what are the specific course requirements for a b.f.a. degree at howard university

by Jonas Nitzsche 9 min read

At least four semesters of residence and full-time study (at least 9 credits per semester) or the equivalent, shall be in the Graduate School, Howard University. Two of these four semesters of residence and full-time study, or the equivalent, shall be consecutive.

Full Answer

What is a good grade at Howard University?

Grades. The following grading system is used at Howard except where otherwise indicated in the school/college bulletins: A - excellent 90 and above B - good, 80 - 89 C - fair, 70 - 79 D - poor, 60 - 69 F - failure less than 60 W - official withdrawal (no grade value and not calculated) UW - unofficial withdrawal (no grade value and not calculated)

How long does it take to get into Howard University?

Additional program-specific requirements such as resume, statement of purpose, letters of recommendation, etc. Admission applications to Howard University take about four months to complete.

What is the core curriculum at Howard University?

The University-wide Core Curriculum was initiated in Fall 2001 as part of the Strategic Framework for Action to ensure that all Howard University undergraduates acquire effective skills in language, mathematics, the use of computers, critical thinking and communication. The University-wide Undergraduate Core Curriculum, is comprised of courses, ...

Does Howard University require SAT or act?

Howard University has made the SAT/ACT score optional due to COVID 19, and will not require submission of SAT or ACT scores from students applying for undergraduate admission during the Spring 2021 and Fall 2021 semesters. It invites admissions in the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.

What high school classes are requirements for Howard University?

If your student wants to apply to Howard University, their transcript should include:4 years of English.3 years of math.2 years of social studies or social sciences.2 years of science.2 years of a foreign language.

What courses are required at Howard University?

SOME students must complete courses in: Speech. F oreign language. Philosophy....Core CoursesCollege mathematics.Freshman orientation.Humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.Physical education.

What are the two most popular majors at Howard University?

The most popular majors at Howard University include: Biology/Biological Sciences, General; Political Science and Government, General; Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication; Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other; Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness, General; Finance, ...

What does Howard University look for in a student?

Average GPA: 3.55 With a GPA of 3.55, Howard University requires you to be around average in your high school class. You'll need a mix of A's and B's, and very few C's. If you have a lower GPA, you can compensate with harder courses like AP or IB classes.

Does Howard University have any white students?

As a consequence, public HBCUs, such as Delaware State University, which is 13 percent white according to collegeboard.com, have higher minority populations than HBCUs such as Hampton University which is five percent white, and Howard, which has a student body that is one percent white.

What major is Howard University known for?

The most popular majors at Howard University include: Biology/Biological Sciences, General; Political Science and Government, General; Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication; Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other; Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness, General; Finance, ...

What is the number one HBCU in the United States?

The top 10 Best HBCUs (in order) are: Spelman College, Howard University, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University, West Virginia State University, North Carolina, A&T University, Grambling State University, Savannah State University, Southern State University and A&M College, Jackson State University and Norfolk ...

What famous person attended Howard University?

The late Chadwick Boseman, Sean John Combs and NBC News Correspondent Meagan Fitzgerald (previously a News4 reporter) all attended Howard University. Getty Images Best known for his role in "Black Panther," Howard University grad Chadwick Boseman also portrayed Thurgood Marshall, James Brown and Jackie Robinson.

Who are some famous people who graduated from Howard University?

Civil rights, law, and governmentNameClass yearNotabilityJames Dean1883 (bachelor of law); 1884 (master of law)first African-American judge in FloridaDavid Dinkins1950First African-American Mayor of New York City (1990–1993)Joyce Dinkins1953First Lady of New York City (1990–1993)Rachel Dolezal2002civil rights activist79 more rows

What is Howard's acceptance rate?

38.6% (2020)Howard University / Acceptance rate

Is Howard an Ivy League?

Howard University is not one of the eight highly competitive schools in the Northeastern US, collectively known as the Ivy Leagues. However, it is considered as a Black Ivy League school, together with Spelman College, Hampton University, Tuskegee University, Morehouse College, Fisk University, etc.

What college can I get into with a 3.0 GPA?

Colleges that Accept 3.0 GPASchool NameLocationGPACalifornia State University Los AngelesLos Angeles, CA3.24State University of New York College of Agriculture and Technology at CobleskillCobleskill, NY3Buffalo State CollegeBuffalo, NY3.1Alabama State UniversityMontgomery, AL3.056 more rows•Feb 23, 2022

What is the Howard University core curriculum?

The University-wide Core Curriculum was initiated in Fall 2001 as part of the Strategic Framework for Action to ensure that all Howard University undergraduates acquire effective skills in language, mathematics, the use of computers, critical thinking and communication. The University-wide Undergraduate Core Curriculum, is comprised of courses, totaling 23-27 credit hours, that reflect the following formal themes: intellectualopenness and cultural diversity; historical awareness ( the African American cluster requirement will be retained and may be used to fulfill this goal of the Core Curriculum.); empirical analysis; quantitative literacy and statistical reasoning; social and human relations; and health and physical education.

What is a Howard graduate?

A Howard graduate will analyze, interpret, and evaluate the intellectual and imaginative works that humans have created through the ages and around the world – as well as the historical and ideological context that produced those works. 12. Social Sciences and Historical Awareness.

What is the role of a Howard University graduate?

A Howard graduate will engage in ethical decision-making when confronted with an ethical dilemma, recognize ethical issues, apply ethical principles, and effectively defend a position. The graduate will not only assess his or her own ethical values, but also evaluate others’ ethical perspectives by identifying the underlying assumptions and implications.

What do Howard University graduate students use to write?

A Howard graduate will use varied writing technologies, texts, data, and images to develop and express ideas clearly in writing. The graduate will also write in a variety of genres and styles for diverse audiences through iterative experiences across the curriculum.

What does Howard University do?

A Howard graduate will demonstrate an understanding of the various cultural, social, political, and economic forces and circumstances that have shaped the broad experiences of people of African des cent (including the continent of African its global diaspora). Graduates will also demonstrate an ability to apply research skills specific to their particular academic discipline to address some of the major problems arising out to circumstances of racial oppression that arose in the Western hemisphere.

What GPA do you need to get into COAS?

The COAS Honors Program is by invitation only. Freshmen who meet our minimum criteria of an unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.5, and a combined SAT of 1300 (or ACT of 28) based upon the University's admission data, will receive an invitation via email. Upon receipt of the completed application and supporting documents (by the application deadline), a month-long review process ensues. Applicants who are accepted into the Program are notified via email, where additional instructions for proceeding are also provided.

Why do you need to take courses outside of your program of study?

Regardless of academic major, students are required to take courses outside of their program of study for a well-rounded educational experience that promotes critical thinking and intellectual growth.

What are the requirements for Howard University?

The general admission requirements for international admissions at Howard University are: Completed application form. Payment of non-refundable application fee.

What is Howard University?

Offering students with over 130 study options through 13 schools and colleges, Howard University offers a number of undergraduate and graduate programs. Considered one of the most prestigious universities in the USA for higher education, the university offers programs in fields of business, management, science, engineering, arts, humanities, education, medicine, etc.

Does Howard University require SAT scores?

Programs offered by Howard University include undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 130 areas within the University’s 13 schools and colleges. Howard University has made the SAT/ACT score optional due to COVID 19, and will not require submission of SAT or ACT scores from students applying for undergraduate admission during ...

How to calculate cumulative GPA at Howard University?

The cumulative (or overall) GPA is determined by dividing the number of cumulative (or total) grade points earned at Howard University (including grade points for the most recent grading period) by the cumulative (i.e., total) number of credits attempted at Howard University . For example, student previously attempted 65 credits at Howard University and earned 160 grade points with an old cumulative GPA of 160 ÷ 65 = 2.46. The new cumulative number of credits attempted at Howard University = 65 + 13 = 78; and the new cumulative grade points earned = 160 + 33 = 193. The new cumulative GPA = 193 ÷ 78 = 2.47.

What is Howard University's community of scholars?

As part of Howard’s community of scholars, you are expected to hold the pursuit of learning and the search for truth in the highest regard while displaying unquestionable integrity and honesty. There is no place for academic dishonesty, regardless of any seeming advantage or gain that may accrue from such dishonesty. Students will be disciplined for any intentional act (s) of dishonesty in the fulfillment of academic course or program requirements and for intentionally representing as one’s own, any ideas, writings and works of another without acknowledging that author.#N#Related Page: Plagiarism

How many hours do you need to take a semester in college?

Sophomores, juniors, and seniors with a cumulative average of 2.0 or higher who enroll in at least 12 semester hours per semester, may elect, in addition, one course each semester in a department outside their major and minor sequence under the pass-fail arrangement.

What is auditing a course?

Auditing a course consists of attending classes and listening without responsibility. All auditors must be admitted to the University and go through the regular registration process. Tuition for audited classes is the same as for classes taken for credit. An auditor is not responsible for any assignment or examination. No credit may be earned in an audited course by examination or otherwise. Classes taken on an audit basis will appear on the official academic record.

What is academic status?

Academic Status. Academic status categories include good standing, probation, and suspension. The Board of Trustees approved revisions in the probation, suspension, and readmission regulations of the undergraduate schools and colleges in June 1998 (please see policies and regulations section).

What are special honors programs?

Special Honors Programs are offered in the School of Business, School of Communications, and College of Arts and Sciences. These programs offer intensified study in selected courses to students who are formally in the program.

Can failing grades be counted in the grade point average?

FAILING GRADES WILL BE INDICATED ON THE ACADEMIC RECORD; however, neither the passing grade nor failing grade will be computed in the grade point average. Students electing a course on a pass-fail basis cannot change later to regular grade basis for the particular course.