what are the common complications of the birth process? course hero

by Dr. Jackson Wiza 8 min read

When do complications occur during childbirth?

Complications can occur during any part of the labor process. According to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, specialized help is more likely to be needed if a pregnancy lasts more than 42 weeks, if there has been a previous cesarean delivery, or when the mother is of an older age.

What is the labor and birth process like?

The labor and birth process is usually straightforward, but sometimes complications arise that may need immediate attention. Complications can occur during any part of the labor process.

What are the most common complications of pregnancy?

Maternal complications include uterine, vaginal, cervical or rectal tearing and heavy bleeding after delivery. 5.

What is failure to progress in labor?

For those who have previously given birth, failure to progress is when labor lasts more than 14 hours. If prolonged labor happens during the early, or latent, phase it can be tiring but does not usually lead to complications. However, if it happens during the active phase, medical assessment and intervention may be needed.

How much blood does a woman lose during a cesarian delivery?

During a cesarian delivery for a single baby, the average amount of blood lost is 1,000 ml.

What causes a baby to be in labor?

Causes of prolonged labor include: slow cervical dilations. slow effacement. a large baby. a small birth canal or pelvis. delivery of multiple babies. emotional factors, such as worry, stress, and fear. Pain medications can also contribute by slowing or weakening uterine contractions.

Why is fetal distress not specific?

The new term is recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), because “fetal distress” is not specific, and it may result in inaccurate treatment. Non-reassuring fetal status may be linked to: an irregular heartbeat in the baby. problems with muscle tone and movement.

Why does postpartum bleeding happen?

of cases of postpartum hemorrhage result from a lack of uterine tone. Bleeding happens after the placenta is expelled, because the uterine contractions are too weak and cannot provide enough compression to the blood vessels at the site of where the placenta was attached to the uterus.

What to do if labor fails to progress?

If labor fails to progress, the first advice is to relax and wait. The American Pregnancy Association advise taking a walk, having a sleep, or running a warm bath. In the later stages, health professionals may give labor-inducing medications or recommend a cesarean delivery. 2. Fetal distress.

What is fetal brachial plexus injury?

Trusted Source. : fetal brachial plexus injury, a nerve injury that may affect the shoulder, arms, and hand but usually heals in time. fetal fracture, in which the humerus or collar-bone break, which usually heal without problems.

What happens if you have a low heart rate before delivery?

It can lead to: hypoxemia, or low oxygen levels. high levels of carbon dioxide. acidosis, or too much acid in the blood. Cardiovascular problems and organ malfunction can result. Before delivery, symptoms may include a low heart rate and low pH levels, indicating high acidity.