what are some of the skills you will learn in the consumer behavior elective course?

by Mrs. Petra Walker 8 min read

Why take a marketing research and consumer behavior course?

There’s no better place to build the foundations of your marketing journey! This Course consists of two blocks: Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior. First, learners will see the tools and methods to be able to effectively conduct (or hire) and interpret marketing research.

What can you do with a degree in consumer research?

Learn how to design a research plan, analyze the data gathered and accurately interpret and communicate survey reports, translating the results into practical recommendations. You will then focus in on the consumer decision-making process, highlighting the key moments from identifying a need to buying and consuming a product.

What are the 12 CHS of Consumer Psychology?

Ch 8. Experiential Consumption Ch 9. Consumer Behavior Market Research Ch 10. Influencing Consumer Behavior Ch 11. Consumerism & Behavioral Appeals Ch 12. Psychology of Price Ch 13. Customer Satisfaction

What do you learn in marketing 302?

Evaluate the effects of economics on consumer behavior. Analyze the effects of heuristics on the behavior of consumers. Compare and contrast research methodologies used to analyze consumers and their behaviors. There are no prerequisites for this course. Marketing 302 consists of short video lessons that are organized into topical chapters.

What is consumer behavior, and why is it important to learn about?

In marketing, consumer behavior is the study of how - and why - individuals and groups make purchasing decisions. These are the fundamental questio...

What kinds of careers can I have with an understanding of consumer behavior?

The study of consumer behavior is the principal concern of market research analysts, who are responsible for understanding what products people wan...

Can I learn about consumer behavior by taking online courses on Coursera?

Yes, you can. Coursera offers a number of courses and Specializations on consumer behavior and related topics, including cutting-edge customer anal...

What skills or experience do I need to already have before starting to learn consumer behavior?

The skills or experience you may need to already have before starting to learn consumer behavior include having a basic understanding of marketing...

What kind of person is best suited to learn consumer behavior?

The kind of person who is best suited to learn consumer behavior is one who is interested in understanding, analyzing, and dissecting customer brow...

How do I know if learning consumer behavior is right for me?

Learning consumer behavior may be right for you if you want to continue on a career path in sales, if you want to understand the consumer decision-...

What is Freud's theory of consumer behavior?

Under motivation, there's Freud's theory, which looks into a laddering or projective technique.

How to adopt a consumer focus in managerial decisions?

Adopt a true “consumer focus” in your managerial decisions by analyzing how consumers make decisions, what happens (in their hearts and minds) at different stages of the decision making process, and the variables that influence those decisions.

What are the two types of needs?

The second type of need is called safety need , this includes security and protection .

What factors affect electronics purchases?

Some other factors which are definitely important are things like political factors or cultural factors. The third thing which affects your behavior is your psychology as a consumer.

What is behavioral perspective?

The first of all is called the behavioral perspective, which looks at how consumers respond to different stimulus. And here we have things like conditioning, and this is a psychology concept, which you can look at when you take a psychology course, which gives a detailed understanding of conditioning.

What happens if a product is a high involvement product?

If the product is a more high involvement product, then probably you will delay the purchase in order for the price of the product to come down. On the other hand, if it's a low involvement product which arises out of necessity, you might buy it immediately.

What is the third need?

Third need is called social needs, this includes love, affection, and so on and so forth. The fourth type of need is called self-esteem need, this includes recognition, status, and so on. Finally, at the most highest level, you have self-actualization needs. This includes self-development, realization, and so on.

Estimate Tuition and Grad Date

Total tuition for this degree program will vary depending on your educational needs, existing experience, and other factors.

Ways to Save

Students in CTU bachelor's degree programs may bring a wealth of knowledge to the classroom. CTU Fast Track ™ lets students earn college credit for what they already know. As a result, students can complete their degree up to 30% faster.

Next Steps

Choosing to continue your education with an Online Behavioral Psychology Degree is a big decision and we're here to help. Choose one of the options below to get started.

What are the five consumer rights?

While there is not any official regulation, President Kennedy introduced four of the five major consumer rights: safety, information, choice, voice and redress.

What is consumption in a society?

Consumption is best described as the final purchase of goods and services by individuals. Learn more about its definition, theory, and importance in capitalist societies.

What is sustainable consumption?

Sustainable consumption is the use of products and services that have a minimal impact on the environment so future generations can meet their needs. Learn about the benefits and the complexities that are associated with sustainable consumption.

How many colleges accept credit by exam?

Did you know… We have over 220 college courses that prepare you to earn credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. You can test out of the first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Anyone can earn credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level.

How to illustrate how marketers apply behavioral theories to influence consumers?

Illustrate how marketers apply behavioral theories to influence consumers. Evaluate the effects of economics on consumer behavior. Analyze the effects of heuristics on the behavior of consumers. Compare and contrast research methodologies used to analyze consumers and their behaviors.

How many hours is Marketing 302?

Marketing 302 has been evaluated and recommended for 3 semester hours by ACE & 4 semester hours for NCCRS and may be transferred to over 2,000 colleges and universities. With this self-paced course, you get engaging lessons, expert instructors who make even the most challenging marketing topics simple, and an excellent resource for getting a head start on your degree.

How many hours of ACE is required for a final exam?

You may take the proctored final exam whenever you are ready. This course has been evaluated and recommended by ACE for 3 semester hours in the upper division baccalaureate degree category and by NCCRS for 4 semester hours in the upper division baccalaureate degree category.

What is a quiz in school?

Quizzes. Quizzes are meant to test your comprehension of each lesson as you progress through the course. Here's a breakdown of how you will be graded on quizzes and how they'll factor into your final score: You will have 3 attempts to take each quiz for a score.

How many colleges accept credit by exam?

Did you know… We have over 220 college courses that prepare you to earn credit by exam that is accepted by over 1,500 colleges and universities. You can test out of the first two years of college and save thousands off your degree. Anyone can earn credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level.

How many attempts to take a quiz?

You will have 3 attempts to take each quiz for a score.

Who grades assignments on Study.com?

Your assignment (s) will be graded by a Study.com instructor.

What Is Consumer Behavior?

At its core, consumer behavior is the study of how people make buying decisions. It attempts to understand how buyers choose, use and dispose of products and services, as well as the various stages people go through before making a purchase.

Why Is Consumer Behavior Important in Marketing?

By understanding how buyers think, feel and decide, businesses can determine how best to market their products and services. This helps marketers predict how their customers will act, which aids in marketing existing products and services. It also enables innovative businesses to identify new opportunities before others do.

How Studying Consumer Behavior Helps You

While an MBA can help you develop your career, selecting a graduate program that will allow you to study consumer behavior specifically will equip you with specialized, in-demand skills. A background in consumer behavior is useful for market research analysts, for example, and research from the U.S.

What is a consumer behavior study?

Description: A study of how marketing meets consumer needs. Covers consumer behavior as it affects marketing. Topics include needs, motivations, perceptions, and attitudes of consumers, and the influence of social class, culture and subculture on consumer behavior and behavior research are discussed in depth. Course addresses strategies for creating customer values and trends in customer behavior. Case studies are used extensively. Skills: R (MKT 2073).

Why is attendance mandatory in consumer behavior?

Attendance is mandatory in order to understand the concepts of Consumer Behavior and to give input for class discussion. Reading of the text, assignments, and case study are essential for the successful completion of this course.