great option. Political science is a degree where you learn about the government and political policies, so it teaches you about law enforcement in ...

Do police officers need bachelors degrees?

It is true that there are no specific courses or college bachelor’s degrees that are meant for police officers, but there are specific degrees that may help you when becoming an officer. IMAGE SOURCE: Pixabay, public domain.

Is it a good idea to get a police degree?

It is a good degree if you don’t want to focus on strictly criminal justice, but most police departments just require a degree regardless of what major you take. Before an officer officially joins the police force, they go through intense training at one of the many police academies.

1. Psychology

Psychology is a good choice because it involves many areas of study including human behavior, social behaviors, and the root causes of crime. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in psychology, you will be well on your way to a rewarding career in the criminal justice field.

2. Sociology

The relationship between sociology and law enforcement is not always a simple one.

3. Criminology

It’s no wonder that Criminology is one of the most sought-after degrees for students seeking to pursue a career in law enforcement. This is a common avenue for police officers, detectives, enforcement agents, and more.

4. Criminal Justice as a Law Enforcement Degree

Similar to seeking a degree in Criminology, a degree in criminal justice can also be a helpful stepping stone to reach the next level in your career. Rather than trying to understand the motivations and behavior of criminals, criminal justice is a broader concentration which covers the multiple facets of this field.

5. Foreign Language Degrees

With America being the melting pot that it is, the number of communities with large populations of minorities continues to grow exponentially every day. Police have the challenging task of not only upholding the law, but they must also delicately balance how they interact with their communities. The U.S.

6. Law Enforcement Degree In Public Safety Leadership

Another valid degree to consider is one in law enforcement and public safety leadership. This type of degree is relatively new since it was crafted for those seeking to be stronger leaders in their field. It’s not offered by very many universities, which does impact how affordable obtaining said degree will be, but it can still advance your career.

8. Computer Science

The criminals of today are always advancing their methods, and so law enforcement has to adapt. Computer science and overall cybersecurity coursework will give police officers a set of skills to help them advance their careers.

How do I become a police officer?

Generally speaking, the training process for aspiring police officers follows two routes: 1 Completing training by earning a two- or four-year degree in Criminal Justice or similar field from a Peace Officer Standings and Training (POST)-certified college or university, or 2 Completing training through a government-approved police academy or training program.

How often do police officers train?

In addition, active officers are required to train annually in use of force and once every five years in emergency vehicle operations/pursuit driving. Specialized training may also be directed by your police department based on federal and local needs.

What tests do police officers take?

Prior to becoming a police officer, law enforcement agencies will likely evaluate recruits for psychological stability and mental fitness. These psych tests vary, but generally include lengthy written exams and possibly a one-on-one interview with a psychologist.

How many hours of continuing education do you need to renew your police license?

For example, Minnesota police officer requirements mandate a minimum of 48 hours of continuing education within the three-year licensing period in order to maintain their license.

What is the post exam?

But generally speaking, most POST exams cover topics like: practical application and techniques, civil and criminal law, community policing, victims’ rights and management and communication. By passing this capstone exam, you are licensed to become a police officer and enforce the law in your jurisdiction. You are now free to seek employment ...

Do police officers have to be college educated?

The requirements for this step will vary substantially depending on the state in which you plan on becoming a police officer. Some states do not require their officers to be college-educated, even if they may prefer it.

Is it necessary to become a police officer?

While the steps to becoming a police officer may seem lengthy, completing them is absolutely necessary if you want to achieve the fulfilling career you’ve set your sights on. And a good law enforcement program will help you navigate the process.

What is a criminology class?

Unlike criminal justice, which emphasizes the role of law enforcement in the criminal justice system, a class in criminology emphasizes the role of the criminal. After taking a class in criminology, students should have a working understanding of the scientific methodology implicit in criminal measuring methods. Furthermore, they should be able to identify the connections between different types of criminal behavior, the offender’s environmental influences and the probability of recidivism. Classwork will focus on predicting and preventing criminal behavior.

Why do criminal justice students need to take English 101?

Many criminal justice programs require their students to take English 101 in order to gain familiarity with composition’s fundamentals as preparation for their later classes and careers.

Do police officers need a college degree?

There are about 75 applicants for every position at a police station, so a college degree can help to distinguish one job application from another. Many police officers find college coursework is necessary for future job mobility, as detectives and administrators are required to have a degree.

What classes do law enforcement officers take?

College programs for law enforcement officers also include classes in psychology. In these classes, you learn about how the human mind functions and about psychological conditions and reactions. Knowing how to tell when people are lying to you or how to defuse a volatile situation can help you maintain control of a situation when dealing with criminals or witnesses to a crime. Classes in behavioral psychology give you insight into how a criminal operates, which can give you an edge in trying to capture him.

What is the composition course for police officers?

Most colleges and universities require an English composition course as part of the curriculum for almost any major, including criminal justice. Police officers need to be able to communicate effectively and professionally in tasks from writing reports to communicating with the public to testifying during a trial.

Why is it important to take a law course?

Taking courses in government and the law is important in understanding the legal procedures that you must follow and your role in the legal system as an officer of the law. Classes in constitutional law provide knowledge of people's rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution.

Do police officers have to have a college background?

Police officers gain valuable experience dealing with criminals and gathering evidence. Many police departments prefer that their officers have a college background before they enter the police academy.

Why is political science important for law enforcement?

Political science is a great option for starting a career in law enforcement because the field is ultimately dependent on the political environment. When new laws are passed, law enforcement agencies must understand how to respond effectively and to enforce the new legislation.

What is forensics in law enforcement?

Forensics is one of the main responsibilities that law enforcement agencies are responsible for. In order to prosecute a crime, investigators have to use forensics to prove that a crime was committed. Law enforcement agencies are, therefore, highly dependent on people who have a background in forensics.

Why do people get a psychology degree?

People who graduate with psychology degrees are in high demand in the law enforcement field because they can help law enforcement agencies to understand why crime occurs in the first place. When the psychology of criminals can be understood, law enforcement agencies can take preemptive actions to prevent crimes from occurring while minimizing their consequences.

What can a criminal psychologist do?

Many criminal psychologists are also able to work in a consulting capacity for law enforcement agencies or for the private sector.

What are the challenges that law enforcement faces?

One of the biggest challenges that law enforcement agencies face is understanding whether they can prosecute certain types of activities. If you have a background in law, you can help your law enforcement agency to make good decisions that will help to provide more justice to your community.

What is public safety?

Public safety teaches you the skills needed to help governments prepare for disasters and develop effective recovery plans. Some public safety specialists work directly in the field to deliver resources that are needed to respond to disasters. Natural disasters and pandemics are the major response areas that public safety specialists focus on, but you may also develop plans for war, terrorism, and the collapse of law and order.

Why is criminal justice important?

Criminal justice is one of the best degree options for people in law enforcement because it directly addresses relevant topics. When you get a degree in criminal justice, your studies will almost exclusively focus on topics that you will use on a daily basis as a law enforcement officer.

Why do police officers pursue higher education?

Officers are encouraged to pursue higher education in order to be competitive in promotional opportunities. Not all degrees are created equal. Here are some fields of study that compliment your work as a police officer. Police departments may have programs to reimburse tuition, books, and lab fees at accredited universities.

What are the benefits of being a police officer with a degree?

Dec 12, 2019. By Police1 Staff. Police officers with a degree are eligible for pay increases and education bonuses worth thousands of dollars per year .

Why is computer programming important in the police force?

Computer-related skills such as IT or programming are valuable because new technology (such as body cameras) is always entering the police force. Facilitating the adaptation process will save time and taxpayer dollars while creating a more effective department.

Is a criminal justice degree worth it?

A criminal justice degree may be worth pursuing if you’re already in the police force, and just want a degree for the higher salary and promotional opportunities. If credits from your police academy may be applied towards finishing your degree, you can spend less time and money on your education.

Is it good to learn a foreign language as a police officer?

As a police officer, it’s a good idea to learn a foreign language to interact with people from all backgrounds. Dallas Police Department is just one organization that gives officers bonus pay for being able to speak a foreign language.

Do police departments pay for tuition?

Police departments may have programs to reimburse tuition, books, and lab fees at accredited universities. Police officers can also receive financial aid for their education through grants and scholarships. Families of police officers may also be eligible to receive money for education through a variety of programs.

What are some good courses to take to become a cop?

If you know you want to be a cop, consider taking electives that will prepare you for a career in criminal justice. For example, you could study psychology, sociology, criminology, and law. Writing skills are also important, as officers spend a great deal of time composing reports.

How long does it take to become a police officer?

While the average program takes around six months to complete, requirements vary by state, and some police training programs last longer or shorter.

How much do detectives make?

A detective position usually comes with a pay raise; while the average salary for a police officer is $65,400 a year, detectives have a median income of $81,920.

How long do police officers serve?

Typically, officers must serve for at least three years before they’re eligible to become a detective.

What is the job of a police officer?

As a police officer, your duties may include responding to emergencies, arresting suspected lawbreakers, patrolling neighborhoods, and protecting the rules of the road. Moreover, some cops work on specific types of crimes, ...

What is the goal of the police academy?

The goal is to assess flexibility, endurance, and muscle strength, among other factors. Some states also require applicants to pass a psychological exam prior to being admitted to the program. After you’re accepted to the police academy, you will undergo training in a variety of areas.

Do you know what major to pursue in high school?

As a result, when you get to college, you might not know what major to pursue or even which courses of study to explore.





Criminal Justice as A Law Enforcement Degree

Foreign Language Degrees

Law Enforcement Degree in Public Safety Leadership


Computer Science

  • The criminals of today are always advancing their methods, and so law enforcement has to adapt. Computer science and overall cybersecurity coursework will give police officers a set of skills to help them advance their careers. From hackers to organized crime, law enforcement officers need to understand the technology used by criminals which threat...
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Finance Or Accounting
