what affects the course of a hurricane?

by Geo Gorczany IV 8 min read

In general, hurricanes are steered by global winds. The prevailing winds that surround a hurricane, also known as the environmental wind field, are what guide a hurricane along its path. The hurricane propagates in the direction of this wind field, which also factors into the system's propagation speed.

Full Answer

What affects the path of a hurricane?

While each storm makes its own path, the movement of every hurricane is affected by a combination of factors, as described below. In the tropics, where hurricanes form, easterly winds called the trade winds steer a hurricane towards the west.

What are the factors that make a hurricane more powerful?

1 More Precipitation. A hurricane’s ability to produce rain is affected by the temperature of the air and ocean water. ... 2 Stronger Winds. There’s evidence that over this century anthropogenic climate change will cause more intense tropical cyclones globally. 3 Sea Level Rise and Vulnerability. ...

What is the most devastating effect of a hurricane?

One of the most devastating effects of a hurricane is the storm surge. A storm surge is an abnormal rise in the level of water that reaches land that is associated with a hurricane. As a hurricane's winds rotate over the ocean, they push water into a mound at the center of the storm.

What happens to objects during a hurricane?

Objects such as signs, roofing material and small items left outside become flying missiles in hurricanes. This often results in flooding causing damage to houses, excessive erosion and landslides, especially where unstable soil exists.

What factors affect hurricane?

These are the top 3 factors for hurricane developmentWarm ocean water. First off, think of hurricanes as a massive heat engine, transferring heat energy from the surface of the ocean and releasing it into the atmosphere. ... Wind shear. ... Moisture content.

What are the 4 factors that affect hurricane strength?

Four Factors that Can Strengthen Tropical CyclonesSea surface temperatures warmer than 79 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius)Low vertical wind shear.Warm moist air.Ocean area along the projected storm track.

What are 3 conditions necessary for a hurricane to form?

Thunderstorms, warm ocean water and light wind are needed for a hurricane to form (A). Once formed, a hurricane consists of huge rotating rain bands with a center of clear skies called the eye which is surrounded by the fast winds of the eyewall (B).

What 3 things cause damage in a hurricane?

The major hazards associated with hurricanes are:storm surge and storm tide.heavy rainfall and inland flooding.high winds.rip currents.tornadoes.

What causes a hurricane to weaken?

As less moisture is evaporated into the atmosphere to supply cloud formation, the storm weakens. Sometimes, even in the tropical oceans, colder water churned up from beneath the sea surface by the hurricane can cause the hurricane to weaken (see Interaction between a Hurricane and the Ocean).

What causes a hurricane to strengthen?

As the air far above the sea rushes upward, even more warm moist air spirals in from along the surface to replace it. As long as the base of this weather system remains over warm water and its top is not sheared apart by high-altitude winds, it will strengthen and grow.

What are 5 main factors needed for a hurricane to form?

Warm ocean waters and thunderstorms fuel power-hungry hurricanes.A pre-existing weather disturbance: A hurricane often starts out as a tropical wave.Warm water: Water at least 26.5 degrees Celsius over a depth of 50 meters powers the storm.Thunderstorm activity: Thunderstorms turn ocean heat into hurricane fuel.More items...•

What major factors affect if and when a storm will form?

The conditions of their development are relatively well known; the most common causes are high surface water temperature, low level convergence, lack of wind shear and unstable vertical stratification.

What influences the overall path a hurricane travels?

In general, hurricanes are steered by global winds. The prevailing winds that surround a hurricane, also known as the environmental wind field, are what guide a hurricane along its path. The hurricane propagates in the direction of this wind field, which also factors into the system's propagation speed.

What part of hurricane causes most damage?

Hurricanes can be broken down into four quadrants and while all sides are dangerous, the most destructive is the right front quadrant. This is due to the forward motion contributing to the rotation of the storm. This side of the storm tends to have higher winds, higher storm surge, seas, and the highest rainfall.

What causes the most destruction in a hurricane?

When most people think about hurricanes, they think about the wind. But it's the water that usually does the most damage. While torrential rain causes flash flooding, it's the hurricane's storm surge that can be particularly destructive.

What was the worst hurricane in history?

GalvestonUnited StatesRankHurricaneSeason1"Galveston"19002"San Ciriaco"18993Maria20174"Okeechobee"19287 more rows

How do hurricanes affect people?

Hurricanes can cause loss of life, injuries, and catastrophic damage to property due to flooding and wind damage. The extent of damage varies according to the size and wind intensity of the storm, the amount and duration of storm surge and/or rainfall, the path of the storm, the area impacted, and other factors. Hurricanes can cause power, water, and gas outages; disrupt transportation routes and commercial supplies; damage to infrastructure and lifelines; pollute drinking water systems; damage homes, buildings, and roads; and cause environmental problems. The impact from hurricanes can extend several hundred miles inland.

How many deaths were caused by the 59 storms?

The number of indirect deaths associated with the 59 storms was 1,418 individuals, they found 44% of the total number of fatalities, and the number of indirect deaths (1,418) is almost as large as the number of direct deaths ...

How much did Hurricane Andrew cost?

For the period 1900-2004, hurricane mortality for the United States was approximately 15,000…Prior to Hurricane Katrina (preliminary cost, $100 billion), Hurricane Andrew was the most expensive disaster event in the United States ($35.6 billion). A recent menace along the eastern coast of the U.S., Hurricane Sandy, in 2012, was the largest reported hurricane arising in the Atlantic and was estimated to result in a cost of $60 billion, including $20 billion in property damages and with at least 110 fatalities.” [11] (Hurricane Sandy was a physically large, but not high-intensity storm.

What is the most common cause of indirect death?

Among indirect deaths cause of death was less frequently reported however trauma was the most common cause of indirect death followed by motor vehicle accidents, carbon monoxide poisoning, fires or burns, and electrocution.”. [1]

What are the main wind fields that affect hurricanes?

The persistent easterly trade winds in the tropics (~0 to 30°N and ~0 to 30°S) and the Westerlies in the mid-latitudes are the Earth’s major wind fields that impact hurricane movement. Image provided by the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

Why do hurricanes drift northwestward?

In addition to the steering flow by the environmental wind, a hurricane drifts northwestward (in the Northern Hemisphere) due to a process called beta drift, which arises because the strength of the Coriolis force increases with latitude for a given wind speed.

What is the movement of a hurricane from one location to another called?

The movement of a hurricane from one location to another is known as hurricane propagation. In general, hurricanes are steered by global winds. The prevailing winds that surround a hurricane, also known as the environmental wind field, are what guide a hurricane along its path. The hurricane propagates in the direction of this wind field, ...

What direction does a hurricane go when it hits the mid-latitudes?

Once a hurricane reaches further north and enters the mid-latitudes, the environmental wind field usually becomes southwesterly or westerly, often around the western side of a high pressure system and east of a trough of low pressure, causing the hurricane to recurve to the right and accelerate towards the north, northeast, or east.

Where do hurricanes propagate?

If the high is positioned to the east, then hurricanes generally propagate northeastward around the high’s western edge into the open Atlantic Ocean without making landfall. However, if the high is positioned to the west and extends far enough to the south, storms are blocked from curving north and forced to continue west, ...

What is the name of the wind that steers a hurricane towards the west?

In the tropics, where hurricanes form, easterly winds called the trade winds steer a hurricane towards the west.

What are the effects of a hurricane?

Strong winds that come with a hurricane can uproot trees, knock over power lines and damage buildings. Some intense hurricanes can also trigger tornadoes, which are localized and violent whirling winds that occur over land characterized by funnel-shaped clouds . Another effect of hurricanes is the heavy flooding.

What happens when a hurricane hits land?

When a hurricane strikes land, it brings with it heavy rains and strong winds. We already learned that wind is one of the effects of hurricanes and that wind speed is what allows us to categorize hurricanes. Strong winds that come with a hurricane can uproot trees, knock over power lines and damage buildings.

How fast do hurricanes travel?

Hurricanes are tropical storms with constant winds of 74 mph or greater. They gather energy as they cross over warm ocean waters. These warm waters provide the warm, moist air that the hurricane uses as fuel.

What is the wind speed of a hurricane?

Hurricanes are strong storms with sustained winds of more than 74 mph. There are 5 categories based on wind speed, with a Category 1 hurricane creating the least damage and a Category 5 creating the most.

How does a hurricane work?

These warm waters provide the warm, moist air that the hurricane uses as fuel. As the warm air rises, it creates an area of low pressure near the surface of the ocean that pulls in converging winds from all directions. These winds get warmed and then spiral upward as the tropical storm strengthens into a hurricane.

How fast is a Category 4 hurricane?

A Category 4 hurricane has sustained winds between 131 and 155 mph, which is a speed that tops the world's fastest rollercoaster. And a Category 5 hurricane will have sustained winds over 155 mph. Category 5 hurricanes are capable of the most catastrophic damage, with winds traveling as fast as some of the fastest, high-speed trains in the world.

What is the term for the rise of water in a hurricane?

A storm surge is an abnormal rise in the level of water that reaches land that is associated with a hurricane. As a hurricane's winds rotate over the ocean, they push water into a mound at the center of the storm. When the hurricane reaches land, its winds push the mound of water onto the shore, creating the storm surge.

Why does water rise faster during a hurricane?

Water starts to rise as the storm approaches and continues to rise faster as the centre of the hurricane nears the coast. The stronger the hurricane and the shallower the offshore water the higher and more powerful the surge will be. This can also cause rapid flooding forced evacuation and also drowning. Along the coast, storm surges are the ...

How fast can a hurricane go?

Normally between 119 km (74 mph) and 320 km (200 mph). This normally causes damage to buildings and other structures, destroys crops especially grains and uproots trees and disrupts electricity and telephone lines. Objects such as signs, roofing material and small items left outside become flying missiles in hurricanes.

What is the eye of a hurricane?

Eye of the hurricane: In the eye or centre of the hurricane, the winds are light and the skies clear or partly cloudy. Maximum force winds and torrential rains surround this calm centre of the hurricane. The passing of this quiet area signals a change of direction in the winds. That is, the destructive force of the hurricane will be coming from ...

How do hurricanes affect the environment?

When a hurricane approaches land, tremendous damage can occur to coastal cities and towns. Hurricanes impact natural environments along a coast too. Huge amounts of beach sand are moved from place to place. Even large boulders can be carried in the powerful surge of ocean water. High winds can topple trees. And low-lying areas are often flooded.

What are the hazards of a hurricane?

When a hurricane strikes a coastal area, it brings a number of serious hazards. These hazards include heavy rains, high winds, a storm surge, and even tornadoes. Storm surge pushes seawater on shore during a hurricane, flooding towns near the coast. Heavy rains cause flooding in inland places as well.

What is the term for the rising water that can submerge low-lying areas and towns along the coast?

The rising water, called storm surge , can submerge low-lying areas and towns along the coast. Combined with the crashing waves of the storm, the storm surge can cause demolishing docks, houses, roads, and erode beaches. The floods from storm surge usually lasts for a short time, usually just a few hours, but can cause a tremendous amount of damage.

How does a storm affect the sea level?

As a storm moves towards a coast, it can cause sea level to rise as much as 20 or 30 feet. Wind from the storm pushes ocean water towards the land. The low pressure of the storm also allows the water level to creep higher . The water piles up with nowhere to go but onto land when it gets to the coast.

How many people die in a hurricane a year?

Around the world, about 10,000 people die each year in hurricanes and tropical storms. While hurricanes have intense winds, waves and even tornadoes, floodwaters are their most dangerous aspect. If a hurricane is approaching the area where you live, check for hurricane warnings.

What to do if you live in an area prone to a hurricane?

Evacuate to a safe location if it is recommended. If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, consider making a hurricane safety kit. The Hurricane Preparedness web site at the U.S. National Hurricane Center offers tips on how to prepare for a hurricane.

What is the name of the computer model used to predict storm surge?

As a hurricane approaches a coastline, scientists use a computer model called SLOSH (Sea, Lake, and Overland Surges from Hurricanes) to try to predict how much storm surge will occur.

How Do Hurricanes Affect The Hydrosphere?

A hydrosphere is the portion of the earth surrounding the globe and it has three different components. The first and largest component is an ocean and seas. Second, there are groundwater bodies such as lakes, ponds, rivers, and reservoirs contained on land. Third, there are water found in ice caps and glaciers.

How Do Hurricanes Affect The Biosphere?

A biosphere is a major habitat for living organisms that live on earth. It is composed of all the ecosystems worldwide such as forests, grasslands, deserts, oceans, rivers, lakes, and mountains. Hurricane winds and rain result in the erosion of land and erosion of bodies of water.

How Do Hurricanes Affect The Lithosphere?

The lithosphere is a division of the earth that consists of the crust and upper mantle (the outermost layer). Molten rock such as lava is also called magma. When a hurricane passes over a region that has a lot of lava active, magma may erupt and cause tsunamis. This storm can also cause earthquakes if enough magma comes from beneath the surface.

How Do Hurricanes Affect The Cryosphere?

The cryosphere is the area at the earth’s poles that consists of water ice. The most common forms of ice found in the cryosphere are glaciers, ice caps, and river and lake ice. When tropical cyclones (hurricanes) approach colder climates (temperate zones), they can impact glaciers and their surroundings.

How Does Global Warming Affect Hurricanes?

There are many ways global warming affects hurricanes. First, as the ocean heats up from human actions, it becomes more acidic and can affect ecosystems such as coral reefs. This loss of biodiversity may cause extinction of species, but it is still too early to tell if this will happen.


In conclusion, hurricanes change the earth’s atmospheric, hydrospheric, biospheric, and lithospheric systems. They trigger many changes that affect human populations by reducing fresh water sources and bringing new diseases to communities.

How does a hurricane affect the weather?

A hurricane’s ability to produce rain is affected by the temperature of the air and ocean water. Warm air can hold more moisture; more moisture often leads to more rain. That’s how climate change causes wetter storms.

Why are hurricanes more intense?

Hurricane intensity is characterized by the strength of a storm’s winds. Warmer water causes hurricanes and tropical storms to become more intense, with faster wind speeds.

What will happen to storm surges during hurricanes?

Sea level rise will make storm surge flooding during hurricanes more devastating. If the global climate keeps warming, hurricanes are likely to be more intense and potentially more destructive. Storm surges and intense rainfall will cause more flooding.

How much did Hurricane Harvey increase rainfall?

In general, models show hurricane rainfall increasing by 10 to 15 percent on average by the end of the century. That means that we may see more storms like Harvey.

What happened to Hurricane Harvey?

Hurricane Harvey as seen from the International Space Station in September 2017. In 2017, Hurricane Harvey decimated the Texas coast around Houston, causing catastrophic flooding due to a record amount of rain. Harvey, which came ashore as a strong Category 4 storm, weakened and then stalled.

How much of the US population lives in coastal communities?

Thirty-nine percent of the US population lives in coastal communities putting many people directly in harm’s way because of rising seas and potentially more intense hurricanes. Sea level is predicted to rise between 29 and 82 centimeters (about one to three feet) by the end of the century as a warmer planet causes thermal expansion of the seas and melting glaciers and ice sheets according to the 2014 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Sea level rise will make storm surge flooding during hurricanes more devastating.
