what are voluntary driver training course.

by Kamryn Stiedemann III 4 min read

Voluntary defensive driving is an optional course that teaches drivers how to be safer on the road. The term “defensive driving” comes from the National Safety Council, which launched the country’s first defensive driving course in 1964.

Voluntary defensive driving is an optional course that teaches drivers how to be safer on the road. The term “defensive driving” comes from the National Safety Council, which launched the country's first defensive driving course in 1964.

Full Answer

How many drivers take the NEMT course each year?

Every year, more than 10,000 drivers take this “industry standard” course. The widest selection of certification programs in the transit field: Engaging e-learning experiences such as PASS Basic, The Keys to NEMT Success, Community Transportation Supervisor and Volunteer Driver Safety classes.

What kind of training do you offer for transit workers?

Whether drivers, dispatchers, mechanics, safety officers, front line supervisors or transit managers, we offer training and certification programs to meet your needs. PASS (Passenger Assistance Safety and Sensitivity) Driver training. Every year, more than 10,000 drivers take this “industry standard” course.

Are AARP Driver safety volunteer positions paid?

*All AARP Driver Safety volunteer positions are unpaid. However, volunteers are reimbursed for approved, program-related, out-of-pocket expenses, such as mileage and postage.

What is DDT training?

State agencies can enroll in Defensive Driver Training (DDT) that was developed to help reduce the number, severity, and cost of vehicle-related collisions. The training is also available to non-state employees.

How do I get points off my license in NY?

You can remove points on license in NYS by taking a DMV-approved Point and Insurance Reduction Program (PIRP) course. Attending a NY defensive driving school will not only prevent you from having your license suspended, but will also help you save 10% on your auto insurance premiums in the future.

How long is the NJ defensive driving course?

six-hourSafeMotorist's New Jersey Online Defensive Driving course makes it simple to avoid point penalties after a traffic ticket and save money on your auto insurance rate. The six-hour course is 100% online and approved by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) for point and insurance reduction.

Can you pay to remove points from driving Licence in NJ?

Up to three points will be removed from your driving record if you successfully complete the program. A $75 administrative fee payable to the MVC is required prior to scheduling a class with a New Jersey-licensed provider.

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your record in NY?

three yearsA traffic violation remains on a New York driver's record for three years after the conviction. This is same answer when asking, “How long do points stay on your license?” However, the point system only counts the many points on your record for DMV purposes for an 18 month period from the date of the offense.

How long until points are removed from license in NY?

18 monthsPoints stay on your license after a conviction in NY until 18 months have passed. Those points then become inactive points, which can stay visible on your driving record abstract for up to four years. Even when the points are no longer visible on your abstract, they will remain on your permanent record.

How much does a defensive driving course cost in NJ?

Online New Jersey defensive driving coursesCompanyWebsitePriceAmerican Safety Councilwww.safemotorist.com$20.00American Safety Institute Inc.www.njinsurancereduction.com$24.95Cheap Defensive Driving Coursewww.cheapdefensivedrivingcourse.com$27.95Cheap Easy Fast New Jersey Defensive Drivingwww.cheapeasyfastnj.com$27.958 more rows•Dec 9, 2020

How much does a defensive driving course lower your insurance NJ?

between 5% and 10%Any auto insurance provider in New Jersey is required to offer a discount to any policy holder that completes a defensive driving course. The discount, which is usually between 5% and 10% lasts for three years and can be renewed for continuous savings.

Is NJ defensive driving course online?

You can complete a defensive driving course online or in-person in the state of New Jersey. The course however must be certified by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) for you to be eligible for point reduction.

How long do points stay on your record in NJ?

The NJ MVC keeps a permanent record of all the points a New Jersey driver has earned. It is possible though to earn point deductions by remaining violation and suspension-free for one year or by taking qualified driving courses approved by MVC.

How much will 2 points affect my insurance in NJ?

The 2 point reduction defensive driving course can also help reduce your NJ car insurance rate. The NJ mandatory law states upon completion of the 6 hour NJ defensive driving course, drivers are eligible to receive up to 10% reduction on their car insurance for 3 years.

How many points is a speeding ticket in NJ?

Points for NJ Speeding Tickets 1 to 14 MPH over speed limit = 2 points. 15 to 29 MPH over speed limit = 4 points. 30 MPH or more over speed limit = 5 points.

Become an AARP Driver Safety Volunteer

Become a part of the safe driving solution in your community! Join more than 5,000 AARP Driver Safety volunteers nationwide teaching and organizing the award-winning AARP Smart Driver classroom course curriculum.

Be a Driving Force in Your Community

Feel good about helping others while making your community safer – watch the video to learn more!

Washington Defensive Driving Course

Let’s face it: taking a court-ordered defensive driving course can be a pain in the neck. Classroom courses involve inconvenient schedules, lengthy class periods, and other hassles that only complicate your life.

Easy, Self-Paced Online Course

The Washington Defensive Driving course is specifically tailored to adjust and adapt to your schedule. You don’t have to drive to an inconvenient classroom to meet all of the same requirements, nor do you have to sit in a room for a backbreaking amount of time.


The standard Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations, ANSI/ASSE Z15.1, defines defensive driving skills as “driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others.” This definition is taken from the National Safety Council’s Defensive Driving Course.

Washington 4 Hour Level 1, Voluntary, and 8 Hour Level 2 Defensive Driving Class

Washington (STATE) 4-hour, Voluntary, and 8-hour defensive driving classes are available at a low-cost. As an authorized I Drive Safely, LLC Washington provider, we have the defensive driving course, regardless of the hours needed, in one easy course.

Washington Level 2 Defensive Driving

If you’ve been court ordered to take a Level 2 (8-hour) defensive driving course, we offer the best program. Our online course covers your court requirement, and you never have to set foot in a classroom.

Washington Voluntary Defensive Driving

If you’re looking for ways to lower your insurance premiums, voluntarily taking A defensive driving course can help. Our simple online voluntary course can save you money and make you a better, safer driver.

How to Defer a Traffic Ticket

The state of Washington does not dismiss traffic tickets, but you may be able to prevent the court from reporting your citation to the Department of Licensing (DOL), which would raise your insurance rates and stay on your driving record. You may only defer a traffic ticket once every 7 years.

PASS Online: The Industry Standard

Every year, more than 10,000 drivers take this industry standard course.

PASS: The Industry Standard

The PASS program ensures that drivers have current expertise in passenger assistance techniques and sensitivity skills appropriate for serving persons with disabilities.

Pass: order training materials

Get materials for the classroom two-day PASS driver certification training or online PASS driver training plus half day hands-on workshop.

Driver Recruitment & Retention

There's a direct correlation between the effort and attention that’s put into all aspects of employee retention and the need for driver recruitment.

Customized Classroom Training

Customized classroom training courses are tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs.

Recruiting, Building and Retaining a Sustainable Driver Workforce

Put an end to driver shortages at your operation by learning the latest recruitment and retention tools. The strategies that make up this self-paced online course have been proven to work at all sizes of transit operations.

Front Line Supervisor Training

Front line supervisors are essential to any transit operation’s success . This self-paced online training course ensures that front line supervisors have both the organization mission as well as day-to-day practical skills to thrive.
