what are the advantages and disadvantages of buying prepackaged software? course hero

by Janice Predovic 5 min read

What are the advantages of pre-pack administration?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying prepackaged software? Advantages: Proven existing solution and ready to be used. You are provided with expert support and training. The vendor spends many hours developing testing and researching the system (this results in less bugs, better functional system). No need for constant maintenance.

What are the problems with purchasing pre-written software?

 · What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying prepackaged software? Can you please provide references.

Is packaged software a good design strategy?

 · Consuming high amounts of added sugars increases your risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity and tooth decay. Women should consume no more than 100 calories from added sugars per day, and men should consume no more than 155 calories. Each gram of sugar in your food equals 4 calories.

Should the analysis phase be eliminated when choosing a software package?

 · Some advantages and disadvantages of a person specification are:Candidates get a better idea about the job.Candidates are judged systematically.Gives an idea about how the dept worksIt helps in ...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying pre packaged software?

The Advantages & Disadvantages of Readymade SoftwareEconomy of Scale Cost Benefits. ... Immediate Implementation and Proven Technology. ... Access to Support and Upgrades. ... Lack of Focus on Requirements. ... Ownership and Lack of Control. ... Long-term Cost Implications.

What is the advantages of packaged software?

Low Initial Costs For the most part, packaged software tends to be cheaper than a custom counterpart. This is due to the software being developed for the mass market. As it's meant for more people, the overall cost for development is spread over many users.

What are the reasons for using readymade software?

The Pros and Cons of Ready-Made SoftwareLet the experts decide for you. Ready-made software incorporates all the features experts think you need. ... Split the cost. The cost of development is split between companies that are going to buy and use the software. ... Save time. ... Share the experience.

What are the disadvantages of software packages?

6 Main Disadvantages of Using Custom SoftwareExpensive. Custom software is generally a project associated with high cost and is not always the best option to consider especially for medical and clinical research institutions. ... Time Consuming. ... Need for Additional Technical Proficiency. ... Support and Documentation.

What are the disadvantages of packages?

Disadvantages of PackagingHigher weight incurs higher transport costs than other types of packaging.Lower resistance than other materials to fractures, scratches and thermal shock.More variable dimensions than metal or plastic containers.Potentially serious hazards from glass splinters or fragments in foods.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of custom made software?

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Custom Software DevelopmentTailor-made Solution.Return on Investment.Security Concerns.Flexibility.Compatibility.Easy to Operate.Long-term Risks.Improved Software Support.More items...

What is a readymade software?

Readymade software is a by-product of experts. Readymade software is developed by a group of experienced professionals. Hence it addresses the problems that may get overlooked if the user-specific software is developed. One need not have to waste the time in getting the applications built, tested or launched.

What is the difference between readymade software and customized software?

In other words, custom software adapts to the business while ready-made solutions make the business adapt.

What are the problems with purchasing pre-written software?

Its features are likely to be quite generic, and may not fit the procedures of the purchasing company very well. The purchasing company will have to adapt to the software's features, however. Second, the software has to be integrated into the organization's existing systems environment. Often, data formats are quite different between the new package and existing legacy systems. To handle these problems to some degree, the purchasing organization can do some customization on the package, or develop workarounds.

What does it mean to customize a software package?

Customizing a software package means that the organization takes advantage of customizable features built into the software package they have acquired. This can include adding corporate logos, or changing default behavior. The amount of customizable features is application specific, so the developers should have an understanding of what features will be customizable during the acquisition decision process.

What are the disadvantages of workarounds?

The two disadvantages of workarounds are: (1) it will not be supported by the software vendor, and upgrades to the package by the vendor may cause problems with the workaround; and (2) the vendor may point to the workaround if any problems occur with their product.

Is outsourcing a good strategy?

It is not a good idea to outsource projects of high strategic value to the organization because the organization does not enhance its own capabilities if the work is outsourced. A very capable project manager is needed to help ensure the success of an outsourcing arrangement.

What is packaged software?

Packaged software is an excellent design strategy when the organizational business functions are fairly common and/or the time to implement requirement is short. Accounting practices, inventory control, customer record keeping are all examples of common business functions. If the organization has no specialized business needs, the packaged software option should be the first consideration. The organization still has need of personnel with functional experience and project manager experience to facilitate the integration; however, highly technical developers are not required with the integration of packaged software. Additionally, the time frame to acquire this type of software can be extremely short as vendors can acquire the software with little or no delay.

How to obtain a new system?

The three primary strategies for obtaining a new system are custom development (the company develops the system in house using corporate resources), packaged systems (purchasing a system off the shelf), and outsourcing (hiring an external developer, vendor or application service provider to create or supply the system).

Should video stores be outsourced?

This system should be outsourced. It is important that this system be well designed and tested since it is essential to the operations of each of the video stores. It is an operational system that is not really strategic, therefore, outsourcing would be an acceptable approach.

What are the advantages of prepack administration?

One major advantage of pre-pack administration is the speed of sale, which often results in higher returns for creditors when compared with alternative routes into insolvency. Transparency is key in this process, however, which is is why it is imperative to seek the services of an experienced Insolvency Practitioner.

Why is prepacking important?

Pre-pack administration often avoids the adverse publicity that results when other forms of insolvency procedure are chosen. If public perception of the business ‘brand’ remains positive, jobs may be saved and, with improved cash flow, the new company stands a better chance of being able to pay suppliers on time. All this contributes to increased sales and long-term growth for the new business.

Why are prepack administrations unethical?

Pre-pack administrations are often viewed as unethical because debts are written off, but the fact is that alternative routes into insolvency may provide no better return for creditors.

What happens when a company is sold?

Once business assets have been sold, it is likely that the old company will be liquidated. The Liquidator compiles a report for the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS) as part of this procedure, detailing the conduct of company directors leading up to the insolvency. Even if these directors have formed a new company, they will still be open to investigation and even prosecution should their conduct be deemed improper.

Can a third party buy assets?

Assets may be bought by a third party or trade buyer, but it is often the case that directors of the failed business purchase the assets and trade under a new company name. One of the requirements of going down the pre-pack administration route is that it must be in the best interests of creditors and, therefore, ...