what are the sources of ethnic violence in sri lanka? course hero

by Tiana Carroll 10 min read

What are the major causes of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka?

According to the Sri Lankan phenomenon, there are mainly recognized root causes for ethnic conflict as follows.Ethnic politics and the interpretation of the past.Language policy.Education policies.Land issues.Unemployment.

What is the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka?

The conflict between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) has lasted nearly three decades and is one of the longest-running civil wars in Asia. More commonly known as the Tamil Tigers, the LTTE wants an independent state for the island's Tamil minority.

What are the causes of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka Class 12?

Sinhalese are hostile to Tamils (who had migrated from India to Sri Lanka) and settled there. The Sinhalese believe that Sri Lanka should not give concessions to the Tamils because Sri Lanka belongs to the Sinhalese only. The neglect of Tamil concerns led to militant Tamil Nationalism.

What were the results of ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka?

Answer: The results of the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka where are as follows: a) The distance between the Sinhala and Tamil led to widespread conflict and soon turn into a civil war. b) Many families were forced to leave the country as refugees. Many people lost their livelihood.

What are the causes of ethnic conflict?

Cultural factors such as problematic group histories, stereotypical perceptions, and grievances over cultural discrimination—including limitations on religious and cultural practices, unequal educational opportunities, and restrictions on the use of minority languages—are common causes of ethnic conflict.

What were the major reasons for the violence in Sri Lanka mention any two?

Root causes of the ethnic conflict in Sri LankaBackground. ... Demographic Patterns. ... The Emergence of Ethnic Politics. ... Ethnic Conflict and Language. ... Ethnic Conflict and Education. ... Ethnic Conflict and Employment. ... Ethnic Conflict and the Issue of Land. ... Loss of Confidence in Non-violent and Democratic Politics.More items...•

What is the ethnic problem of Sri Lanka Class 10?

Sri Lanka has a diverse population. The Sinhalese community forms the majority of the population (74%) with Tamils (18%) who are mostly concentrated in the north and east of the island, forming the largest ethnic minority. Other communities include the Muslims. Among Tamils, there are two sub-groups.

What is the ethnic composition of Sri Lanka Class 10?

Sri Lanka's population is diverse. The majority of the population (74%) is Sinhalese, with Tamils (18%), who are largely situated in the north and east of the islands, constituting the largest ethnic minority. Muslims are one of the other groups. There are two sub-groups of Tamils.

What are the main causes of civil war in Sri Lanka?

Answer: Increased the feelings of alienation among the Sri lankan tamils. relations between the Sinhalas and tamil community strained over time. Tamils launched parties and struggle, formed political organisations demanding independent tamil Eelam.More items...•

How did the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka led to a civil war?

While a handful of groups supported Tamil Eelam, only one prevailed: the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). LTTE destroyed other budding Eelam groups like the Tamil Eelam Liberation Organization (TELO) to become the “sole representative of the Tamils.” The conflict then escalated into civil war.

What was the result of Sri Lankan Civil War Class 10?

On 19th May, the president of the country declared to the parliament that the LTTE leader Prabhakaran was killed and that the war had been won by the government forces.

What are the two conflicting communities of Sri Lanka?

There are two conflicting parties named Sri Lankan government (represents the Sinhalese) and the LTTE (represents Tamil community).

Why are the Tamils and Sinhalese fighting?

Religious tension intensifies the struggle for supremacy between Tamils and Sinhalese. Prior to colonial occupation, Tamils controlled the northern part of Ceylon (renamed Sri Lanka in 1972), while the Sinhalese ruled the southern regions of the land.

What is the ethnic problem of Sri Lanka Class 10?

Sri Lanka has a diverse population. The Sinhalese community forms the majority of the population (74%) with Tamils (18%) who are mostly concentrated in the north and east of the island, forming the largest ethnic minority. Other communities include the Muslims. Among Tamils, there are two sub-groups.

What are the two conflicting communities of Sri Lanka?

There are two conflicting parties named Sri Lankan government (represents the Sinhalese) and the LTTE (represents Tamil community).

What are the two major ethnic groups in Sri Lanka?

The ethnicity is based on language and religion and are - the Sinhalese , the Tamils (Indian and Sri Lankan), the Muslims and the Burghers. Sinhalese are the largest ethic groups.