what are the four major covenants described in the ot course hero

by Dr. Nat Hintz 9 min read

These Four Great Covenants are: (1) The Abrahamic Covenant, (2) The Mosaic Covenant. (3) The Davidic Covenant.

Full Answer

What are the 4 major covenants in the Bible?

It took care of sin and impurity on the level of that covenant. Thus, sins were forgiven (see Leviticus 4:20, 26, 35; 5:10, 16, 18) and not just covered in the Old Testament. B. OT sacrifices function on the level of the Mosaic covenant and not on …

What are the covenants in the Old Testament?

4. Four OT Covenants 4.1 Four OT covenants – binding commitments/promises that God makes to humanity – frame the OT message. These covenants are made to people who lived about 500 years apart. 4.11 Covenant with Abraham: (c. 2000 B.C. 1) blessing all nations by faith (Genesis 12:1-3). 12:1 Now the L ORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your …

What are the different types of covenants in the Near East?

There are four major covenant references that make up the centrality of the message of Deuteronomy. 1) The God of the Covenant – God takes centre stage in the book of Deuteronomy. There are several references made to describe the characteristics or …

What are the terms of the Covenant in Deuteronomy?

What are the four major covenants of the OT? a. What human is associated with each? b. About what date in time is each covenant given? 7. What people or groups receive the promises to Abraham? 8. Who ultimately fulfills the promise to Abraham? 9. How is the promise to Abraham received? 10. What phrase summarizes the promised covenant to Moses? 11.

What are the 4 covenants?

There are several covenants in the Bible, but five covenants are crucial for understanding the story of the Bible and God's redemptive plan: the Noahic Covenant, the Abrahamic Covenant, The Mosaic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant and the New Covenant.Dec 5, 2019

What are the covenants in the OT?

There are, however, five explicit covenants that form the backbone of the Bible: those God makes with Noah, Abraham, Israel, and David and the New Covenant inaugurated by Jesus.

What are the 5 OT covenants?

These five covenants are: Noahic Covenant, Abrahamic Covenant, Mosaic Covenant, Davidic Covenant and the Fifth Covenant or the (New Covenant). In these particular covenants we will find the promises God made with his people.

What are the 4 elements of the covenant with Abraham?

The Abrahamic covenantthe promised land.the promise of the descendants.the promise of blessing and redemption.

What are the 7 covenants?

Ancient Near Eastern treatiesTerminology of covenants.Dissolving covenant form.Number of biblical covenants.Noahic covenant.Abrahamic covenant.Mosaic covenant.Priestly covenant.Davidic covenant.More items...

What is the Abrahamic covenant?

Overview. Abraham made covenants with God when he received the gospel, when he was ordained a high priest, and when he entered into celestial marriage. In these covenants, God promised great blessings to Abraham and his family. These blessings, which extend to all of Abraham's seed, are called the Abrahamic covenant.

What are the three elements of a covenant?

There are three elements, a sign, a promise, and a meal.Nov 11, 2020

What is the main purpose of a covenant?

covenant, a binding promise of far-reaching importance in the relations between individuals, groups, and nations. It has social, legal, religious, and other aspects.

What are some examples of covenants in modern society?

Covenants in modern lifeBaptism/sacraments.Marriage.Ordination.Oath of loyalty to state/ oath of allegiance.Trade agreements/ treaties.Peace treaties.Land buying contracts.Employment contracts.

What are the obligations of the Abrahamic covenant?

The Abrahamic covenant enables families to continue throughout eternity. Salvation and eternal life. The Lord promised Abraham that through his descendants “shall all the families of the earth be blessed, even with the blessings of the Gospel, which are the blessings of salvation, even of life eternal” (Abraham 2:11).

What is the Abrahamic covenant quizlet?

Abrahamic Covenant. This is literal. God's Unconditional Blood Covenant with Abraham. The faith of Abraham - the fourth appearance of God to Abraham. God's Unconditional Blood Covenant with Abraham.

What are the conditions of the covenant in Genesis 17?

It contained several promises:“Abraham's posterity would be numerous, entitled to eternal increase and to bear the priesthood;“He would become a father of many nations;“Christ and kings would come through Abraham's lineage;“Certain lands would be inherited;“All nations of the earth would be blessed by his seed;“That ...

What are the four covenants?

THE FOUR MAJOR COVENANTS. In scripture, there are four major covenants which have to do with God’s relationship with his people. 1. The promises God made to Abraham, which are confirmed in Christ. (Galatians 3) 2. The Law of Moses (aka the old covenant). This was Israel’s covenant in the flesh. 3.

What did God promise David?

4. The oath God made with David. God promised David that he would raise up one of his descendants, who would be the Messiah, to reign as King forever upon his throne. David was the great King of Israel after the flesh. Jesus Christ is the King of Israel being exalted at the right hand of God.

Who is the king of Israel?

Jesus Christ is the King of Israel being exalted at the right hand of God. When the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary he said concerning Jesus, “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David.“ ~ Luke 1:32.

What is the law of Moses?

The Law of Moses (aka the old covenant). This was Israel’s covenant in the flesh. 3. The New Covenant. This covenant replaced the old covenant (Israel’s covenant in the flesh). This covenant was given to the house of Israel and the house of Judah (see Hebrews 8).

Who said "Ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar

The apostle Peter says, “ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light…” ~ 1 Peter 2:9. 4. Christ is the exalted King of glory, and we are his ambassadors as in a foreign land.

What does Paul say about the uncircumcised?

In Ephesians 2 Paul tells us that the uncircumcised in the flesh are no longer strangers to the “commonwealth of Israel,” but have been made nigh to the covenants of promise through the blood of Christ. Jesus Christ has abolished the dividing wall which separated Jews and Gentiles, and now the two have become one in Christ.

What is the blessing of Abraham?

1. The blessing of Abraham, which is justification through faith in Jesus, is the inheritance of every believer. Through our faith in Jesus, we are members of the family of Abraham, which is the family of God. 2.

What are the covenants in the Old Testament?

Five of the primary covenants in the Old Testament are the Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic, Davidic, and the New Covenant. Each of these covenants is reflective of two of the main categories of covenants known in the Ancient Near East: Suzerian-Vassal: This term harkens back to a time when a king would make a promise to his subjects, ...

What is the Abrahamic Covenant?

The Abrahamic Covenant is in part a Suzerain-Vassal covenant, as God required first that Abraham get up , leave his home and his family, and follow God to the land He would show him ( Gen. 12:1 ). However, some aspects of the Abrahamic covenant are also in line with an unconditional Royal Grant.

What are the promises of God?

In this passage God makes several distinct promises: 1 He would give them the ability and the desire to follow Him. He would change their hearts and give them a zeal for obedience (vs 34). 2 He will be their God, and they will be His people 3 He will forgive the sins of His people (vs 34b).

What is a royal grant?

It is an unconditional promise given from one party to another. 1. The Noahic Covenant – Genesis 9.

Where did Abraham go?

Abraham Goes to the Land of Canaan — Gustave Dore (1832-1883) Genesis 12:1-3 | “Now the Lord had said to Abram: ‘Get out of your country, from your family and from your father’s house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; and you shall be a blessing.

Who came down from Mount Sinai?

Moses Comes Down From Mount Sinai — Gustave Dore (1832-1883) Exodus 19-24 is key to understanding both redemptive history and the history of Israel as a nation. A conditional promise, the Mosaic Covenant is dependent on the peoples’ response to the law He gives through His servant Moses.

What did God promise Noah?

After having sent a global flood to destroy the wickedness that had become so prevalent on earth after the Fall, God promised Noah (and by extension all humanity) to never again destroy the world with a flood.

What are the three covenants?

The Adamic Covenant can be thought of in two parts: the Edenic Covenant (innocence) and the Adamic Covenant (grace) ( Genesis 3:16-19 ). The Edenic Covenant is found in Genesis 1:26-30; 2:16-17.

What are the seven covenants in the Bible?

The Bible speaks of seven different covenants, four of which (Abrahamic, Palestinian, Mosaic, Davidic) God made with the nation of Israel. Of those four, three are unconditional in nature; that is, regardless of Israel’s obedience or disobedience, God still will fulfill these covenants with Israel. One of the covenants, the Mosaic Covenant, is conditional in nature. That is, this covenant will bring either blessing or cursing depending on Israel’s obedience or disobedience. Three of the covenants (Adamic, Noahic, New) are made between God and mankind in general, and are not limited to the nation of Israel.

What is the Edenic Covenant?

The Edenic Covenant outlined man’s responsibility toward creation and God’s directive regarding the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The Adamic Covenant included the curses pronounced against mankind for the sin of Adam and Eve, as well as God’s provision for that sin ( Genesis 3:15 ).

What was the covenant between God and Noah?

The Noahic Covenant was an unconditional covenant between God and Noah (specifically) and humanity (generally). After the Flood, God promised humanity that He would never again destroy all life on earth with a Flood (see Genesis chapter 9).

What is the Palestinian Covenant?

The Palestinian Covenant, or Land Covenant, amplifies the land aspect that was detailed in the Abrahamic Covenant. According to the terms of this covenant, if the people disobeyed, God would cause them to be scattered around the world ( Deuteronomy 30:3-4 ), but He would eventually restore the nation (verse 5).

What did God promise David?

The promises to David in this passage are significant. God promised that David’s lineage would last forever and that his kingdom would never pass away permanently (verse 16). Obviously, the Davidic throne has not been in place at all times.

What does the New Covenant promise?

In the New Covenant, God promises to forgive sin, and there will be a universal knowledge of the Lord. Jesus Christ came to fulfill the Law of Moses ( Matthew 5:17) and create a new covenant between God and His people. Now that we are under the New Covenant, both Jews and Gentiles can be free from the penalty of the Law.

What is the New Covenant?

The New Covenant brings Jews and gentiles together "Therefore remember that you, once Gentiles in the flesh - who are called uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision made in the flesh by hands - that at that time you were without Messiah being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Messiah Jesus, you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Messiah. For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh, the enmity, that is the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man

What were the blessings and curses of the Mosaic Covenant?

The blessings and curses were a Dominant feature of the Mosaic Covenant. God promised the Israelis that He would bless them if they faithfully kept the moral and ritual laws of Sinai, but He warned them that if they failed to keep these laws they would forfeit their enjoyment of their Promised Land.

Why did Jesus become a servant to the circumcised?

"For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show God's truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs , and in order that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy." (Romans 15:8) If there can be any doubt left of the perfect compatibility of the New Covenant with the Abrahamic Covenant Paul's statement should be sufficient to remove all doubt. Here he states that Jesus' became a servant to the Jewish people to confirm God's promises given to them through the patriarchs, Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Thus the New Covenant and the ministry of Jesus confirm and do not annul the promises given to the Jewish people.

What is the next covenant God made with Israel?

The next Great Covenant through which God discloses His glory to Israel is the Sinai Covenant. God made this covenant with the children of Israel at Mount Sinai when He gave them the Ten Commandments, the code of law and ritual, and the instructions for sacrifices and feasts This covenant is made between God and the entire children of Israel. (Exodus 19) In this covenant God gives conditions for enjoying life in their Promised Land. This Covenant delivered by Moses to the Children of Israel at Sinai has two dominant features:

When did Jerusalem fall to the Romans?

"Jerusalem will be trodden down underfoot by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled." (Lk. 21:24) In 70 AD Jerusalem fell to the Roman army. In 1967 in the course of defending themselves the Israelis regained control Jerusalem for the first time since 70 A D. thus fulfilling this prophecy of Jesus. All believers should know that the ending of Gentile control of the city is God's plan. “When you see these things happen look up your redemption draws nigh.” (Lk. 21:28)

Where are Paul and Nuala O'Higgins?

Paul & Nuala O’Higgins are the directors of Reconciliation Outreach. They are natives of Ireland now living in Stuart, Florida. They travel extensively throughout the U.S. and Europe in an international ministry of teaching and reconciliation.

Is the New Covenant for the Jews?

Some say that the Sinai Covenant is for the Jews and the New Covenant is for the Gentiles. The scriptures say, however, that the New Covenant is also for the Jews. The Gentiles get in on the blessings, partly as a result of Jewish recalcitrance (see Romans 11) and partly to fulfill the promise made to Abraham. The New Covenant is not the Gentiles ' Covenant but God's greatest covenant with the Jewish people in which the Gentiles are included. “Behold the days are coming when I will make a New Covenant with the House of Israel and the House of Judah.” (Jer. 31) Here Jeremiah clearly shows that the New Covenant is primarily addressed to the children of Israel. Jesus however when He inaugurated the New Covenant said, “this is My blood of the new covenant which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Mt. 24:28) He extends the blessings of the New Covenant beyond the House of Israel and Judah to all believers. This fulfills the promise made to Abraham that through His seed all nations would be blessed. (Gen. 12:4)