what certification course do i need to comply with mn cottage food law?

by Ashton Kshlerin 7 min read

What is a cottage license in MN?

Requirements. The Cottage Food Law allows for individuals to make and sell certain non-potentially hazardous food and canned goods in Minnesota without a license.

Can I sell vanilla extract in Minnesota?

Q: Can I sell extracts? A: Extracts are not allowed as a cottage food product, mainly because of its alcohol content. An example would be vanilla extract.

What is the pH or water activity level a food product must have to be sold under the cottage food exemption?

3. Register with the MDA each year food is sold under the Cottage Food Exemption. 4. Prepare and sell only NON-potentially hazardous food (such as baked goods, certain jams and jellies) and/or home canned pickles, vegetables, or fruits with a pH of 4.6 or lower.

What foods are cottage foods?

List of Cottage FoodsBaked goods, without cream, custard, or meat fillings, such as breads, biscuits, churros, cookies, pastries, and tortillas.Candy, such as brittle and toffee.Chocolate-covered nonperishable foods, such as nuts and dried fruits.Dried fruit.Dried pasta.Dry baking mixes.More items...

Is Buttercream a cottage food?

Baked goods, without cream, custard, or meat fillings, such as breads, biscuits, churros, cookies, pastries, and tortillas. Buttercream frosting, buttercream icing, buttercream fondant, and gum paste that do not contain eggs, cream, or cream cheese.

Can I sell chocolate covered strawberries from home in Minnesota?

You can only sell non-potentially hazardous foods and home-processed and home-canned pickles, vegetables, or fruit with a pH of 4.6 or below.

Is Fudge potentially hazardous?

Non-potentially hazardous foods including but not limited to baked items, such as cookies, cakes, fruit pies, cupcakes, bars, yeast breads, fruit breads, baguettes; candy and confections, such as caramels, chocolates, fudge, peanut brittle, chocolate-covered fruits, bon bons, buckeyes, chocolate-covered nuts; and ...May 17, 2018

How do I label my home baked goods?

How to Make Labels for Baked GoodsProduct name.“Made in a home kitchen” (12-point font for some states)Business name and address (the physical address where you make the product)Permit and county number.Ingredients.Allergens such as milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, and soy.

Is beef jerky a cottage food?

Can I make beef jerky? No, cottage food products cannot have meat in them. The one exception is Pennsylvania, which does allow meat jerkies. Meat jerkies usually need to be produced in a facility that is inspected and approved by the USDA.

Is fudge a cottage food?

Candies, including Brittles and Fudge: Most states with cottage laws allow the creation and sale of several different types of homemade candies from the comfort of your own kitchen.Mar 30, 2018

Is honey a cottage food?

No. Honey and maple syrup are not considered cottage foods, because state regulatory requirements and exemptions typically have some significant differences.

What is a cottage food operation?

Cottage Food Operation means a natural person or an entity that produces or packages cottage food products at the residence of a natural person or at the residence of a natural person who has an ownership interest in the entity, and sells such products in accordance with Section 500.80, Florida Statutes.

How To Start A Cottage Food Business?

To start your cottage food business in your State, always contact your local city / county office and verify if a business license is required prio...

Cottage Food Labeling Requirements

All food items packaged in a domestic kitchen must be properly labeled prior to sale. The requirements vary from State to State. Check about your s...

What Is Considered Cottage Food?

Cottage food are the foods, deserts, breads, jams, jellies among others – that you can legally cook, bake and prepare from your kitchen and then se...

Where Can I Sell My Cottage Foods?

Depending on your state laws, you may be able to sell your cottage foods to retail stores as well as individuals. However, some states only allow y...

Acidity Levels And Testing

Most states determine if a food is non-potentially hazardous by the acidity level found in the food. The higher the acidity, the more stable at a r...

Cottage food producers must do the following

Register with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) each year before selling food under the cottage food exemption, regardless of the amount of food sold.#N#Tier 1: For gross annual sales of $5,000 or less, complete an online training and exam each year before registering or renewing.#N#Tier 2: For gross annual sales of $5,001 - $78,000, take an approved food safety course once every three years while actively selling cottage food..

Basic Registration Process

Step 1: Determine if you are eligible to register for this license exemption. This includes verifying the food you plan to make is non-potentially hazardous and that your local city, county, or township does not have home sales prohibitions due to zoning requirements. The MDA online training may be helpful to review to verify eligibility.

How long does it take to complete the eLearning course?

This course will take approximately 4 hours to complete. Register for the online course.

How long does Zoom webinar take?

A Zoom link to access the webinar will be emailed to you prior to the class date. This course will take approximately 4 hours to complete. Cancellations prior to the close of registration will be fully refunded.

Why do canned goods need to be tested?

Some canned goods may be required to be tested to determine the acidity levels so that you can produce and sell to the public. (see acidity and testing section below)

What is the pH range of a food?

• The range of pH is commonly considered to extend from zero to 14. A pH value of 7 is neutral because pure water has a pH value of exactly 7. Values less than 7 are considered acidic, while those greater than 7 are considered basic or alkaline.#N#• All fruits are acidic foods and are usually tart and sour. Ex: tomato, lemon, peach, apple, etc.#N#• The FDA rule for acidic foods states that a food must have a pH below 4.6 to be sold as a minimally processed food.#N#• The reason for this is bacteria does not grow at this level of acidity.#N#• The exclusion shall not be construed as allowing the sale of low acid foods (pH > 4.6) in#N#hermetically sealed containers (i.e. home-canned green beans, peas, etc.) when such#N#food is not prepared in a permitted establishment.

How to determine if food is non-potentially hazardous?

Most states determine if a food is non-potentially hazardous by the acidity level found in the food. The higher the acidity, the more stable at a range of temps, that food product is.

Cottage Food Producer Registration

This registration is for individuals only (including sole-proprietorships). Businesses such as firms, partnerships, corporations, societies, associations, and companies may not be registered as a cottage food producer.


This registration is for individuals only (including sole-proprietorships). Businesses such as firms, partnerships, corporations, societies, associations, and companies may not be registered as a cottage food producer.

What foods have a pH of 4.6?

Anything baked, canned, fermented or frozen with a final product pH >4.6. Non-acidified home-canned bananas, figs, melons i.e. cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon. Pickled foods: pickled radishes, there are no tested recipes from reliable resources for canning pickled radishes with water bath canning or pressure canning.

What are the eight major food allergens?

The eight major food allergens are#N#milk,#N#eggs,#N#fish,#N#crustacean shellfish,#N#tree nuts,#N#peanuts,#N#wheat and#N#soybean.