what are some of the sources of error in your measurement of planck's constant? course hero

by Mr. Maurice Hudson 5 min read

Environmental factors such as wind, surrounding temperature, humidity, effects the on measuring instruments. Even the electrical and the magnetic field also influence the error in the measuring instruments while in static measurement. This environmental error is also a source of an error under instrumental loading errors.

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What are the sources of random errors in measurement?

Error due to the variation of in the setting of the workpiece and the instrument, Due backlash and friction in the components of the measuring instruments are the sources of the Random errors in measurement.

What are the sources of instrument loading errors in static measurement?

Even the electrical and the magnetic field also influence the error in the measuring instruments while in static measurement. This environmental error is also a source of an error under instrumental loading errors. Instrument loading errors mean, due to the measuring instrument the object which needs to be measured tends to change.

What are the three types of static errors in measurement?

There are three static errors those are Reading errors, Characteristic errors, Environmental errors. The static error means no relation to the time variation in the measurement, only related to the physical nature of the measuring instrument.

What are the sources of systematic errors in Mechanical Engineering?

i) Systematic Errors: 1 Regular or repeats in nature and also can be controllable. (Repeats after a certain amount of time) 2 Can be eliminated sometimes. 3 Calibration errors, variation in the contact pressure, variation in the atmospheric pressure, Parallax error, misalignment errors are the sources of Systematic errors.

Systematic Error

Systematic errors are those that affect the accuracy of your final value. These can often be greatly reduced or eliminated entirely by adjusting your procedure.

Random Error

Random errors are those that primarily affect the precision of your final value. Random error can usually be reduced by adjusting the procedure or increasing skill of the experimenter, but can never be completely eliminated.

Assumptions About Physical Status

Every procedure comes with some assumptions. Perhaps you assume that the room temperature is 25.0° C (most UCalgary building HVAC is set to 21 ° C and fluctuates around that). Maybe you assumed a typical ambient air pressure without taking a measurement of the actual value.

Limitations on Measurements

As we have seen throughout this section, every measurement has a limit – often expressed through its recorded precision or significant figures.

Limitations on Calculations

Generally, laboratory calculations reflect the precision of a measurement, rather than limiting it (or directly affecting the accuracy). However some particular points can be sources of uncertainty.

Error in Measurement

Sources of Errors in Measurement

Static Errors

  • There are three static errors those are Reading errors, Characteristic errors, Environmental errors. The static error means no relation to the time variation in the measurement, only related to the physical nature of the measuring instrument. That is what a static Error means. i) Reading error:Reading errors such as reading with 1. parallax error: Observing the readings from the dial …
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Instrumental Loading Errors

  1. Instrumentloading errorsmean, due to the measuring instrument the object which needs to be measured tends to change. For example, due to applying overpressure on the object by using the measuring i...
  2. The environmentalfactor also affects the object to change in its parameter and becomes a source of an error as we said earlier.
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Dynamic Errors

  • Dynamic errors mean the error caused by the time variation in the measurand(the object being measured). The main factor causes the dynamic error are the inertia, damping, friction in the sensing system or the display system of the measuring instrument. There are two different dynamic errors. They are
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  • Those are the different sources of errors in measurement. If you have any thoughts about the sources of errors in measurement please let us know in the below comments.
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