what are examples of tools in this course that support reflection? wgu

by Jevon Frami 5 min read

Why do you need to complete competency units at WGU?

WGU assigns competency units to each course in order to track your progress through the program. A competency unit is equivalent to one semester credit of learning. Some courses may be assigned 3 competency units while others may be as large as 12 competency units.

How many competency units are you required to register and enroll in each term at WGU?

We call this on-time progress, a measure that shows you are on track and making progress toward on-time graduation. As full-time students, graduate students must enroll in at least 8 competency units each term, and undergraduate students must enroll in at least 12 competency units each term.

Does WGU have credit hours?

Each of your courses will be assigned competency units – one competency unit is equivalent to one semester credit hour. You will be expected to complete a minimum of 12-13 competency units per term to stay on track. Terms at WGU are six months long.

What happens if you don't pass a class at WGU?

If you exhaust all your attempts, you may retake the entire course but all previous course work will be reset. Contact a Student Advisor if you need to request a course retake.

How does WGU competency work?

Competency-based education at WGU puts the student in the driver's seat of their education. Efficient: Education pathways are focused on learning not seat time. Students are able to spend time on areas where they need more understanding and accelerate where they already have knowledge.

Are WGU degrees real?

Western Governors University is not a diploma mill. The non-profit online school is regionally accredited, and its employment rate after graduation is 81%, which is higher than the national average of 74%. Millcreek, Utah-based WGU also appears on various college rankings by legit ranking sites.

Do college credits expire after 20 years?

Generally speaking, college credits do not expire. However, several factors—including the age of those credits—will influence whether or not they are eligible for transfer into a particular program. It is important to remember that every institution has its own transfer credit policies.

What is my GPA at WGU?

Does WGU have GPA? WGU students do not get letter-grades or a GPA as part of their degree program. Instead students either pass or do not pass a course.

What is WGU assessment?

Assessments at WGU are developed using a rigorous process that conforms to accreditation requirements and professional testing standards. WGU relies upon an Assessment Program Council, comprising leading test experts. This process yields high-quality exams, reliable scores, and supports valid conclusions about each student’s level of competence.

What is assessment in WGU?

The Assessments. As a WGU student, you will be required to demonstrate your mastery of competencies in a variety of ways. An assessment may be a traditional test, a project, an essay, or another practical demonstration of a required skill. Assessments can take many forms. Here are some examples from various programs:

What is WGU academic?

WGU’s academic approach is competency-based and dedicated to producing highly competent graduates. Instead of basing progress on credit hours and seat time in the classroom (physical or virtual), WGU awards degrees by measuring students' demonstrated skills and knowledge (competencies) in specific subject areas.

What is a COS in WGU?

Your degree program at WGU is composed of a number of Courses of Study (COS). Each Course of Study contains all of the necessary components for competency development in each subject area, including:

Do you have to complete all coursework?

You aren't required to complete all coursework, you don't have to move through the material in a set order, and you can attempt an assessment at any point. Every detail is laid out for you at the beginning of a course—you'll know what to expect, what resources are available, and what is required to pass the course.

Textbook Exercises

What do you feel are some good examples of life management strategies?

D024 Documents

What do you feel are some good examples of life management strategies?