what are non-course requirements gsu

by Aimee Crona 6 min read

What are the admission requirements for Georgia State University?

Apr 11, 2022 · Core Curriculum Requirements. Return to: 1400 University Degree Requirements and Graduation. Georgia State University requires all students seeking an associate’s or bachelor’s degree to satisfactorily complete a basic core of general education subjects. Georgia State’s core curriculum provides students with a broad background in general education and …

What are the requirements for non-RCB electives at Georgia State?

College of Arts & Sciences - Georgia State University

What types of degrees are offered at Georgia State University?

Apr 12, 2022 · Requests for exceptions to the maximum course load of 18 semester hours will be considered by the University Advisement Center or the Office of Academic Assistance of a student’s college if the student has completed a course load of 15 semester hours in some previous semester at Georgia State University with a grade point average of at least 3.00 for …

What is the core curriculum at Georgia State University?

Feb 06, 2020 · Requirements Candidates must possess a minimum of 5 credit passes in relevant subjects which must include English Language and mathematics at GCE O’Level, WASCE, SSCE, NECO or approved equivalents at not more than 2 sittings.

What is non course milestone?

Milestones are non-course related but vital requirements a student must complete toward degree progress to graduate. After you define milestones, they can be assigned to students, and staff can track the student's completions of milestones and attempts to fulfill them, through the Student Milestones component.

What are the requirements for gsu?

What is the average score and GPA for an admitted freshman?High School Core GPA3.2 – 3.7SAT (Verbal + Math only)950 – 1160ACT (Composite)20 – 25

Is D passing in gsu?

D: Passing. A grade of D, while earning credit hours, will not apply toward the degree in courses requiring a grade of C or higher. Georgia State University will allow no more than 12 semester hours of D grades to apply toward degree requirements.

How many credit hours do you need to graduate from gsu?

60-89 HOURS Your advisor assists you in evaluating your academic and personal goals and helps calculate your successful progression to graduation and beyond.

Can I get into Georgia State with a 3.0 GPA?

What GPA do you need to get into Georgia State University? Applicants require above average high school grades to get into Georgia State....Typical High School Grades.High School GPAFreshmen Within RangeCompetitiveness3.75+14%Good3.50 to 3.7520%Good3.25 to 3.5026%Avg +3.00 to 3.2525%Avg -4 more rows

Is Georgia State University an HBCU?

Georgia is home to ten HBCUs: Albany State University, Clark Atlanta University, Fort Valley State University, Interdenominational Theological Center, Morehouse College, Morehouse School of Medicine, Morris Brown College, Paine College, Savannah State University, and Spelman College.

Is a 60 failing?

Grades A-F in United States However, there are some schools that consider a C the lowest passing grade, so the general standard is that anything below a 60% or 70% is failing, depending on the grading scale. In college and universities, a D is considered to be an unsatisfactory passing grade.

What is a failing grade in Georgia?

A: 90 - 100. B: 80 - 89. C: 70 - 79. F: 69 and below. Grades at or above seventy percent (70%) are considered passing.

What is a 70 grade in Georgia?

GRADE QUALITY POINT. A = 90 -100 = 4.0. B = 80 - 89 = 3.0. C = 70 - 79 = 2.0.

How do I graduate from gsu?

Apply for graduation through your PAWS account at paws.gsu.edu. Instructions and information can be found on the Office of the Registrar website at registrar.gsu.edu/graduation. You must apply for graduation TWO SEMESTERS in advance.

What are the graduation requirements for high school in Georgia?

The State of Georgia requires students to accumulate a minimum of 23 credit units in order to be awarded a high school diploma. Homeschool students are not required to comply with this requirement, and very often accumulate more than 23 credits.

What is considered full time at gsu?

12 credit hoursUndergraduate students are considered full time when they are enrolled in at least 12 credit hours applicable toward their degree.

1330.05 Office of the Registrar

Located on each campus. See the Registrar’s website ( registrar.gsu.edu/assistance) for specific locations.

1330.10 Registration Procedures

Students may not attend a course unless they have registered and paid for that course. Each semester students should go online for detailed information concerning the enrollment and registration process. Registration information can be found on registrar.gsu.edu and by accessing PAWS (Panther Access to Web Services) at paws.gsu.edu.

1330.12 Registration Notifications When Returning to Georgia State

All students must notify the Office of Undergraduate Admissions prior to registering if the student has attended another school since last attending Georgia State. The student must have an official transcript of credits sent from the school he or she attended.

1330.15 Registration Time-Ticket Assignments

Students who are eligible to register will be given a registration time-ticket assignment approximately two weeks before registration begins. Students can find their registration time-ticket assignments by accessing PAWS at paws.gsu.edu.

1330.18 Late Registration

Registrations are considered late once the semester has begun. During late registration, access is on a first-come, first-served basis. It is important that students register prior to the semester beginning in order to have the best opportunity to enroll in courses needed for degree completion.

1330.25 Audit Status

Enrolled students who wish to audit a course must get approval from the Academic Department offering the course by submitting a Class Audit Request in PAWS. Students should not pre-register for courses they wish to audit. Any tuition and fees for auditing a class are assessed just as they are for courses taken for credit.

1330.30 Course Load

Full-time Course Load: To be certified as full-time students, students must carry a minimum of 12 semester hours. However, a course load of 30 semester hours per year is required in order to complete an undergraduate degree program in four years.

What are the learning outcomes of a major?

Learning outcomes are the goals students achieve in their programs of study. They represent the knowledge, skills and attitudes that students should gain to successfully complete the requirements of a course, major, and degree. A special set of general learning outcomes cover the goals for all students at the University. Students begin mastery of the University’s learning outcomes in the core (first two years of study) and continue to develop these skills throughout their major. The learning outcomes for all students are:

How many hours of area E can I take in PolS 1101?

Students who satisfy the requirements of Section 1, United States Politics and History, by examination and choose not to take Hist 2110 and PolS 1101 must select two additional courses from Section 3, Social Science Foundations. No student may take more than six hours in Area E from any one department.

Does Georgia State University require a baccalaureate degree?

Georgia State University requires all students seeking a baccalaureate degree to satisfactorily complete a basic core of general education subjects. Georgia State’s core curriculum provides students with a broad background in general education and reflects the special mission of this university as an urban research institution with an international, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural focus. Because of ongoing evaluation changes may occur in the core curriculum. Every attempt will be made to notify students when these changes occur.

What is well organized communication?

Students produce well-organized communication that exhibits logical thinking, demonstrates appropriate style for circumstance and audience, meets conventional standards of usage, and acknowledges the use of information sources when necessary. Students demonstrate comprehension of written material: purpose, message, and rhetorical situation.

How many hours of D do I need to get into Georgia State University?

Georgia State University will allow no more than 12 semester hours of D grades to apply toward degree requirements of a baccalaureate program of study. This 12 semester hours includes both credit completed at Georgia State (resident credit) and transfer credit. Certain degree programs may designate a lesser number of D grades as acceptable. Consult your college’s chapter of this catalog for stricter requirements.

Can I graduate with an incomplete grade?

No student may graduate with a grade of “I” (Incomplete) on his or her record for that degree program. All permanent grades for incomplete grades and grade changes for previous semesters should be received in the Office of the Registrar, Academic Records, in writing at least one week prior to the end of classes for the term. It is the student’s responsibility to see to it that incomplete grades are properly recorded in the appropriate offices by this deadline.

What do students learn in science?

Students demonstrate understanding of the physical universe, the nature of science, and the scientific method, and/or understand and apply mathematical concepts and reasoning using verbal, numeric, graphical or symbolic forms.


As one of the oldest and largest professions in health care, nursing is a critical component of patient care. Nurses are patients’ primary caregivers and represent independent and collaborative care of individuals, families, and communities. Nurses are lifelong caregivers seeing patients throughout their lifespan in illness and health.


The information shared provides an overview of Georgia State’s offerings. For details on admissions requirements, tuition, courses and more, refer to the university catalogs.

Ready to Apply?

Begin the process by creating an online account and submitting your $25 application fee.

Important Points

Non-degree seeking students are not eligible for financial aid. However, VA benefits may apply.


Contact Office of Admissions via email, [email protected], or phone, 708.534.4490.
