what are some classes that are course equivalent to mathematical modeling?

by Jayden O'Kon 6 min read

Mathematical Modeling Core Mathematical Modeling is an Alabama-specific course that builds on and reinforces the concepts introduced through the three required state courses Geometry with Data Analysis, Algebra I with Probability, and Algebra II with Statistics.

Full Answer

What are the different types of math models?

Mathematical modeling is the process of making a numerical or quantitative representation of a system, and there are many different types of mathematical models. The most commonly used math models are equations and graphs.

What can you learn from mathematical modeling?

Mathematical modeling forms the foundation of neural networks and can examine datasets to determine the best course of action for infectious disease epidemics. In short, students can learn to examine everything with edX along the way.

What is a mathematical model definition?

The mathematical model definition is that a mathematical model is a quantitative description of a system. Mathematical modeling numerically describes the world. It is common for a math model to have numerical constants and variables that represent different aspects of the system.

What is the process of the mathematical modelling cycle?

To follow the process of the mathematical modelling cycle: formulate a real-life problem, construct an appropriate mathematical model, calculate solutions and validate the results. More about (systems of) ordinary differential equations. Solve the ordinary differential equations and implement Euler's method in a (Python) program.

What is mathematical modeling in high school?

Mathematical modeling is the process of choosing and using appropriate mathematics and statistics to analyze empirical situations, to understand them better, and to improve decisions (NGA 2010). This mathematics will remain important beyond high school in students' lives and education after high school (NCEE 2013).

What is a mathematical modeling class?

Course Description. This course is an introduction to mathematical modeling based on the use of elementary functions to describe and explore real-world phenomena and data.

What type of math is math modeling?

Mathematical modeling refers to the process of creating a mathematical representation of a real-world scenario to make a prediction or provide insight. There is a distinction between applying a formula and the actual creation of a mathematical relationship.

What is an example of mathematical modeling?

Example: An ice cream company keeps track of how many ice creams get sold on different days. By comparing this to the weather on each day they can make a mathematical model of sales versus weather.

What are the 4 types of models?

Since different models serve different purposes, a classification of models can be useful for selecting the right type of model for the intended purpose and scope.Formal versus Informal Models. ... Physical Models versus Abstract Models. ... Descriptive Models. ... Analytical Models. ... Hybrid Descriptive and Analytical Models.More items...

What is mathematical modeling in algebra?

Mathematical modeling is the process of using various mathematical structures – graphs, equations, diagrams, scatterplots, tree diagrams, and so forth – to represent real world situations. The model provides an abstraction that reduces a problem to its essential characteristics.

How many types of mathematical models are there?

two typesThere are two types of mathematical models: Deterministic and Stochastic.

What are the 5 components of a mathematical model?

Components of Mathematical Model are variables or decision parameters; constants and calibration parameters; input parameters, data; phase parameters; output parameters; noise and random parameters.

What are the 3 types of models?

Contemporary scientific practice employs at least three major categories of models: concrete models, mathematical models, and computational models.

What are some of the real life applications of mathematical modeling?

Mathematical modelling is capable of saving lives, assisting in policy and decision-making, and optimising economic growth. It can also be exploited to help understand the Universe and the conditions needed to sustain life.

How are mathematical models used in real life?

Mathematical models are used to solve many real-life situations like: • launching a satellite. predicting the arrival of the monsoon. controlling pollution due to vehicles. reducing traffic jams in big cities.

What are the three types of mathematical simulation models?

Monte Carlo, systems simulation, computer gaming.

Mathematical modeling courses and certificates

Students can participate in a variety of mathematics courses on the modeling of real-world problems. High Dimensional Data Analysis from HarvardX offers training in several mathematical techniques for this type of data, including clustering, heat maps, and dimension reduction.

Learn mathematical modeling with edX

edX offers training in the types of models that shed light on big data. Students participating in mathematical modeling courses can work in fields like public health, research new drug delivery in biotech, or just study the world around them on their own time.

What is mathematical modeling?

Mathematical modeling translates real-world problems into mathematics. Your models can help people visualize data and see issues in a new way. Mathematical models can represent just about everything by utilizing equations, graphs, and other tools. This skill can be applied across several industries.

What are the applications of mathematical modeling?

The practical applications of modeling can be found in manufacturing, analytics and forecasting, finance and investment management, and insurance markets. Mathematical modeling is an extremely versatile concept. Those that know their math fundamentals can always dream up new applications for their talent.

What is continuous model?

Continuous modeling is used on a continuous set of data. These models also use differential equations. A continuous model can represent a variable like fluid inside a system or temperature. The modeler makes assumptions as to what influences their data. They also create equations to fit their assumptions and then verify their hypothesis using tests.

What is implicit model?

The implicit model is a mathematical representation across a volume. It has an infinitely-fine resolution and is considered a breakthrough in geographic modeling. This model has saved researchers much time in creating physical surfaces.

Why is modeling important?

Modeling helps you analyze problems concerning more than one factor or variable. This is needed to describe complex, real-life issues. Universal implementation. This field can help in disciplines like economics, biology, engineering, and many more.

How long does it take to become a math modeler?

First, you can enroll in a bachelor’s degree program, which takes around three years to complete. Or you can opt for a master’s degree program which takes one to two years to finish. However, there are multiple independent courses to help you understand mathematical modeling.

Why are mathematical models important?

Mathematical models can help check if a hypothesis is correct or if a researcher should return to their drawing board. Forecasting trends in a system. This tool also helps study patterns and predict how a system will behave. Relative comparison.

Modeling with Mathematics

Harness and integrate the math skills you’ve learned in school while exploring their applications and interconnectedness in-depth in this unique mathematics modeling course. Through course materials, assignments, and class activities, you’ll work to solve interesting problems using techniques taught in Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, and Geometry.

Technical Requirements

This course requires a computer with high-speed Internet access and an up-to-date web browser such as Chrome or Firefox. You must be able to communicate with the instructor via email. Visit the Technical Requirements and Support page for more details.

About Mathematics at CTY

Our online Mathematics courses—spanning elementary through college-level curricula—cover a wide range of topics, from algebra and geometry to chess, cryptology, and AP Calculus and are guided by expert instructors. You’ll join group sessions with classmates to ensure you stay on track with challenging course content.

New math enrichment courses available!

Explore our new math enrichment courses, including Excursions in Pre-algebra, Mathematical Modeling, and Introduction to Logic and Proofs.

Join the exciting world of competitive math

Participate in the High School Math Club or enroll in 7 IP courses: Math Olympiad for Elementary School Students, Middle School Competitive Math I, Middle School Competitive Math II, Middle School Competitive Math III, Competitive Mathematics Prep, Competitive Mathematics I, Competitive Mathematics II.

Meet our Mathematics Instructors

I am so excited when students are able to persevere and decode a very challenging cipher in the course! I love that Cryptology teaches patience and dedication, and that mathematics is so much more than just the study of numbers and equations.

Introduction to Bioconductor

The structure, annotation, normalization, and interpretation of genome scale assays.

Advanced Bioconductor

Learn advanced approaches to genomic visualization, reproducible analysis, data architecture, and exploration of cloud-scale...

Case Studies in Functional Genomics

Perform RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq, and DNA methylation data analyses, using open source software, including R and Bioconductor.

Mathematical Modelling Basics

Apply mathematics to solve real-life problems. Make a mathematical model that describes, solve and validates your problem. Improve your model.

About this course

How do populations grow? How do viruses spread? What is the trajectory of a glider? Many real-life problems can be described and solved by mathematical models.

What you'll learn

To follow the process of the mathematical modelling cycle: formulate a real-life problem, construct an appropriate mathematical model, calculate solutions and validate the results.


Introduction to the cycle of mathematical modelling. We will start describing a population of fish by a differential equation.

Learner testimonials

"Why do I need mathematics is no longer a question for me. So many phenomena and problems can be modelled using mathematics. I really enjoyed making a model to describe how the virus we studied spread. Every engineering or science student should take this course!"

What is a Mathematical Model Used for?

What is a mathematical model used for? Mathematical models are used in nearly every field of mathematics, but what is model in math? A model in math can be different depending on the type of model or what the model is describing, and some of the uses of mathematical models are:


Equations are mathematical statements that relate different aspects of a system. They are numerical descriptions that make it possible to understand how the parts of a system work together. For example, recall the kinematic equation from Example 1.


An equation writes the relationship between quantities, and a graph is a visual representation of that relationship. There are many different types of graphs, and graphs are commonly used mathematical models for data analysis because it is possible to visualize a system without knowing how all of the pieces fit together.


Mathematical Modelling

  • Created by skilled professors of Harvard Business School, this comprehensive program is designed to help you understand how mathematical models can be used to predict data and make future decisions in every aspect of our life. Taking up this prospectus will introduce you to math…
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Introduction to Mathematical Modelling

  • This is a practical program designed to help you get introduced to mathematical modeling and its various components used for predictive analysis. The program is created in coordination with the Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, which means you’ll be learning from an experienced faculty. Joining this program will introduce you to discrete-time linear models for population dyn…
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Big Data: Mathematical Modelling by Queensland University of Technology

  • If you want to learn how mathematical modeling methods can be utilized to analyze big data, this course can be of great help. Created in collaboration with the Queensland University of Technology, this free course will help you understand mathematics underpins extensive data analysis for future predictions and decision-making. You’ll get introduced to key mathematical c…
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Mathematical Modelling Basics

  • This is an entry-level tutorial designed to help you learn about the basics of mathematical modeling and how you can use it to analyze a problem, format it as a mathematical model, calculate solutions and validate your results. The program is categorized into three learning modules, each of which focuses on covering essential topics related to mathematical modeling…
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Top Mathematical Model Courses

  • If the above courses and programs are not enough for you to learn mathematical modelling, this set of practices can help you find the best course. Coursera offers a comprehensive list of mathematical modelling courses and tutorials to help you select the best program. These classes are prepared by some of the top-rated universities, such as Johns Hopkins University, Imperial C…
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​​What Is Mathematical Modeling?

  • Mathematical modeling describes systems using math methodologies. Quite a few fields use mathematical modeling to describe concepts and visualize predictions--engineering, the natural sciences, and social science, to name a few. Using math to visualize real-world data provides researchers and developers with better observation and validation tools. It can help with optimiz…
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Learning About Mathematical Models

  • ​edX offers courses designed in partnership with leading thinkers in the field of mathematics and analytics. Students explore courses for free for personal growth and collaborate with like-minded peers from around the world. edX also offers official tracks. Once students pay the fee, they receive lifetime access to the course and its materials, along with official grades and progress r…
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Mathematical Modeling Courses and Certificates

  • Students can participate in a variety of mathematics courses on the modeling of real-world problems. High Dimensional Data Analysis from HarvardX offers training in several mathematical techniques for this type of data, including clustering, heat maps, and dimension reduction. Purdue University offers Probability: Basic Concepts & Discrete Random V...
See more on edx.org

Learn Mathematical Modeling with Edx

  • edX offers training in the types of models that shed light on big data. Students participating in mathematical modeling courses can work in fields like public health, research new drug delivery in biotech, or just study the world around them on their own time. Mathematical modeling forms the foundation of neural networks and can examine datasets to determine the best course of action …
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