what are pros/cons of switching the relation to course "has-a" section instead?

by Prof. Woodrow Schulist 7 min read

What are the disadvantages of changing curriculum?

Disadvantages of the Curriculum Based Method: Children may lose their natural enthusiasm for learning because the textbooks are not interesting enough and there are too many drills involved; resulting in stress for the whole family. Buying a complete curriculum can be quite pricey.Oct 7, 2008

What are the pros and cons of alternative learning system?

The Pros and Cons of Alternative DiplomasPro: alternative schools meet a need. ... Con: college admissions can be tougher on alternative school graduates. ... Pro: alternative schools offer more individualized instruction and learning plans. ... Con: alternative schools often have a negative connotation.Sep 7, 2020

What are the pros and cons of university?

Should I Go to University? A List of Pros and ConsYou'll be able to secure specialised jobs. ... You'll earn more money. ... You'll develop transferrable skills. ... You'll broaden your mind. ... You'll gain expertise in your favourite subject. ... You'll hone your research skills. ... You'll have access to networking opportunities.More items...•Dec 24, 2021

What modifications would you recommend to curriculum planners that would accommodate these learners?

Other modifications may involve changing the way that material is presented or the way that students respond to show their learning....Materials.providing audiotaped lectures or books.giving copies of teacher's lecture notes.using large print books, Braille, or books on CD (digital text)

What are the advantages of alternative learning system?

For at-risk students, Alternative Education has the potential to offer a smaller and more personalized environment in which to learn and form strong connections with school staff and peers. Alternative Education may present a different pathway in which to achieve educational success and to earn a high school diploma.Jan 17, 2018

What are the advantages of alternative teaching?

Benefits of an Alternative SchoolPersonalized, skill-based instruction.Non-graded learning.Integrated curriculum.Enrichment within and beyond the classroom.Education outside the school's walls: community as laboratory learning.Jan 9, 2017

What are the cons of university?

ConsYou may not gain technical skills. ... You may not get employability skills. ... Contact time is less than at school. ... You'll leave with a lot of debt. ... You will be committing at least three years of your life. ... You're not guaranteed a graduate job. ... Lifetime earnings can be higher with an apprenticeship.

What are the cons of college?

List of the Cons of Going to CollegeYou must graduate with a degree to earn the benefits listed above. ... The financial burden of going to college is exceptionally high in the United States. ... There may not be a financial benefit to earning a degree for some students. ... It may not help to improve your intelligence.More items...•Apr 25, 2019

What are the advantages of studying at university?

10 Benefits of Having a College DegreeIncreased Access to Job Opportunities. ... Preparation for a Specialized Career. ... Increased Marketability. ... Increased Earning Potential. ... Economic Stability. ... Networking Opportunities. ... A Pathway to Advancement. ... Personal Growth and Improved Self-Esteem.More items...•Jan 9, 2020

What benefits are gained by students from teachers modifying the curriculum?

Creating Lifelong Critical Thinkers. ... Creating Curriculum with Meaning and Purpose. ... Creating an Environment of Deep Thinkers. ... Introducing Students to Blogging While Improving Their Writing Quality. ... Empowering Teachers Across All Content Areas to Teach Literacy. ... Getting Students Rolling on Needed Coding Skills.More items...•Feb 22, 2016

How are accommodations different from modifications of curriculum planning?

Accommodations allow a student to learn the same material, but in a different way. Modifications change what a student is taught or expected to learn.

What modifications are needed in curriculum?

King-Sears identified four types of curriculum modification: (a) accommodation, (b) adaptation, (c) parallel curriculum outcomes, and (d) overlapping curricula on a continuum.

What is Schoology Learning?

Schoology aims to combine as many parts of the learning process as possible into a single platform for K-12 students. By doing this they aim to sim...

What are Schoology Learning's top competitors?

Canvas, Edmodo, and Google Classroom are common alternatives for Schoology Learning.

What is Schoology Learning's best feature?

Reviewers rate Assignments highest, with a score of 7.7.

Who uses Schoology Learning?

The most common users of Schoology Learning are from Mid-sized Companies (51-1,000 employees) and the Education Management industry.

What are the pros and cons of ethical principles?

The Pros And Cons Of Ethical Principles In The Workplace. The pros and cons of your primary ethical principle are based on doing what is right or wrong and may influence the importance of trust and good relationships within an organization. According to Kinicki & Williams, ethics are standards of right or wrong that influence behavior;

What is the difference between integrity and ethics?

Ethics is define d as being concerned with judgements involved in the moral decision, whether it is good or bad, true and fair (Velasquez 1999); whereas, integrity is defined as the honesty and having strong moral principles in reporting. The purpose of this assignment is to find out and understand how importance of ethics ...

What are the ethical principles of leadership?

Therefore, core values of an organization must always be exemplified by ethical leaders. Two key principles of ethical leadership include integrity and respect.

Why is organizational culture important?

Organizational culture is a significant effect on how employees view commitment, and how values and philosophy guide the employees’ performance in the organization. However, the employee commitment is important to ensure the successful implementation of the organizational plans and policies. Read More.

What is ethics in management?

According to Kinicki & Williams, ethics are standards of right or wrong that influence behavior; according to those behaviors ethical standards are accepted as right or wrong (Kinicki & Williams, 2012). In today’s working society, management has the tools to supply for the organization for which its values rely upon.

Why is integrity important in business?

Integrity in business is very helpful in the ways of build on trust in all business relationship and to get a better reputation for the public. Read More.

What is utilitarian approach?

The utilitarian approach: For the greatest good, 2. the individual…show more content…. However, ethical behavior and social responsibility pay off financially: Pros: 1. Effect on customers; customers preferred to purchase product and services from organizations with ethical business practices and higher in price, 2.

What are the pros and cons of schoology?

Pros and Cons. Schoology allows for collaborating and sharing of resources. It is vital for teachers to have the opportunity to collaborate and write engaging curriculum. This platform allows for teachers to participate in this effort any-time/any- place.

Why is Schoology important?

It allows students to keep resources and school materials available online, at any time. It provides students opportunities to engage in online tasks and discussions in a very engaging way. Schoology is very accessible, with a friendly interface, and provides mobile apps that are easy to use.

What is a schoology?

Schoology, now a PowerSchool Unified Classroom product, is a learning management system (LMS). The Basic Package is free for instructors and includes features such as an Academic Activity Dashboard, Instructional Tools and a Native Document Grader.

What are the disadvantages of having a baby in a hospital?

The arrival of a baby is a unique and special moment, not only for the mother but also for the people around her, such as family and friends, and one of the disadvantages of having a birth in a hospital is that they limit the number of visits during the day and the number of people allowed to be present at the birth.

What is the negative point of birth centers?

Another negative point of the birth centers is that controlling a severe bleeding can be a problem. A pregnancy may have been perfect and uncomplicated during the 9 months of gestation, but predicting how everything will turn out in labor is complicated, especially when we talk about bleeding.

Why are epidurals not available in birth centers?

True! Epidurals are not available in birth centers because these centers have a philosophy that natural childbirth is the best option and drugs can affect the fetus. Midwives motivate mothers through the arduous process and help them cope with contractions with other natural methods that "do not compromise the health of the baby."

How long do you stay at home after a childbirth?

These centers offer between 6 to 8 hours of stay, for that reason they always recommend spending most of the time at home when the birth process has begun so that when parents arrive at the center, the mothers are close to full dilation. While in hospitals you can enter at the time the birthing process begins, and after giving birth they leave the mothers under observation until a doctor approves their departure from the hospital.

Why do birth centers have water?

According to experts, the baby develops in a sac full of amniotic fluid, so giving birth in a similar environment is more benevolent for the baby and less stressful for the mother, thus reducing stress during labor, and also helps to reduce the risk of complications

What is a birthing center?

Usually birthing centers include equipped kitchens so couples and their guests can prepare the food they want. The rooms are equipped with a large bathtub, and often include a separate guest room, which allows the mother certain moments of privacy, especially if she has other children.

Does water help with energy?

Moreover, it has been shown that water helps to increase the energy of women, in addition to the fact that floating promotes greater efficiency in uterine contractions as well as promotes blood circulation which results in better oxygenation for both mother and baby.

What is the difference between day shift and night shift?

The day shift is the body clock friendly shift, where there is always help available and there is a better chance of showing off your skills to management. Whereas, night shift typically brings financial reward, is great for the night owls and you’ll never get stuck in traffic again. As an emergency nurse working a rotating roster, ...

When to park car in no standing zone?

If you want to park your car in the no-standing zone between 8 pm – 6 am, go for it. None of this catching the work shuttle bus or having to take the train to work.

How to fight fatigue at night?

To fight nighttime fatigue, having the right snacks on hand can help boost your energy and keep you feeling alert, focused, and buzzing all night long. For shift workers pulling these late night and... Continue Reading. link to I Work Night Shift, But Don't Want Low Testosterone. Help.

Is it better to work day or night shift?

Day Shift Is Better for Your Health. Night shift totally and utterly confuses your body clock, putting you at a higher risk for some pretty dire health conditions. Yes, all shift workers are at risk of Shift Work Sleep Disorder (SWSD), but working night shift is a little worse because of the higher chance of sleep deprivation.