what are the course requirements for a nursing degree montgomery college

by Lester Mayer 10 min read

To apply to the Nursing Program, a student must: a) be enrolled at Montgomery College; b) have completed course work in ENGL 102: Critical Reading, Writing, and Research or ENGL 103: Critical Reading, Writing, and Research in the Workplace, MATH 117 or higher, BIOL 212: Human Anatomy and Physiology I, BIOL 21: Human Anatomy and 3

Program Requirements
  • BIOL 150 - Principles of Biology I 4 semester hours †
  • BIOL 210 - Microbiology 4 semester hours.
  • NURS 113 - Fundamentals of Nursing 7 semester hours.
  • NURS 114 - Professionalism and Communication in Nursing 1 semester hour.
  • NURS 121 - Basic Health Assessment 1 semester hour.

Full Answer

How do I apply to Montgomery College's nursing program?

You can complete a degree in General Studies Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics with the transfer pre-requisite courses. If you are planning to apply to Montgomery College’s Nursing program, beginning in General Studies STEM will allow you to complete your pre-requisites prior to application using the Academic Map listed below.

Is Montgomery County community college's nursing program accredited?

Nursing. The Nursing Program may be completed on a full- or part-time basis. Courses required by the Nursing Program curriculum (see Sequence of Courses) are taught throughout the year.Three classes are admitted to the clinical component of the Nursing Program each academic year (fall, spring and summer).

What are the math requirements for nursing school?

If you are a degree-seeking student at Montgomery College, you must submit an official transcript to be evaluated by a transcript evaluator. The transcript evaluation process takes several weeks. To facilitate course registration prior to submission of your official transcript, you may provide an unofficial transcript for verification.

Does Montgomery College have an ACMS program?

Apr 05, 2022 · In addition to the scholastic standards required of all students in the College, nursing students are required to achieve a grade of C or better in mathematics foundation, BIOL 210 , BIOL 212 , and BIOL 213 , and each nursing course in order to continue in the program. The nursing curriculum depends on proper sequencing of courses.

What subjects do you need to become a nurse in college?

Minimum Requirements to Become a NurseBiology.Chemistry.Physics.Applied Science.Health and Social Care.Psychology.Sociology.Physical Education.More items...•Dec 23, 2021

What are the requirements for one to become a nurse?

The minimal qualifications needed to become a practicing registered nurse (RN) are an associate degree (ASN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), and passing the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) for Registered Nurses.

What is the admission requirements for Montgomery College?

General admission to Montgomery College is open to anyone who has either graduated from an accredited high school, satisfactorily completed the General Equivalency Diploma (GED) examination, or is at least 16 years of age and has graduated or left secondary school.

What certificate does College of nursing give?

Schools/Colleges of Nursing graduates are only awarded the Registered Nursing (RN) certificate. Graduates of Nursing at universities are awarded RN, Registered Midwifery (RM) and BSN.

Can I study nursing without maths?

Short answer: no. Longer answer: nursing is based on science. You need to understand biology, and know human anatomy and physiology. You have to be able to do math and know algebra.

Can I become a nurse without qualifications?

While nursing is a practical, hands-on profession, it also requires special technical competencies and clinical analysis skills that will potentially save people's lives. As such, you cannot become a Nurse without a degree in nursing. This is the most important out of the qualifications needed to be a Nurse.Nov 30, 2021

What GPA do you need to get into Montgomery College?

Be a high school student, or equivalent, who has completed the sophomore year with a 3.0 quality point average or the junior year with an overall 2.75 quality point average (based on a 4.0 scale) and be recommended by a high school guidance counselor or principal.

How long does it take to get accepted into Montgomery College?

The enrollment process typically takes up to two weeks for new applicants and 1-2 weeks for returning students.

Does Montgomery College require letters of recommendation?

At least two letters should be academic recommendations from high school teachers. Additional recommendations will be accepted from teachers, counselors (recommended), employers, Montgomery College faculty, coaches, internship coordinators, etc. Mail recommendation letters no later than January 7, 2020.Jan 7, 2020

How long does it take to get a nursing degree?

three yearsHow long does it take to complete the Bachelor of Nursing? The programme is three years of full-time study and must be completed within 5 years.

How many years do you study for nursing?

4-yearNursing is a 4-year full time course. During your studies you'll gain an integrated learning and work experience at hospitals and various clinical facilities. Where can I study nursing in the Western Cape?

What's the lowest degree in nursing?

Associate Degree in Nursing. An Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) is the minimum degree requirement for becoming a registered nurse (RN). As an RN, you'll have the credentials necessary to qualify for most nursing jobs that involve providing critical patient care and assisting physicians.

What degree do you need to become a nurse in Maryland?

In Maryland, as well as many other states, Associate Degree Nursing graduates articulate to universities for a bachelor's and/or master's degree. Articulation is different from transferring.

How many years of schooling is required for a nurse in Maryland?

The basic nursing curriculum covers two academic years, is approved by the Maryland Board of Nursing, and is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. Upon successful completion of the curriculum, the graduate is granted the AS in nursing and is eligible to take the state board examination for registered nurse ...

What is the nursing curriculum?

The nursing curriculum depends on proper sequencing of courses. All non-nursing courses in the curriculum, with the exception of the arts and humanities distribution courses, are to be completed prior to or during the semester in which they are listed. See the current academic catalog for complete degree information.

What is the POS code for nursing?

Students who plan to major in nursing will be assigned the temporary major of pre-nursing, with POS code 570, until they are officially admitted to the nursing program. Students may take preparatory courses and courses that fulfill general education requirements during the waiting period. As an alternative to being assigned a temporary major, ...

How to become a nurse practitioner?

Upon completion of this program a student will be able to: 1 Maintain legal, ethical, evidence-based, and professional standards in nursing. 2 Utilize clinical reasoning in practice. 3 Practice patient centered care. 4 Demonstrate teamwork and collaboration. 5 Effectively use current technology and informatics. 6 Ensure a safe environment for patient, self, and others.

Should students review the advising guide?

All students should review the advising guide and consult an advisor. Find out about related programs and course in the Fields of Study section. Most courses have either assessment levels that must be met or prerequisites (courses that must be taken first).

Is Montgomery College open to all?

Admission to Montgomery College is open to all; however, the nursing program is a selective application-based program limited to 132 students each semester. Visit the Health Sciences Admissions page for complete details, including special admissions requirements and the health sciences application. The nursing curriculum depends on proper ...

Key Courses

Students who plan to enter a BSN program generally complete BIOL 150, BIOL 210, BIOL 212, BIOL 213, CHEM 131, MATH 117. Furthermore, PSYC 102, PSYC 203, SOCY 100, BIOL 226, MATH 120 are typically required for admission to most BSN programs. Please be sure to check the specific requirements for your transfer institution.

Program Advising

Academic advising helps students reach their educational and career goals. Meet with your academic advisor regularly to discuss your academic plans and make sure you are on track to graduate and/or transfer. The program advising guide outlines the degree requirements and is meant to supplement the advising process.

Transfer Opportunities

Through the Nursing option students will develop the knowledge and skills to transfer to four-years institutions and earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). See nearby Nursing schools and transfer agreements .

Career Options

Graduates of BSN programs typically pursue a career as nurses in hospitals or private practice offices.

Related Programs and Courses

Students who major in general studies explore personal, professional, and academic areas of interest within a flexible framework supporting transfer.

What are the requirements for nursing school?

Program Requirements. Upon acceptance to the Nursing Program, students are required to: Have access to a desktop or laptop computer (no tablets or Chromebooks). A web camera and microphone are required.

What is standard admission in Montgomery County?

Standard admission students are those without a nursing license and have not attended another nursing program. Advanced Standing students are those that are licensed LPN’s or have attended another nursing program and are transferring in good academic standing to the Nursing Program at Montgomery County Community College.

What changes in the nursing curriculum?

Changes in the curriculum and admission requirements for the Nursing Program may occur between the time you apply to the College and the time of your acceptance into the clinical component of the Nursing Program. You must meet any new requirements for the class in which acceptance is offered. Students may be admitted to ...

What is the TEAS exam?

Pay for and complete the Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS® Exam), required for admission to the Nursing Program. The exam assesses your ability to meet the demands of the Nursing Program and assesses your skills in math, English, reading, language and science.

How long does it take to complete MAT 106?

Complete MAT 106 within 5 years prior to enrollment in the first clinical course, with a minimum grade of “C”. If transferring any courses from another college, you must submit your official college transcripts for credit evaluation before you are eligible to register for any course.

When is fall admission for nursing?

Fall admission – March 1. Spring admission – August 1. Summer admission – November 1. If you miss the deadline, you must wait until the following semester to be eligible to register for classes and/or be eligible for admission to the Nursing Program.

Is nursing a major?

Declaring nursing as a major does not indicate automatic acceptance into the clinical component of the Nursing Program . Admission to the Nursing Program is very competitive; completion of the minimum requirements does not guarantee admittance. After submitting an application to the College, interested students are required to take NUR-106, ...

What are course prerequisites?

Course Prerequisites. Course prerequisites are approved by the academic departments. If there is a further course prerequisite requirement, take your signed and dated unofficial transcript to the appropriate academic department for consultation and override.

Do you need a transcript to go to Montgomery College?

If you have completed college-level math and/or English courses at another college/university or have a college degree, you may submit a transcript to verify having met the assessment levels and/or prerequisites. If you are a degree-seeking student at Montgomery College, you must submit an official transcript to be evaluated by ...

What is the nursing curriculum?

The nursing curriculum depend s on proper sequencing of courses. All non-nursing courses in the curriculum, with the exception of the arts and humanities distribution courses, are to be completed prior to or during the semester in which they are listed. This is a selective program with specific admissions requirements.

How to become a nurse practitioner?

Upon completion of this program a student will be able to: 1 Maintain legal, ethical, evidence-based, and professional standards in nursing. 2 Utilize clinical reasoning in practice. 3 Practice patient centered care. 4 Demonstrate teamwork and collaboration. 5 Effectively use current technology and informatics. 6 Ensure a safe environment for patient, self, and others.

What is the POS code for nursing?

Students who plan to major in nursing will be assigned the temporary major of pre-nursing, with POS code 570, until they are officially admitted to the nursing program. Students may take preparatory courses and courses that fulfill general education requirements during the waiting period.
