what causes a sharp burning pain along the course of upper arm where bloodwork was taken

by Milford Hills III 8 min read

Common Causes

Severe pain in the upper arm is usually caused by trauma from an injury that can lead to bruising, dislocation, or fractures of the bone. Other causes of sharp pain in the upper arm can arise from infection to the upper arm skin, bones, or nerves.

Related Conditions

Upper arm pain from nerve damage is often accompanied by pins and needles and/or numbness in the arm or burning shoulder pain.

What does it mean when your upper arm hurts?

Lactic Acid: The burning sensation could be due to a build-up of lactic acid in the overworked muscles. It may need a bit more time to clear up. Take it easy with ... Read More Weeks of on and off pain in chest arm and stomack. burning sensation in stomach sometimes better after meals. tingly feeling in my face muscles day 3?

What are the symptoms of nerve damage to the upper arm?

Pain in the shoulder or arm that is due to nerve irritation or spinal damage presents differently to problems in the muscles, bones, tendons or ligaments of the shoulder. If the pain in your shoulder or arm is due to nerve damage you may experience: Pain: a stabbing, shooting pain or burning sensation that may extend down your arm.

What causes burning sensation in upper arm and stomach muscles?

What does it mean when your shoulder hurts?

Why is my arm burning after a blood test?

Pain in the arm after blood draw Pain at the site of needle insertion is the most common side effect of venipuncture. The degree of pain varies from person to person, but it tends to be most noticeable when the needle initially pierces the surface of the skin and then subsides once the syringe is docked into the vein.

Can you get nerve damage from a blood draw?

Background. Venipuncture is one of the one of the most commonly performed, minimally-invasive procedures; however, it may lead to peripheral nerve injury.

How would you know if you damage a nerve during venipuncture?

Direct puncture nerve injury usually causes immediate symptoms, including: sharp acute pain at venipuncture site. sharp shooting pain up or down the arm. sensation of pain that changes in severity depending on needle position.

Can a blood test damage your arm?

Every time you have a blood test or an IV line in your arm, it damages the veins. Repeated blood tests cause progressive scarring to your veins. Some people, especially those with kidney disease or diabetes, need a lot of regular blood tests, and their veins can get damaged over time.

How long does nerve pain after blood draw last?

The majority of these injuries are self-limiting and resolve spontaneously. Newman and Waxman found that 70, 90, and 96% of venipuncture-related nerve injuries resolve within 1, 2 and 6 months, respectively. However, chronic disabling deficits have been reported at an incidence of 1 in 1.5 million phlebotomies.

What happens when you hit a nerve with needle?

Pain is the most frequent symptom of a nerve injury. It is usually described as a severe shooting or burning sensation at the injection site with radiation to the dorsum of the forearm and hand. Patients could also present numbness, paresthesia, hypoesthesia and other sensory disturbance.

Why does my vein hurt after blood draw?

Superficial thrombophlebitis is an inflammation of a vein just below the surface of the skin, which results from a blood clot. This condition may occur after recently using an IV line, or after trauma to the vein. Some symptoms can include pain and tenderness along the vein and hardening and feeling cord-like.

What is the most common complication of phlebotomy?

Hematoma: The most common complication of phlebotomy procedure. venipuncture on that vein. appear on the skin from rupturing of the capillaries due to the tourniquet being left on too long or too tight.

What are the complications encountered during blood draw?

The possible risks associated with blood drawing are pain, bleeding, fainting, bruising, infection and/or hematoma (blood clot under the skin) at the injection site. If you develop bruising, this will go away after a couple of days and can be treated with warm compresses and/or medication.

What are the signs of an accidental arterial puncture?

If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:bleeding has restarted.swelling that is large or increasing in size.numbness or pins and needles in the arm, hand or fingers.severe or worsening pain.coldness or paleness of the lower arm, or hand of the affected arm.

How do you know if your vein is blown?

If you have a blown vein, it means that the vein has ruptured and is leaking blood. It happens when a nurse or other healthcare professional attempts to insert a needle into a vein, and things don't go quite right....Other symptoms include:tenderness or mild pain around the injection site.stinging.bruising.swelling.

What causes sharp pain in the upper arm?

If you have LHB tendonopathy, you may also have a shoulder problem, namely, a rotator cuff tear. A torn rotator cuff, as well, can cause a sudden sharp pain in the upper arm.

Why does my upper arm hurt?

If you’ve been experiencing episodes of a sudden and sharp pain located in your upper arm, this may very possibly be a condition called long head biceps tendonopathy. This is when the tendon of the long head of the biceps is torn;

Can corticosteroid injections cause a popping elbow?

If these don’t work , then corticosteroid injections may be done, though these may put a patient at risk for tendon rupture, depending on site of injection. Besides sudden sharp upper arm pain, long head biceps tendonopathy can also cause the following symptoms: -Audible snapping or popping in the elbow or shoulder.

What causes the burning sensation in my arm where the muscle on the outside of my arm connects to my elbow?

Tennis elbow: It sounds as if you've developed tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis ). It slowly gets better with rest and appropriate doses of ibuprofen.

I have burning pain in my left leg and arm. it started in my leg and moved up to my arm. muscles feel hard and as though they have to move continuous?

See a doctor: You need to see, or be referred to, a neurologist to make sure you don't have some kind of a neck problem. DO NOT GO TO A CHIROPRACTOR; see a real doc... Read More

Over the last two months my arm muscle feels heavy like i have been lifting weights but i have not. sometimes it tingles down to my fingers. it usually goes away after a few days. also burning sensation at the back of my neck happened once before?

See neurologist: Tingling suggests nerve disease. The neck burning may be significant, or a red herring. It may be too simplistic to think of cervical cord compression... Read More

Fell on elbow & forearm 2 days ago. forearm has 2 knots around muscle area small 1 & a bigger 1. hurts to move arm certain ways & hurts to lift items. there seems to be no swelling but there is a burning sensation around knotted areas. tender 2 tou?

Forearm injury exam: I'm unsure as to what those knots are. They could be blood collections under the skin (hematomas). Absence of swelling is somewhat reassuring against t... Read More

Arm stretch created a painful cramp of biceps muscle with stinging burning pain. continues to be painful 4 hours later?

Microtears: It is likely that you have microtears of the biceps and these may take 7 to 10 days to heal. Rest your biceps area during this time.

Two days ago, i did a workout, that was strenuous but did not practice it for 1 year. my muscles are sore, and i understand the reason why. but i feel a burning sensation that had not disappeared on my left arm and left bottom chest?

Lactic Acid: The burning sensation could be due to a build-up of lactic acid in the overworked muscles. It may need a bit more time to clear up. Take it easy with ... Read More

I am 7 weeks pregnant and having real bad pain in trapezius muscle. can't sleep at all real bad burning pain tingling all the way down my arm

Needs Evaluation: Although these kind of symptoms generally are musculoskeletal in origin and self-limited, in your situation I would seek medical evaluation. AVOID NSA... Read More

What causes pain in the upper arm?

What Is It: A rotator cuff tear is a very common cause of pain in the upper arm caused by damage to one of the tendons of the rotator cuff - a group of muscles that surround the shoulder joint and control the movement and stability of the shoulder.

What is upper arm pain?

Upper Arm Pain. Upper arm pain refers to pain that is felt anywhere from just below the shoulder joint to just above the elbow. It may be a problem in the muscles, tendons or bones, or even referred pain from elsewhere such as the neck or heart.

What are the aggravating factors of a rotator cuff injury?

Aggravating Factors: Lying on the affected arm, lifting or twisting the arm. Treatment: Rest from aggravating activities, rotator cuff exercises to strengthen and stretch the shoulder and steroid injections. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

What is shoulder impingement syndrome?

What Is It: Shoulder impingement syndrome is a collective term for anything that reduces the amount of space in part of the shoulder, known as the subacromial space , which places pressure and friction on the rotator cuff. Shoulder impingement is a common cause of shoulder and upper arm pain affecting approximately 20% of people at some point usually caused by repetitive overhead activities such as throwing or swimming, aging, posture or genetics.

How long does it take for shoulder impingement to heal?

Recovery: It can take 3-6 months for upper arm pain to settle with shoulder impingement syndrome, with or without surgery. Find out more about the causes, symptoms, ...

How do you know if your shoulder is frozen?

Symptoms: There are three phases to a frozen shoulder, each with different symptoms - shoulder and upper arm pain that gets gradually worse (phase 1) then increasing restriction of shoulder movement (phase 2) in what is known as a capsular pattern – lateral rotation most limited, then flexion and medial rotation least affected.

Why does my shoulder hurt?

Shoulder impingement is a common cause of shoulder and upper arm pain affecting approximately 20% of people at some point usually caused by repetitive overhead activities such as throwing or swimming, aging, posture or genetics. Onset: Gradual onset that gets progressively worse over time.

How Do Nerves Work?

The neck is made up of seven bones, known as vertebra, that sit on top of each other - imagine a stack of cotton reels.

Symptoms Of Arm Nerve Pain

Pain in the shoulder or arm that is due to nerve irritation or spinal damage presents differently to problems in the muscles, bones, tendons or ligaments of the shoulder. If the pain in your shoulder or arm is due to nerve damage you may experience:

Neck or Arm?

So how do you tell if your arm nerve pain is from compression in the neck or down the arm?

Treating Arm Nerve Pain

If you are suffering from a pinched nerve in your shoulder, arm or neck, there are various things you can do to help:


The most common cause of arm nerve pain is mechanical compression in the neck. Typical symptoms include a stabbing, shooting pain, tingling and numbness. There may be a burning sensation in the shoulder, but that could be due to other problems such as brachial neuritis or shoulder bursitis – visit the burning shoulder pain article to find out more.

Why does my arm hurt?

Most often, it’s caused by an injury or overuse. But there are many other health conditions that can cause your arm to hurt. Heart Problems.

What causes pain in the neck and arms?

Autoimmune diseases:If you have one of these conditions, your body’s natural defense system (immune system) attacks itself. Some of these -- like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and Sjogren's syndrome -- can cause pain in the neck, arms, elbows, wrists, and hands. WebMD Medical Reference .

Why does my shoulder rotator cuff tear?

It could be a result of an injury or – more often – overuse. Rotator cuffinjury:This part of your shoulder is made up of muscles and tendons. It allows your shoulder to move or stay in place. As we age, tendons in the rotator cuff begin to wear down or tear.

What are the symptoms of rotator cuff pain?

Symptoms range from a dull ache and weakness in your arm to severe, constant pain. If you suspect a rotator cuff injury, see your doctor. You may need physical therapy. Carpal tunnel syndrome:Doing the same movements over and over with your wrist can cause damage to the main nerve in your hand.

What is tendinitis in the arm?

Tendinitis:This happens when the tendons in your shoulder or arm become inflamed. Those are bands of tissue that connect muscles to bones.  One example of tendinitis is “tennis elbow.”. You could feel the pain in your shoulder, elbow, or wrist. It could be a result of an injury or – more often – overuse.

What causes numbness in the back and tingling in the arms?

It causes pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling. Herniated disk:These are little cushions between the hard bones (vertebrae) that make up your spine. They allow your back to flex or bend. If one of the disks in your neck ruptures, it could cause a burning pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling or burning in your arms.

What are the symptoms of a syringe?

You also may experience: 1 Chest pain or pressure 2 Shortness of breath 3 Dizziness 4 Nausea

Why does my body feel like it's burning?

Causes of a burning sensation. One of the most common reasons for burning pain is damage or dysfunction in the nervous system. This system is made up of the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The CNS is the primary command center and includes the brain and spinal cord.

What causes a burning sensation in the neck?

Central pain syndrome is a brain disorder that occurs when the nerves in the CNS are damaged. The condition can cause different types of painful sensations, including burning and aching. Cervical spondylosis is a result of aging. Wear and tear on the bones and cartilage in the neck cause compression on the nerves.

What causes numbness in the body?

It may also cause numbness or muscle weakness. Mononeuropathy is a group of conditions that can cause damage to a single nerve. The damage often results in a tingling or burning sensation in the affected part of the body. There are several types of mononeuropathy, including carpal tunnel, ulnar nerve palsy, and sciatica.

Why do my legs and back hurt?

Moderate to severe lower back and leg pain is caused by sciatic nerve irritation. Sharp or tingling pain flows from your lower back through your buttock area and into your lower limbs. Numbness or weakness occurs in your legs or feet. A “pins and needles” sensation may also occur in the feet.

What is the name of the pain that occurs when a nerve is damaged?

Neuralgia is burning and stabbing pain that occurs along a damaged or irritated nerve. The affected nerve may be anywhere in the body, but it’s most often in the face or neck. Peripheral neuropathy is a disorder that develops when a peripheral nerve is damaged, affecting its ability to function correctly.

What is the condition that affects the joints and discs in the neck?

Cervical spondylosis is a common, age-related condition that affects the joints and discs in the neck. Over time, the vertebral discs, joints, and bones of the cervical spine degenerate from regular wear and tear on cartilage and bones. It may cause mild to severe chronic pain and stiffness in the neck.

What causes numbness in the thumb and the first three fingers of the hand?

Carpal tunnel is caused by pinching and squeezing of the median nerve as it passes through the wrist into the hand. Symptoms include numbness, tingling, and pain in your thumb and the first three fingers of your hand. It also leads to weakness in the muscles of the hand.

Why does my body feel like it's burning?

This dysfunction causes an intense burning sensation. It can be caused by injury, infections, or a system disorder. The pain which can occur at any part of the body outside of the central nervous system usually causes symptoms like numbness, weakness, and intense burning pain, which can either be mild or moderate.

Why do my nerves burn?

Deficiency in some vital nutrients that play crucial roles in keeping the nerves healthy, can lead to a burning nerve pain sensation. Deficiency diseases like Beriberi, caused by a lack of vitamin B1, megaloblastic anemia, brought on by a lack of folic acid, and pernicious anemia, caused by a lack of vitamin B12, ...

What causes pain in the central nervous system?

There are many nerve dysfunctions that can cause chronic pain such as diabetic neuropathy but there is also burning nerve pain and nerve damage which usually affect both the central and peripheral nervous systems. They include:

Why does my spine burn?

As the bone and cartilage wear down, it puts pressure on the nerve roots. Compression of nerve roots causes numbness and severe burning pain. Radiculopathy can also occur as a result of trauma or injury in the spine resulting in burning pain which can either be a shooting or sharp pain.

What is the burning sensation in the neck and face?

Neuralgia. The burning and stabbing pain resulting from an irritated nerve is called Neuralgia. Neuralgia can affect any part of the body but it mostly affects the nerves located in the face and neck. This condition can be caused by a series of complications from diseases like diabetes or multiple sclerosis.

What is the best treatment for burning nerve pain?

Available treatment options for burning nerve pain include: Medications: Over-the-counter painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications are very effective. Surgical procedures.

What happens when myelin is damaged?

Damage to myelin leads to disruption of nerve signals transmitted by the nerve cells in the central nervous system. When Multiple Sclerosis occurs, some areas of the body do not receive messages from the brain causing burning sensations and aches.