what are the different phases in course development and review

by Eldora McGlynn 8 min read

While the exact process will vary from institution to institution, the broad framework includes stages of analysis, building, implementation, and evaluation. In K-12 schools, curricula are often developed at a local or state level to result in standardized learning outcomes across different schools.Sep 9, 2020

What is course development process?

Course development is the design of a new course or the revision of an existing one. By designing or revising the course of your choosing, you can focus on what you really want your students or employees to learn, and instruct them on what they should do with that learning at the end of the course.

What are the phases of curriculum development?

It also shows the interaction and relationships of the four essential phases of the curriculum development process: ( I) Planning, (II) Content and Methods, (III) Implementation, and (IV) Evaluation and Reporting. It is important to acknowledge that things do not always work exactly as depicted in a model!

What are the phases of e-learning?

A well-defined e-learning development process comprises four phases viz. Content analysis, developing a storyboard, developing a prototype, and course submission.Sep 9, 2016

What are the three models of curriculum development process?

There are three models of curriculum design: subject-centered, learner-centered, and problem-centered design.Feb 25, 2021

What are the five stages of curriculum?

The curriculum development process can be categorized into five basic steps: 1) needs assessment, 2) the planning session, 3) content development, 4) pilot delivery and revision, and 5) the completed curriculum package.

What are the stages of curriculum development PDF?

The six steps are:Performing a needs assessment and writing a rationale. statement.Determining and prioritising content.Writing goals and objectives.Selecting teaching/educational strategies.Implementation of the curriculum.Evaluation and application of lessons learnt.

How do you structure an eLearning course?

Decide what material to cover. ... Group subject matter into modules. ... Break down each module into sections. ... Links between sections for a self-directed learning approach. ... Create a roadmap for the course. ... Develop a theme that reflects course structure.Sep 11, 2015

What are the e-learning production and?

Let's break down the five phases in the eLearning production process: Analysis, design, specification, production, and evaluation.Jan 19, 2016

What are advantages of e-learning?

Advantages of e-learning are: Efficient way of delivering courses as the resources are available from anywhere and at any time; Students can interact with their peers from all around the world through group discussions and private chats; The studying material can be accessed unlimited number of times.Feb 22, 2021

What phase of curriculum process is very important?

A very important part of curriculum implementation is that the teacher should consider carefully the order in which learning targets should be learnt.

What are the 7 types of curriculum?

Seven Types of CurriculumRecommended Curriculum.Written Curriculum.Taught Curriculum.Supported Curriculum.Assessed Curriculum.Learned Curriculum.Hidden Curriculum.Jan 7, 2015

What are the 4 types of curriculum?

There are four different types of curricula that educators have to address in the classroom; these four are the explicit, implicit, null, and extracurricular.


In the Analysis section of course development, the instructional goals are established and the learning attributes are developed. The course designer should analyze the situation, how the course will be developed, and special circumstances for learners. In this phase of course design, these tasks should be accomplished:


After the course framework is design, the course designer will develop the course material and instructional content. This is the “heavy listing” phase of course development. In this phase you will select how you will deliver the course so you can design the content to fit the delivery method. This section of course development includes:


The course designer will create the implementation plan and the conduct the training. In this phase, the instructional designer should create the facilitator guidelines (if it’s taught in person), the student guide, the course objectives, and any testing or grading rubrics. In this phase, an instructional designer will:


Many instructors miss this important point of course design: evaluating the course content and instructional delivery to make sure it met all of the needs of the students. Evaluating the training ensures that the training course is successful as meeting the stated objectives.

Why is curriculum development important?

Curriculum development allows teachers to take a thoughtful and methodical approach to determine what students will be required to learn.

What is curriculum development?

Generally, curriculum development is the process by which an instructor or institution creates or adopts that plan for a course. Because this subject is so broad, it can be difficult to wade through the noise to find up-to-date best practices. There are also many schools of thought for how best to approach the curriculum development process.

What are the two types of curriculum models?

First, there are generally two types of curriculum models: the product model and the process model . The model you choose to follow will influence the steps you'll take to develop the course.

What is instructional design?

Instructional design (often abbreviated as ID or referred to as learning design) is the systematic process of designing and creating a high-quality educational experience. ID is a multi-step approach that prioritizes the needs of the learner at every phase.

What is the first page of a course template?

The first section of the course template is the “Course Home” section. This is the main home page for the course and is also an area where you can post important, time sensitive announcements for your students. This is typically the first page that students will see; so anything that students need to know before continuing with their studies should be posted here.

How to make a course more accessible to students with disabilities?

To make your course more accessible to students with disabilities, always use “Alt Text” to describe your images. If you include audio or video files, provide a text transcript for those who can not hear or see – or for those without speakers in their computer!

Do you include a brief description with each hyperlink?

General information hyperlinks should appear here; hyperlinks that appear in “Course Documents” should not also appear in the Webliography. COSC recommends that you include a brief description with each hyperlink.

How many points does Charter Oak State College have?

Charter Oak State College utilizes a four-point grading system, where an “A” equals 4.0 grade points and an “F” equals 0.0 grade points. Each grade and grade point designation will correspond to a numerical percentage range as shown below.

Can you add more weeks to a course?

In some special cases you or COSC may decide that you need to add more weeks to your current course structure. When these circumstances arise, you will need to ensure that your additional week(s) match the format of the original content.

Can students see all the content on Blackboard?

In Blackboard®, you can control when your students will be able to view content in your course. You can choose to restrict when students can see individual items (e.g. a quiz, an assignment) or an entire folder which will hide the folder and all of its contents (e.g. you can hide all of the Week 1 content by adjusting the settings for the Week 1 folder). Remember – because you are an instructor, you will always have access to all the content.

Does COSC determine geos?

Generally, COSC will determine, based upon the Course Description, the GEOs of all courses. This information may or may not be available at the time when the syllabus is originally developed. Please see Appendix F for a list and descriptions of the current GEOs.

What is training cycle?

The Training Cycle is a systematic approach to the development, delivery, and continuous improvement of a training program . It consists of an orderly series of stages to help ensure that the training results in what is desired and intended.

What is the first stage of the training cycle?

The first stage in the training cycle is to identify and assess any training needs. This stage is extremely important because if you do not address the right issues, or if you do not identify actual training needs, then the training will not achieve what you want it to. Delivering training that does not have a clearly identified needs ...

What is the first step in the design phase of a training program?

The first step in the design phase is to determine what type of training is the best option to achieve the learning objectives. Possible options include; Instructor-led classroom training. virtual training.

What happens after a course is designed?

After the course is designed and the framework is set, both reference material and learning activities are created for the participants in order for them to understand and practice the new knowledge or skills.

What is learning activity?

Learning activities are experiences that allow the learner to practice applying the new skills and knowledge. The activities should prepare the learner for the assessments which test their knowledge of the topic. These activities can be done as a large group, small group, or as individual assignments.

What is monitoring and controlling?

The monitoring and controlling phase deals with the supervision of the execution of the project so that all possible hindrances and hassles can be identified with time in hand and corrective measures can be taken. Most importantly, this involves regular tracking of the project and its procedures on a regular basis to see if anyone is deviating from the project schedule or violating its set terms and conditions. It involves: 1 The project schedule needs to be measured; 2 The project variables should be measured; 3 Corrective measures should be taken to address all the potential hindrances involved in a project; 4 Only approved changes should be implemented as improper changes made can affect the entire project.

Why do projects need to be managed?

A project needs to be managed in order to get the desired result. A project and its management undergo a particular procedure to move swiftly by avoiding obstacles of any kind and achieve the predetermined goals. This procedure is called the life cycle of a project.

What is the process of project management?

This procedure is called the life cycle of a project. Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements. It involves initiating, planning, executing and closing of a project.

What is the initiating process of a project?

The initiating process decides what kind of a project is being taken up and what can be done with it. If it is not taken care of, it is difficult for the project to achieves its objectives. It is important to understand the needs of the business pertaining to the project, and all the measures are taken up to get the best out of it. Any deficiencies should be reported and immediately fixed. A few areas should be taken into account while initiating a project. Project Initiation documents can be prepared to document these areas. Project Initiation documents are a series of meticulously connected documents used to plan the project and its order of duration in a meticulous manner.

What is project initiation?

Project Initiation documents are a series of meticulously connected documents used to plan the project and its order of duration in a meticulous manner. Analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the business. 2.

What is project planning?

Project Planning. After the initiation stage, the project is planned to set all the details in order. The main idea is to plan all the aspects of a project and the available resources so that the work to be done can be decided upon and the risk involved can be managed.

What is the execution phase?

Execution happens as per the terms and conditions decided in the planning stage. This process ensures that the project planning stage has done justice. In this phase, proper management of all the resources present at one’s disposal takes place, along with financial analysis and budgeting. The output of this phase is the final outcome.

Why is routine prenatal care important?

According to the National Institutes of Health ( [NIH], 2013), routine prenatal care is important because it can reduce the risk of complications to the mother and fetus during pregnancy. In fact, women who are trying to become pregnant or who may become pregnant should discuss pregnancy planning with their doctor.

What are the stages of prenatal development?

There are three stages of prenatal development: germinal, embryonic, and fetal. Let’s take a look at what happens to the developing baby in each of these stages.

How many cells are there in mitosis?

After 5 days of mitosis there are 100 cells, and after 9 months there are billions of cells. As the cells divide, they become more specialized, forming different organs and body parts. In the germinal stage, the mass of cells has yet to attach itself to the lining of the mother’s uterus.

Can a fetus survive outside of the womb?

Hearing has developed, so the fetus can respond to sounds. The internal organs, such as the lungs, heart, stomach, and intestines, have formed enough that a fetus born prematurely at this point has a chance to survive outside of the mother’s womb.

Why is unstructured play important?

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (2007), unstructured play is an integral part of a child’s development. It builds creativity, problem solving skills, and social relationships. Play also allows children to develop a theory-of-mind as they imaginatively take on the perspective of others.

What is the germinal stage?

Germinal Stage (Weeks 1–2) In the discussion of biopsychology earlier in the book, you learned about genetics and DNA. A mother and father’s DNA is passed on to the child at the moment of conception. Conception occurs when sperm fertilizes an egg and forms a zygote ( [link] ).

How long does it take for a fetus to develop?

From 9–12 weeks, the sex organs begin to differentiate. At about 16 weeks, the fetus is approximately 4.5 inches long. Fingers and toes are fully developed, and fingerprints are visible. By the time the fetus reaches the sixth month of development (24 weeks), it weighs up to 1.4 pounds.

How to develop a web page?

Strategy: The first step in the web development process for a developer is to make a strategy for developing a web page or web site. In the strategy phase, web developer has to done the following: 1 Deciding goals and objectives 2 Developing team 3 Make the appropriate analysis associated with problem and review the analysis 4 Formulate a list of tasks 5 Proposal of project to web team for developing

What is testing and maintenance?

Testing and Maintenance: Testing is an important phase in the web development process. Testing is performed by the developers and testers to ensure the client’s requirements after completion of the web project. In this phase, quality assurance and browser compatibility issues of the website are checked.

What are the characteristics of a team?

Characteristics of a successful team include: 1 MISSION: Everyone on the team has a clear understanding of what the collective goal is. 2 COMMITMENT: Everyone on the team invests their time, energy, and attention into the collective goal. 3 The 3 R’s: Everyone on the team understands the RULES, ROLES, and RESPONSIBILITIES of the team dynamic. 4 PROCESS: The mechanics of intergroup communication, decision-making, and accountability are agreed upon and managed effectively.

Why is team development important?

Team development ensures that the team can thrive in the long term. Engaging team development benefits the team in a number of ways. Individual members of a team learn more about their personal potential, duties, and work dynamically within the team.

What is team development?

Team development strives to meet these criteria with ongoing reflection and growth. Like any form of development, it takes time and dedication to be effective. In other words, a team doesn’t develop from start to finish overnight.

Why is storming important?

Storming is the most difficult and unproductive of the five stages of development, but it is nevertheless vital to the team development process. When team members are upset with themselves, the task, or each other, they learn what causes the most dys function. With this information, the team can begin aspiring to a better team dynamic.

What is the forming stage of a team?

During the “forming” stage of team development, the team members acquaint themselves with the basic aspects of their task. Forming stage discussion topics often include the project goal, team member roles, basic ground rules, and designation of authority. The forming stage is truly a honeymoon phase in teamwork—productivity is low, but the team members are too newly acquainted to encounter conflict.

What is the honeymoon phase of a team?

Of course, every honeymoon phase ends eventually. As the real work kicks in, the project may present both technical and interpersonal challenges. Individual work habits, leadership decisions, or lapses in communication can cause tension within a team. Annoyance, frustration, and anxiety commonly arise in response. This stage of team development is known as storming.

What is the norming stage of team development?

The norming stage of team development is the calm after the storm. In this stage of team development, team members fall into a rhythm as a cohesive taskforce. The skills of each member are validated and utilized to execute the necessary tasks. While conflict may still arise in this stage, it no longer spirals into dysfunction. The team can handle conflict and proceed with the project successfully.
