what are the factors that interact to determine performance course hero

by Mellie Hills 3 min read

What are the factors that affect individual performance?

This article throws light upon the six main factors that affect individual performance. The factors are: 1. Motivation 2. Competence 3. Ability 4. Role Perception 5. Resources 6. Work Place Environment.

How does ability of a person affect performance on the job?

Ability of a person also affects his performance on the job. Ability is the perception of a person about his knowledge and skill to perform the job. Knowledge represents technical attributes of a specific field. It indicates gaining expert information about the chosen field which the person has to perform.

What is the relationship between individual performance and competence?

Competence: Individual performance is also affected by his competence to perform the job. Competence means the extent to which a person regards himself capable of performing the job. It indicates that a person has control of events occurring within and outside the organization rather that the events have control over him.

What are the implications of the different approaches on training?

Implications for each of the approaches on training are significant in the way training is conducted on a number of levels. First the learner's role is active and self directed for the cognitive theorists and passive for the behaviorist approach.

What is the formula for performance?

The formula for performance (M X KSA X E ) suggests

What is the relationship between existence and growth?

Existence is the need for immediate needs related to staying alive, food, shelter, etc. Relatedness is the need for interaction and to be valued and accepted by others. Finally, growth needs are related to the need to feel self worth and believing you are competent and achieving all you are capable of.

Is motivation important in a high performance environment?

C) If the environment is highly conducive to high performance, then motivation is not very important.

Is learning inferred from behavior?

Learning is, therefore, inferred from behavior. The cognitive approach agrees that learning can be inferred from behavior but the learning is separate from it . In other words, learning can, and does, take place prior to the behavior. In fact, they argue that someone can have learned something and be aware of the new concept for months ...

How does performance affect a person?

Performance of a person is affected by his role perception. It indicates what a person thinks about himself with reference to organizational activities. If a person is clear of his role, he will perform his job well. If, however, there is role conflict, a person is engaged in two or more simultaneous roles where he is unable to decide his role and contribution to the job.

What are the factors that affect job performance?

Though there are various factors that affect individual performance, motivation is one of the most important factors that affects job performance. Commitment, ability, dedication etc. affect performance only if the employees are motivated to work. Managers have to analyze human behaviour and find out the right motivators that affect job performance.

What factors influence the ability to work?

Competence 3. Ability 4. Role Perception 5. Resources 6. Work Place Environment. Factor # 1. Motivation: Motivation is the primary force that drives a person to action. It has a multiplier effect on increasing his ability and willingness to work.

Why is success attributed to internal variable factor?

Success is attributed to internal variable factor (effort), because if a person perceives that his effort (which he can vary) has resulted in the desired outcome, he will find more pleasure in engaging further in (increasing his effort for) the activity.

Why is motivation important in human resource management?

Motivation is important for human resource management to recognise the relationship between job performance and motivation. Factor # 2. Competence: Individual performance is also affected by his competence to perform the job. Competence means the extent to which a person regards himself capable of performing the job.

Why is motivation important in a job?

Motivation engages him in goal-directed behavior which helps in satisfying his needs. It is, therefore, the prime force that promotes job performance. Human resource is one of the key organizational factors for business success. Individual effectiveness reflects his knowledge, abilities, skills and characteristics.

What is failure attributed to?

Failure is attributed to variable factors (both internal, i.e., effort, and external, i.e., luck and chance). If a person perceives that his failure is due to factors which can change like luck, or which can be varied like effort, he still has hope for improvement by putting more effort.
