what are the recommended course for the possibility of a flu vaccine shortage

by Dr. Kristian Howe MD 5 min read

When was the flu vaccine shortage?

In early October 2004, the nation lost about half its expected influenza vaccine supply when one of two major manufacturers announced it would not release any vaccine for the 2004–05 season because of potential contamination.

What is the efficacy rate of the 2021 flu shot?

A VE of only 16% was observed from the 2021-22 seasonal flu vaccine in protecting the US population from contracting the most common influenza virus in current circulation, A(H3N2).

What is the current CDC recommendation for influenza vaccination?

Everyone 6 months of age and older needs a flu vaccine. For 2021-2022, CDC recommends use of any licensed, age-appropriate flu vaccine as an option for vaccination this season.

Is it too late to get a flu shot in January 2021?

Late Flu Shots So when is it too late to get vaccinated against the flu? So it is really never too late to get a flu vaccine.

Is flu shot 2022 effective?

For the 2021-2022 season, vaccine effectiveness against medical visits for acute respiratory infections (ARIs) related to the predominant influenza strain, A(H3N2), landed at a non-significant 16% (95% CI -16 to 39), reported Jessie Chung, MPH, of the CDC in Atlanta, and colleagues.

Does the flu shot weaken your immune system?

Medical Conditions That Weaken Your Immune System You might have heard that a flu vaccine weakens your immune system, but that's not true. The vaccine prepares your immune system for the flu.

How long do Covid antibodies last?

Early on, researchers thought that natural immunity to COVID-19 only lasted for about 2 to 3 months before fading. As the pandemic continued, experts started finding evidence that natural immunity could last for almost a year after infection.

What should you consider about flu vaccine options for a 70 year old patient?

The higher dose of antigen in the vaccine is intended to give people 65 years and older a better immune response to vaccination, and therefore, better protection against flu. Both Fluzone High-Dose and Fluzone Quadrivalent (standard dose) are produced by the same manufacturer and are quadrivalent vaccines.

How long is the senior flu shot effective?

The flu shot offers protection against the flu for about 6 months. A person should get a flu shot every year, and the best time to get one is the end of October.

Is it OK to get flu shot in February?

To recap, the CDC recommends getting vaccinated by the end of October, although it is never too late, as peak flu season occurs between December and February. Getting the yearly flu vaccine can protect you from severe flu illnesses, which could require hospitalization.

Is February too late to get the flu shot?

Preventing the Flu With the Annual Vaccine For the 2021-2022 flu season, a quadrivalent vaccine is available. This means that your flu shot is formulated to protect against four different strains of the flu virus. All patients over six months old may receive this vaccine!

Is it too late to get a flu shot in April?

Getting the vaccine later is better than not getting it at all. It's still flu season well into spring. Even then it's not too late for you and your family to get the flu vaccine. Many health care providers give flu vaccines through May if the flu virus is still circulating.

Why Are There Vaccine Shortages?

  • In the United States shortages of many vaccines in the recommended childhood immunization schedule occurred in the past. Some of these shortages were widespread while others were localized. Reasons for these shortages were multi-factorial and included companies leaving the vaccine market, manufacturing or production problems, and insufficient stock...
See more on cdc.gov

Who Can I Contact to Answer My Questions?

  1. Questions including those dealing with changes in child care and school requirements necessitated by vaccine supply problems when they occur can be answered by State Health Department immunization...
  2. General immunization questions can be answered by The CDC Contact Center at 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) English and Español
See more on cdc.gov

How Often Will This Information Be updated?

  • This vaccines shortages pageis updated as needed. If you wish to be notified when it is updated, please use enter your email on this page in the box labeled “Get Email Updates”. The FDA’s web page on Biological Product Shortagesprovides additional information regarding regulatory issues related to vaccine supply.
See more on cdc.gov

Acronyms and Abbreviations

  • Those acronyms and abbrevations not already spelled out above include 1. AAFP – American Academy of Family Physicians 2. AAP – American Academy of Pediatrics 3. ACIP – Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices 4. CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 5. FDA – Food and Drug Administration 6. GAO – United States General Accounting Office 7. GSK …
See more on cdc.gov

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