what are the course concepts in organized crime

by Dewitt Kulas 7 min read

What is organized crime?

This course introduces concepts related to organized crime groups within the United States and abroad. Students will learn the history and operational strategies of organized crime groups. Upon successful course completion, students will understand the philosophies, recruitment, and funding techniques for organized crime groups, as well as law enforcement strategies for …

What conclusion can be drawn from the conceptual history of organized crime?

Dec 01, 2018 · CHARACTERISTICS OF ORGANIZED CRIME 1. It is a conspiracy of activities involving coordination of members. 2. Economic gain is the primary goal. 3. Economic goal is achieved through illegal means. 4. Employs predatory tactics such as intimidation, violence and corruption. 5. Effective control over members, associates and victims 6.

What are the characteristics of organized crime syndicates?

This course only offers a place to a maximum number of 40 students. Description. This course focuses on the effects organized crime has on society and what this means for tackling it. A distinction is being made between social, economic and criminal effects. Organized crime is one of the essential contested concepts in social science.

What are the three approaches to the study of organized crime?

CHARACTERISTIC OF ORGANIZED CRIME 1. it is a conspiracy activity involving coordination of members. 2. economic gain is the primary goal. 3. Economic goal achieved through illegal means, 4. Employs predatory tactics such as intimidation, violence and corruption. 5. effective control over members, associates and victims. 6.

What is the concept of organized crime?

Organized crime is a continuing criminal enterprise that rationally works to profit from illicit activities that are often in great public demand. Its continuing existence is maintained through corruption of public officials and the use of intimidation, threats or force to protect its operations.

What are the components of an organized crime?

The attributes of the criminal organizations that make the crimes they commit organized crime include criminal sophistication, structure, self-identification, and the authority of reputation, as well as their size and continuity.

What are crime concepts?

The Concept of Crime. Unlike torts, crime is not just a wrong against an individual but is also a wrong committed against the society or a public wrong and includes acts like murder, rape and theft to mention a few. It is not a case of differences between two parties but is a case between the wrongdoer and the state.

What can we learn from organized crime?

Here are five lessons companies can learn from the activities of such groups:Use the news to create opportunity. ... Outsource to specialists. ... Cash isn't the only incentive. ... Exploit the long tail. ... Collaborate across borders.

What are the 8 attributes of organized crime?

They are as follows:Continuity: The criminal group operate beyond the lifetime of individual members and is structured to survive changes in leadership. ... Structure: ... Corporate structure: ... Centralized authority: ... Membership: ... Team Work: ... Criminality: ... Planning:More items...•Mar 27, 2020

What are the three typologies of organized crime?

The three categories include provision of illicit services, provision of illicit goods (both dealt with in greater detail in Module 3), and the infiltration of legitimate business or government (the focus of Module 4). Within each of these categories are offences that are more specific.

What are the concepts in the study of criminology?

policing, sentencing and the justice system. types of crime, including corporate crime, cybercrime, sex and hate crimes. feminist, marxist and cultural approaches to criminology. terrorism, state crime, war crimes and human rights. social issues such as anti-social behaviour, domestic violence and pornography.

What is concept of crime and criminal liability?

In law, criminal liability can be defined as a liability or responsibility of a person, for a crime when he or she has acted with criminal intent, as opposed to acting accidentally or lacking the ability to act deliberately. If liability is proven in court, then one will be sentenced accordingly.

What is the concept of crime in IPC?

Crime means wrongs done by human beings. It authorizes the infliction of State punishment. A person shall be guilty of a crime under Indian Penal Code if he has mens rea and actus reus concurrently.Oct 6, 2020

What are the four types of organized crime?

As a general rule, organized criminal networks are involved in many different types of criminal activities spanning several countries. These activities may include trafficking in people, drugs, illicit goods and weapons, armed robbery, counterfeiting and money laundering.

How do crime organizations make money?

Organized crime groups generate large amounts of money by activities such as drug trafficking, arms smuggling, extortion, theft, and financial crime.

Where does the concept of organized crime emerged?

The term "organized crime" first came into regular use among the members of the Chicago Crime Commission, a civic organization that was created in 1919 by businessmen, bankers and lawyers to promote changes in the criminal justice system in order to better cope with the crime problem.

Admission requirements

Only students enrolled in the MSc Crisis and Security Management can take this course.


This course focuses on the effects organized crime has on society and what this means for tackling it. A distinction is being made between social, economic and criminal effects.

Course Objectives

reproduce the most important theoretical concepts for the study of organized crime and undermining.


On the right side of programme front page of the E-guide you will find links to the website and timetables, uSis and Brightspace.

Mode of Instruction

This course consists of seven lectures, including guest lectures, workgroups and general debates.

Assessment method

Group paper, 25% of final grade Grade can be compensated, resit not possible


Register for every course and workgroup via uSis. Registration in uSis is possible from four weeks before the start of the course. Some courses and workgroups have a limited number of participants, so register on time (before the course starts). In uSis you can access your personal schedule and view your results.

Course Description

This course provides a comprehensive review of organized crime and gangs. This course will review gang organizational traits, traditions, criminal activities, violence, origin and structure. Students will examine organized crime in the US, organized crime in other countries, and/or transnational organized crime networks.


Whereas Criminal Justice 701 provides students a comparative analysis of various countries criminal justice systems, this course, Criminal Justice 810, provides students an opportunity to explore the transnational nature of organized crime. Truly changes in technology, communication, and travel have flattened the world in a variety of aspects.

Measurable Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

Course Resources

Click on the following link to view the required resource (s) for the term in which you are registered: Liberty University Online Bookstore


Course Assignments, including discussions, exams, and other graded assignments, should be submitted on time.

What are the characteristics of organized crime?

Characteristics of Organized crime: 1 They act like enterprise (corporate) and has a corporate structure and shows continuity. 2 There is a professional relationship between the members. 3 There is a division of labour among members based on their skills. 4 They maintain the secrecy of the organization, its operations, and its membership. (Omerta). 5 For members, the organization comes before themselves and their family members. (loyalty). 6 Members respect each other the most, behave honestly with each other, and never harm each other in any way. (Respect). 7 Members carry out orders without asking any question or without showing any grievance. (discipline) 8 The members are obliged to each other and provides reciprocal services to each other. 9 They take advantage of the loopholes of law enforcement agencies. 10 There is a secret but solid network among the members. 11 The members work like professionals whose duties and responsibilities are predefined. 12 The prime motive of organized crime is to obtain monopoly, money, and power. 13 They use fear and corruption to achieve their goals.

What is the motive of organized crime?

The members work like professionals whose duties and responsibilities are predefined. The prime motive of organized crime is to obtain monopoly, money, and power. They use fear and corruption to achieve their goals.

What was the name of the group of criminals that fought against the French rulers in Sicily?

During the revolt, many French officials were killed by the Mafia in Sicily with the intention to throw French out of Sicily. The group of criminals doing organized crime is sometimes called mafia.

What are the organizations of Chinese organized crime?

Chinese criminal organizations include gangs, secret societies, triads, tongs, Taiwanese organized crime groups, and strictly US-based tongs and gangs. Tong-affiliated gangs, like the Fuk Ching, have an ah kung (grandfather) or shuk foo (uncle) ...

What is the top gang position?

The top gang position is the dai dai lo (big big brother). Communication between the tong and the gang occurs principally between these two individuals. Below the dai dai lo in descending order are the dai lo (s) or big brothers, the yee lo/saam lo (clique leaders), and at the bottom the ma jai or little horses.

How does organized crime affect society?

If unchecked, organized crime ruptures social cohesion, divides families and people, corrupts institutions, and destabilizes the very social and economic fabric of our societies, as well as damage the democratic functioning and constitutional arrangements. In the 12th century, peasants in Sicily revolted against French Rulers.

What is the Sicilian Mafia?

Sicilian Mafia are role models of Russian organized criminals. Organized crime is defined as “those involved, normally working with others, in continuing serious criminal activities for a substantial profit, elsewhere”.

What is organized crime?

Today, the concept of organized crime is applied to domestic crime groups like the Cosa Nostra and to what is now refered to as "international organized crime," that is criminal organizations believed to be operating on a global scale, including Chinese Triads and the so-called "Russian Mafia".

What is the system approach to organized crime?

The system-approach perceives organized crime in essence as a social condition in which legitimate and criminal structures are integral parts of one corrupt socio-political system, regardless of either the types of crime promoted or the degree of organization of those supporting the system.

What is the prototypical organized crime?

The prototypical organized criminal is a foreigner. With regard to the structure of criminal organizations the stereotypical image of organized crime focuses on bureaucratic organizations in contrast to informal groups or networks. Moreover, these criminal organizations are typically portrayed as multi-functional.

Where did organized crime take place in the 1950s?

The 1950s and 1960s: Organized Crime in the U.S. and Italy. At first, the concept of organized crime only sporadically appeared in the press and in law-enforcement journals in Germany during the 1950s and 1960s in discussions of crime in the United States (23).

When was organized crime created?

The term "organized crime" first came into regular use among the members of the Chicago Crime Commission, a civic organization that was created in 1919 by businessmen, bankers and lawyers to promote changes in the criminal justice system in order to better cope with the crime problem.

Is organized crime vague?

Some statements on organized crime are too vague as to reveal any notion of the nature of organized crime. Some statements center around a single, quintessential quality of organized crime, while others combine a number of characteristics into a multi-dimensional concept of organized crime.

Can organized crime be applied to an individual?

Consequently, the term organized crime could even be applied to an individual criminal as long as someone else knowingly contributes to his criminal conduct, for example by providing useful information or by merely showing respect for his behavior. The conceptual history of organized crime is characterized by change.

How does organized crime work?

Members are appointed on the basis of skill, relationship with existing members etc. Group continuously remains engaged in committing a crime. Thus organized crime has a structure with grades of authority from the lowest to the highest, involving a system of specifically defined relationships with mutual obligations and privileges. Organized crime has a boss, advisors who work closely with the boss and assign tasks to different crews , captains who run the different crews, soldiers who carry out the physical work and act out tasks from collecting money to killing people , and men with special skills.

What is organized crime planning?

Planning: The organized crime involves advance arrangements for successfully committing crimes, minimizing risks and ensuring safety and protection. The members of group work like professionals whose duties and responsibilities are predefined.

What is a criminal group?

The criminal group is structured as a collection of hierarchically arranged interdependent persons devoted to the accomplishment of a particular function. They are distinguishable as the ranks are based on power and authority. United Nation Convention against Transnational Organized Crime also (Article 2) provides that structured group shall mean a group that is not randomly formed for the immediate commission of an offence and that does not need to have formally defined roles for its members, continuity of its membership is important.

What is criminal conspiracy?

The criminal group relies on continuing criminal activity to generate income. Thus, continuing criminal conspiracy is inherent in organized crime. Some activities such as supplying illegal goods and services directly produce revenue, while others including murder, intimidation and bribery contribute to the group‘s ability to earn money and enhance its power. The criminal group may be in legitimate as well as illegitimate business activity at the same time.

What is the role of a specialist in organized crime?

The specialist assists the criminal groups on an ad-hoc basis and not permanently. They are non-the-less considered part of the organized crime.

What are the rules of membership in a criminal group?

Rules of membership include secrecy, a willingness to commit any act for the group and intent to protect the group.

What is centralized authority in crime?

Centralized authority: Organized crime functions on the basis of centralized control and authority which is vested either in the hands of one individual or a few members. Everybody respects the leader of the group. No member of the group defies the orders of the leader. For members, the organization comes before themselves and their family members.
